Meditation Help

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Meditation Help

Post by [Moondaughter] »

Well, I love to meditate, but I still can't find a "full proof" method that enables me to focus completely. Now, true, I am fairly new at meditation and witchcraft, but is there any advice anyone has towards meditation methods?
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Post by Revolpathon »

well personally i use sound tape's from robert monroe to learn myself to put me in the right focus, though they aren't free. it uses brain waves.

there are sound files online that i'm sure you'll be able to find that also use that or just sounds of nature, you could also stare into the flame of a candle, (and not a wild flame but a gentle one), there are millions of way's to get meditating and not 1 of them is a foolproof way since no 2 human being are the same.

just try something out, there are allot of guide's on the internet on meditation, i will name one that is very very easy.

you don't need anything for this
it's called light meditation
you close your eyes in a dark room and look at the colors forming behind you eye lids.
don't try to force certain colors or shape's to come up just watch them and relax, whil (this is optional) focusing on your intend, you could also combine meditation technique's
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Post by KaidaPyralis »

Personally, I sometimes do use a candle but mostly I just sit myself down and focus on breathing, usually listening to music, something soft, celtic normally. If my mind wanders I find it helpful to pick one word to draw it back to, to just keep it focussed. Something like..."light" or "love", or an affirmation. Just any one thing to use to focus your brain. Sometimes you can just sort of ignore the other thoughts that come in, just let them flow in and then out without holding on to them. Also if you find your mind wandering, a visualisation can help. There are lots online. Even just having a single image to hold in my head helps when my mind is racing.

The only other thing I can really say is an exercise I've seen in a few places, though I can't remember where I first read it. You focus on your breathing, and breathe in to each part of your body in turn, and then as you breathe out feel that part relaxing completely. Then at the end, you work in reverse, breathing into each part to "wake it up" again.

It's probably just a case of trying lots of things and seeing what works for you though.

Hope that helps

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Post by Ashara »

I use textures to help me meditate. I close my eyes and hold something that has an interesting texture--silk, satin, fur (a sleeping puppy is good), a water formed stone or just anything that feels good under your fingers...then you concentrate, visualize or whatever while you are smoothing your fingers over the item. It's what works best for me. But each person is unique. I hope you find what works best for you.

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