Developing Psychic Potential Through Meditation

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Post by Kifes42206 »

So in order to Astral project we have to learn to mediate in a way that is benifical to us and then perfect it and ease into the other things like atral profection. So does that mean thats for some very unexperienced its next to impossible to astral profect or is it possible for them to have a stroke of like and do it right away? I was just wondering because i have been trying to do it for some time now and i feel like i've gotten nowhere, so pretty much even though i feel like that i have gotten somewhere and just need to keep going to get results? Just wondering
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Post by Sercee »

Do you have a mentor or a guide? Or have you been doing it all on your own? Maybe you're doing something wrong. When you go to the gym and start lifting weights without guidance it's extremely easy to do it completely wrong without even realizing it, resulting in well, no results.
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Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:44 am
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Post by Kifes42206 »

Unfortuately i dont have a guide, i have been looking and nothing has come up soo im waiting. And i have found that advicce from other people who i used to practice with is complretely useless because they have no idea wht they are tlking about. So i dont know first i clear my mind, relax my body and focus on leaving my body like to go somewhere through astral not physicaly i mean i get to the point where i get this floating feeling and i dont seem to go any farther i dont know if im not ready yet or my body just wont let me ? So am i doing i right because thats what i try to do everytime i lay down to go to sleep.

Post by Ariawyn »

I find it even harder to meditate for me. I have so much going on in my daily life that it's near impossible for me to relax. My thoughts feel like their burning rubber faster than race cars. It's even worse when I'm not even sure what I'm doing.

I definetely understand what your going through Kifes. I dont have a guide either. Which is probably why I'm like a lost little puppy. I know I have the ability to do things, but with our crummy bookstore and so much information on the web... yeah...

What my friend does to astral project is to lay down flat on her back. She even said to cover yourself up because your body cannot stay warm. (This I'm not sure of.) She said it takes a long time of meditation to get your mind in the proper state. From there you need strong visualization to know exactly where you want to go. And imagine yourself leaving your body, light and without boundries. But it took her a very long time to do this. It's choppy, I know, but I can't remember exactly how she worded it.

Also, she's been practicing Paganism for years. You said you've been practicing projecting for so many months? Don't give up!

My friend, when she astral projected, always had a strong connection to where she was trying to go. Maybe it would help if you thought of somewhere that means a lot to you. Somewhere your mind has a good feeling of. Places have energy, and you can pick that up.

I'm no genius, but I think your doing good already just by feeling that your floating. Everything can't happen all at once or you might not be ready for it. She also said there are a lot of dangers with astral projecting. Do you know of those?


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