dream help

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

dream help

Post by sjellis »

My dream two nights ago:

I had a dream that the boy I liked and myself were driving in his new black F150 (even though it looked like a F250 now that I think of it) but it would keep changing back and forth between a new and old truck. From the back it looked old, but to the sides it looked new. So he was driving and it felt like we were on a date. We said our goodbyes and I got out of the truck to go into my house. But I noticed that his back tire was really flat (left rear tire if it’s important) and needed air. So he started to dive off but he didn’t see me so I ran after him(but we were slow motion). He still was driving away and I wasn’t able to stop him.

I don’t know. Lately I’ve been having really weird dreams…and they all seem to have cars in them. I don’t know why but it always seems like what is happening to the car is the main focus in my dream. I’ve tried looking up stuff on cars and in the end just end up stuck because they don’t have all the ways cars can be in dreams.

can anyone help me interpret this dream?
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Post by Peregrine »

I do not know if you looked around at Whispy.com or not. There is a section up about cars right here.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
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Post by Revolpathon »

have you written down those dream's

keeping a dream journal of your dreams is very handy, especcially to see other similaritie's that you might've missed,

the only conclusion that i might pull right now is that you may be getting car trouble and you need to get a big service or something for your car, or something in that direction

Post by sjellis »

thank you for that site. i think it helped a lot. i'm still a bit confused though. hopefully i can find my answers.
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

I can remember times in my life where I had dreams about a person who could not hear or see me. It was as if I tried to tell them something important. Later on in real life, they really did stop listening or were not interested in what I had to say. At 2 different times in my life this happened, with a different person. Both situations spent much time meditating, trying to figure out the meaning of the dreams. The hardest thing to deal with in both cases, it was someone very close to me socially.
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Post by Eretik »

Cars indicate a journey.The nature of the journey is dictated by the road,car type,companions,and mood etc. To me ,it seems, you are uncertain about changing from friendship to dating with this boy,hence the car being old -the relationship you had, or new -the one you want. The uncertainty shows in the changing back and forth. It is scary, yet full of potential, but you risk losing the friendship should it not work out -the flat tyre on driving away.Just my take.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Here's another angle to consider. For me, when I dream about being in a car with someone, it usually is not about a specific journey, but a statement about the Journey of Life... something like that. When someone stops your car, it's not that they have stopped your Journey, but that they have changed things. When you are on a road trip, you stop many places but the journey isn't over until you reach your destination. Every stop changes you in some small way.

So when this girl stops your car, it could be referring to someone in your life who has needs, but is afraid to ask for help. Where do I get this? As soon as she reaches out to you, her arm turns to ash and falls off. This person is afraid that if she reaches out to you, (or anyone, I'm willing to bet) that her independence, or her ability to act, will be destroyed.

This person may see you as confident, competent... a person who can get things done. A thing or a set of things that she feels she lacks.
Or perhaps if she knows that you are a magickal practitioner, that she feels she doesn't have the magic, the luck that she needs, and feels ashamed of it.

My advice would be to offer this person help, or depending on how bad things are for this person, to arrange a gentle intervention.

That's my stab at dream interpretation.

Post by sjellis »

yeah so this dream kind of makes sense now.

at least the last part does.

i've been chasing him for the past couple weeks. and i think i'm going to stop because its getting me nowhere because he doesn't even want to try.

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