Jumping to another time

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Jumping to another time

Post by stormofwind »

I found out I can do this from a recent psychic reading..
I can recall as jump I could do this when I was a child.. to a past life.
I jumped to to some in 80's when I was child.
It seems like a sci fi movie for me it's real..
There others as i feel have same ability as I do.. they are a few.
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Re: Jumping to another time

Post by supremz »

Have you ever seen Sliders by chance?
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Re: Jumping to another time

Post by stormofwind »

It's more so.. I was back in highschool.. I sitting here part me was back there.. I see and and touch everything..
I recalled that part of myself back.. I don't know why this happening ?
This happening to a friend that is much older than me
He's going back to his child hood is dreams.
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Re: Jumping to another time

Post by supremz »

It’s very easy to do: the only hard part is remembering that it’s possible!!!
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