Such a wierd dream, any thoughts?

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
Wolf Heart
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Such a wierd dream, any thoughts?

Post by Wolf Heart »

I usually don't remember a lot of my dreams very clearly, but I wrote this down as soon as I woke up so I'd remember it. I'm going to interpret this myself, but sometimes it's best when someone who doesn't know you well does it, so if anyone wants to, have at it.

I was in Tennessee with all the family that's down there(we vacation there every summer for a week), but it was like it was closer to Iowa. Almost all the people I knew were there, each staying in their own hotel room at this one large hotel. I was hanging out with Chad and we were hitting it off really well. We were getting close to one another and wanting "alone" time, but Ashlynn was there. Always at my side (as always) she wouldn't leave.

So Chad decided to push her into this large pipe thing that went god knows where. Instead of stopping him, I let him do it. I let him push my best friend into this thing, but what was wierd was right when he pushed her her face changed and she looked like Ginny (my ex best friend). I went ahead and "hung out" with Chad, soon afterwards he began to ignore me and not really care. I got scared and wanted to look for Ashlynn.

I was running out to my car when I saw her. I ran to greet her and apologize, but she was a ghost. I asked her " dead?" and she replied with "I don't know. Somehow I can still feel my body somewhere, I don't feel like I'm dead." So we jumped in my car and went out to find her body. Suddenly the dream fast forwarded and we were sitting in our hotel room with Chad and a few other people. I over heard him telling some girl that he didn't care for me at all, I was just a quick fling. I got really pissed off and, I'm not sure cause this is around when I woke up, I think I shoved him down the same pipe thing he shoved Ashlynn.
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~
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Post by Sobek »

i think that your friend is the main focus, Ashlynn if i am remembering correct. it seems that at times you feel quite smothered by her. and she seemed to be in the way of you and this guy and maybe the reason you didnt stop it in the dream is because it is trying to make you understand that you too dont want her around ALL the time. as for the ex-best friends face, maybe you betrayed her in a similar fashion(not the pipe thats just surreal lol, but in the sense where you werent open with how you felt at the currrent time) and thats why Ash reflected ex. as for the being a ghost, i dont think this has much meaning aside from the fact that it lead you back to a place where you would hear the truth straight from the horses mouth. this to me tells that ashlynn as much as you may love her she is like i said smothering you and even after you didnt stop her from being killed she still wanted to help you and you in turn wanted to help her.
i think you need to pay close attention to your feelings, and tell Ashlynn how you feel when it is needed. because i think that was what your dream was about.

can you make any sense out of this or is it just crap?
Wolf Heart
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Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:11 pm
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Post by Wolf Heart »

I forgot about this post, as I left the forums for quite awhile before coming back, heh.

After re-reading my post and yours Sobek I must say you hit the nail on the head. This dream happened long ago, and since then many things have happened with Ashlynn. She was in fact smothering me, and continued to do so for a very long time. I moved in with her for a couple months and it only got worse which led to my leaving, and then lead to me finally exploding on her and now we don't talk too much. I think in a way this is best as she has feelings for me that I could never return.

Thanks Sobek, though it is a long over-due thank you.

Blessed Be,
Wolf Heart
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~

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