Odd dream. Can someone help me?

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Odd dream. Can someone help me?

Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

Last night I have a bizare dream.

At the beginning of the dream I watched this man in a long black cloak but the front of his cloak and his face was hidden behind a feathery mask that looked like a snow owl, minus the beak.

Then I was brought into the actually picture meaning I could see my body. I was in my house and I saw my brother Colin walking into the kitchen while I was in the sitting room by the sliding door that leads to the backyard. I looked down at the floor and my bearded dragon was there. I looked out the window then and my vision went up close to the same person with the owl design. It did a clear shot of the owl mask. I looked back down and saw two similiar lizards with my bearded dragon and they were trying to gobble each other up. One was trying to eat the lower half of another while that lizard was doing the same to the other.

Out of nowhere all these lizards came out and there were tiny ones that looked puffed up with spikes and other that looked like bearded dragons. There were so many I couldn't but there looked to be about 100. Many of the tiny lizards looked dead.

Suddenly I was in my art classroom with my friends. We were drawing and I looked up and saw a long mirror and a door with large windows around it. I saw this giant clay moving figure that looked like a wolf. I kept yelling, "Look it's Morrow!!" who is from an animated movie called Princess Mononoke. It came into the room and appeared to be a horse or a horse that had human characteristics.

Well it seemed we were staying the night there((this all happened in one night in my dream starting from the owl person. It seemed like he was stalking me.)). Well someone ordered food or brought it but I think it was from Jack in the Box. I ate a hamburger and fries well I was about to until everything changed. I was in this empty lot that had one parked car. I was in a car speeding I believe at one point but I'm not to sure about that. It seemed I was following someone. I was with someone but I don't know. All I can see them as now is a tall dark mysterious person. We were crouching off to the side watching the car. For some reason it always stayed dark outside.

That's all I remember. So can someone tell me what this all means please?

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Post by [cherokeewind] »

I don't know...I've had a lot of unusual dreams myself, for the last several weeks. One thing peculiar of the two lizards trying to eat each other. It is almost like when Moses challenged the Magicians of Egypt to a magical contest. Moses is said to have thrown down his Rod, which is just another name for a Magician Staff. He is supposed to have thrown it down before Pharaoh and the staff became a snake. So, the Magicians of Pharaoh are said to have done the same. The snakes then tried to eat each other and the one owned by Moses supposedly ate the one of the Magicians. It was an omen as to who probably would be the winner. Some researchers say it was a real snake that the bones lock up when held a certain way. It sounds a little far fetched that a wood staff was turned into a snake.

You really have to spend time in meditation, to get at the meanings when the dream has magical symbolism. Those kind are often apocalyptic in nature.

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