
Post meditations or discuss consciousness exploration here.


Post by WillowMoon »

Whenever I've tried to do this I have difficulty envisioning it's actually 'me' going through the motions, sensing and feeling etc... I seem to be only observing 'myself' doing whatever the narrative states. Does anyone have any advice on how to perfect the technique, or is it just a case of practise, practise, practise?

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Post by Sercee »

Practice and concentration. Do visualization exercises. There's one that I like to use where I concentrate energy flow into a ball (not a psi ball but similar idea) and go through the colors of the rainbow in reverse. When it hits red I turn it into an apple and spend time feeling it and knowing it. I dedicate my sense of sight to see it's perfect shape. I dedicate touch to feel its smooth, almost waxy surface and to fiddle with its stem. I bite into it and I feel the juices in my mouth and taste them; I smell its perfume. I observe its new shape with the bite taken out, revealing the white fruit under the skin, then I let it dissolve and reabsorb the energy.

It's about a 10 minute exercise, I find. Do it every night or two and you'll start finding it easier to envision yourself experiencing things rather than just watching yourself.


Post by WillowMoon »

Thanks for the tip Sercee, I'll certainly give it a try!

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Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:51 pm
Gender: Female
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I find that sometimes it helps to observe sorroundings for a bit. For example, when you do your visualization, try to imagine the ways in which your own face interferes with what you see in every day life. We learn pretty early how to filter that out, but sometimes it helps to "see" your nose or the edge of your cheek on the rim of your vision so that you know that it's *you* there, and not some movie or dream.


Post by WillowMoon »

Thanks for the tip jcrowfoot. I'll certainly try this out.


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