Cleansing and charging?

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Cleansing and charging?

Post by nvsilverfox »

I've been reading all these posts about cleansing and charging stones, but just don't get it.

Why would a stone need to be cleansed? Because of negative energies? How does a stone aquire negative energies?

And how, and why, does someone "charge" a stone? What does a charged stone do?

The reason I'm curious is because I've always loved clear quartz, and wear one day and night on a necklace I made.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Stones need cleansing from time to time not only because of "negative" energies but because they simply absorb alot of oil and dirt from human hands--so there is a physical reason too!! Nevertheless, crystals, like clear quartz, will usually over time return to their original electromagnetic emission, but when they are carried all the time, they lose this and thus need to be cleansed, in the sense that it will be restored to its original discharge and elsctromagnetic field. The science of this can be tough to explain. I suggest that you take off your necklace with the quartz and set your quartz in some sea salt for an hour, then wash it under running water for a few seconds, and then set it in the sun for another hour. This will restore its original power and then when its electromagnetism combines with yours it will be new for both of you. To charge a stone, one needs to set a clear intention and send that energy to the stone through intense focus, meditation and or spellcraft ritual. Something like clear quartz can be charged with the energy to amplify what is around it, or it cna be charged to clear and protect you from undesirable energies. The clearer the intention the stronger the charge. People have been doing this since Egyptian times (and perhaps earlier in Atlantis and Lemuria) so working with stones and listening to their wisdom is something very primal in all of us. Good luck tapping in! We are considered by many ET's "the quartz planet."

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Post by hedge* »

Well said bsp!
I will try to explain the science of it.....


Crystalline order is at the base of all life. A crystalline structure consists of units of energy that align themselves harmoniously with other fellow sub atomic particles, sort themselves out, form repeating rows, layers and latices according to the laws of nature. Therefore,crystal is a general term for a substance with a systematic ordered structure in a definite symmetrical pattern. They are incredibly organised with a highly organised latticework. Because of this organisation, they have an effect of organising energy feilds around them. Crystalline structures are bones, muscles, water,salt, rock, wood, gemstones and quartz. From this it can be seen that a human is a crystalline structure!

Modern physicists have affirmed that all physical form consists in essence, not of matter, but energy. Therefore the nature of physical matter is dynamic, moving and dancing. Therefore everything that exists is an external manifestation of an energy form, a vibration. We can therefore say that all crystalline structures are highly organised patterns of energy, yet each individual structure has its own vibration or frequency rate. Natural Quartz crystals have extremely high and exact rates of vibration that can be precisely manipulated to augment, store, amplify, transfer, transform and focus other rates of vibration. Beacause of these qualities quartz crystals can be used to modify thoughts, emotions, and bodies by first effecting changes on the subtle non-physical planes (the energy fields).

Quartz consists of 4 oxygen atoms plus 1 silicon atom to make one molecular unit. Groups of these units link together to form spirals of molecular units that create 3 dimensional latticework of systematic uniformity. They are 6 sided with 2 sides parallel to one another which reflects the hexagonal structure of pure quartz molecules (like a beehive!!). These 6 sides also correspond to the 6 major chakras in the trunk and head of the physical body with the point corresponding to the 7th chakra.

This structure responds in a precise and predictable way to all energy - light,heat,sound,thought waves,electricity - by the molecular units oscillating at high speeds back and forth to unite and create specific vibrations that pulse through the crystal to the surrounding environment.

The quartz crystal receives energy, processes it, then transmits the oscillations outward in precise vibration patterns. Whatever is projected in comes out in a focused and amplified way. The quartz crystal does not distinguish from dark and therefore the key is the INTENT of the person using the crystal.

Thus our journey into crystal energies is a journey into the self. The crystal is an energetic mirror to allow us to look deeply and honestly at ourselves.

Inner Crystal Voyage ( Ok I didn't explain it in my own words, but this guy does it so well!)

Does that answer your question silverfox?


Post by KalmaNyx »

I dont want to be a pain in bringing this topic back up again but Im really interested in how to charge and cleanse stones. I never knew the technique and I wear an amethyst necklace so I wondered is it the same method to cleanse and charge as stated before with quartz or does each stone have it's different ways that work best for it?
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Post by jcrowfoot »

It's more complicated than that. Feel free to try the above techniques.. I find that the same methods work equally well for any given stone, if you take into account what that stone might be sensitive to. For example, sunlight might fade your amethyst. See the "expiration" thread for more info on the sensitivity of various stones.

Also, I find that some stones have strong personalities, and they have their own preferred methods for cleansing and charging. They usually let you know what their preferences are, either by you feeling what they want from holding the stone, or by the fact that they work much better after you use a certain method. For example, I find that some of my stones work better when I cleanse them in a tea of burdock root and water, rather than salt and water. Sometimes, it depends on what you are using the stone for. So to begin, try a bunch of different ways of doing things, and through experience you figure out what works best.
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