Meditation and Stones/Crystals

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Post by Sobek »

i rarely ever ground, i quite like the afterfeelings and effects of good meditation

sodalite is also a good meditational stone.
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Post by Sercee »

[quote]Sercee? Did you ground and center both before and after the meditation? I hate to sound like a mother hen, but it sounds like something either caught up with you in the meditation or in the stones themselves. Putting up a shield also helps. I had those kinds of problems all the time until I did the whole grounding and shielding thing.

OTOH, some people don't have to and do just fine. Go figure.

You may also want to try putting some black jade under your pillow before you sleep. I have found this to ease nightmares and other things that hastle you while you are sleeping. It seems to cover all the bases for night time protection and doesn't prevent you from dreaming/astral travel. quote]

Jcrowfoot, looking back I don't think I did a ground and center at the time, but when I wrote this I was just learning how to do... any of it. I've since learned to do it, I pretty much do it naturally now as part of the meditation. I enjoy it :)

I sleep with sodalite under my pillow. I use it to help me get to sleep initially, that used to be a problem for me. But nightmares usually aren't. I've always had vivid dreams and I typically revel in them... until the other night but I'll post that in the proper section!

Thanks for your advice, though.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Sercee wrote:Heya

For those of you who use stones or crystals to aid you in meditation:

What do you do with them? Do you grasp them in your hand? Wear them in a talisman? Or just keep them close by on your altar?
I've recently been working quite close with my Amethyst. Its been under my pillow for the last week or so, it aiding me in my dreams, and boy have they been interesting, quite scary at times but I know what they're telling me, if only it was as easy as that.....
~Blessings One and All~

***Knowledge really is Power***

Post by BabyGirl131519 »

I have never been able to meditate without grounding and centering first. I wonder why you can, Sobek. It may have something to do with all the people and their problems that I encounter everyday and maybe I need to get rid of it before I can start. I basically have to ground and center before I start anything magical.
Off topic:
Enlightenment - You cannot just leave me hanging like that -

Its been under my pillow for the last week or so, it aiding me in my dreams, and boy have they been interesting, quite scary at times but I know what they're telling me, if only it was as easy as that.....

I worry for people some reason when I hear that their dreams are scary and they know that the dreams are trying to tell them something. Maybe it is because of my past, but I cannot help it. For some reason words like that worry me. I hope that everything is okay.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Hey BG :D

Thanks for your concern hun! I'm good. I've had a tough past, still working through things now but as you and me both know, there is no quick fix for anything, time is a healer so they say. My Amethyst is just helping me by showing me how things need to be fixed through dreams, and it is helping, just not always nice at times.

Sorry if I sounded a little down at the end of my previous post, didn't mean to scare anyone. Just been one of those days today, but things have picked up tonight :)

Hope you're good hun?

~Blessings One and All~

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Post by Sobek »

i can't use amethyst for dream work, i use jade, i think it's better.

and for further reference Sobek not "Sobeck"
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Jade is nice. I have been an insomniac since birth. Black jade is my jade of choice for nighttime. That and a peice of black moonstone.

I'll have to try the sodilite.

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