drawing energy

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drawing energy

Post by saianalyd »

so i have heard that you can draw energy from things-{ the ground- power cords- living things-etc, etc,} well today i was in my basement and i found my old plasma lamp
i turned it on and started playing with it
well you know how the lightning in it goes toward your hand- it seemed to me maybe i could get energy from it?? well i was decided to give it a try and i think it may have worked
well anyway the glass there got all warm
i was wondering if
a) did the glass get warm because my hand was on it or because i was doing the energy thing
and b) is there a possibility that the glass could crack/break/shock me if i do this for too long and it gets really hot>?

call me paranoid but i dont wanna get zapped
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Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:06 am

Post by saianalyd »

oh and one more thing to add-
when i was trying t draw energy from it i started to feel a bit twitchy, and the feeling increased. i guess i wanted to see how far i could take it (stupid, i know) but i kept going until suddenly i felt kind of sick and drained and dizzy- pretty muck just awful. the feeling faded after about a minute but if i was drawing energy why did i feel drained when i went too far. wouldnt i feel skaky or tingly or something instead?
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Post by hedge* »

Plasma balls have that effect, the current is drawn to your hand and yes, the glass will get hotter but not hot enough to crack.

If I touch a plasma ball it makes me go all tingly and funny but that's the effect electricity has on me.
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Post by Elem »

The warmth on the glass is, as hedgewitch has correctly pointed out, just what plasma balls do :). I mean, at the end of the day.. There's plasma in there haha plasma's usually pretty hot :).

The reason you'll feel tingly is, as hedgewitch has also said, because of the electricity used to generate the plasma.. I suggest you have a read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_globe if you want to learn a bit more about what's going on inside there as far as that goes..

Also, please note the warnings that're mentioned on there.. Plasma balls may be pretty, but be careful.. Don't want any burnt fingers or for you to poison yourself from Ozone :).


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