Hecate - some questions

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Hecate - some questions

Post by moonlass »

Mainly I'm wondering who Hecate is and how she usually reveals herself. Has anyone here interacted with her before? What were your experiences? Why did she come to you? Share all your adventures please!

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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by Siona »

If you want to do some reading about Hekate, I would suggest starting with this site, if you haven't already come across it:
It's pretty much the best introduction out there to her, from a historical point of view.

If you want a larger range of material from modern devotees, I suggest a book called Bearing Torches: A Devotional Anthology for Hekate, released by Bibliotheca Alexandrina - you can get it off Amazon, a few other places online. It's filled with essays, prayers, poems, stories, and so on, from modern devotees.

I sought her out because I am a witch and Greek polytheist, and she is a Greek goddess of witches. Made sense to honor her. Even if she is not my 'primary' deity, so to speak. The classical depiction of Hekate was originally of a young woman carrying twin torches, and in later times as three identical young women standing with their backs to each other (to look down the three way crossroads, which are sacred to her). She looks very similar to Artemis in many old images. This is how she appears to me. Usually as one, but sometimes three. Often in dark clothing. But mostly she appears as more of a feeling rather than any image. She comes with barking dogs (traditional), or loud, buzzing night insects (not so traditional), or silence. Her energy feels very heavy. If you've been outside on a very hot, very humid, summer night, that is what her presence reminds me of. Also, a bit frightening, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, but it's not threatening necessarily, if that makes sense. It is the feeling of being in the presence of someone very strong and very vast.

But as she is very vast, people have experienced her in many, many different ways and forms. But, a common experience is that she doesn't play games, and doesn't take much nonsense. She isn't malicious, and she carries classical titles such as 'tender hearted,' and 'savior,' but she is also known as 'terrible one.' Do a good bit of research before approaching her.
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by moonlass »

Thank you very much for this. Is she similar to the Mother Goddess? I know the Goddess is often portrayed as the maiden, the mother, and the crone. Just seemed similar to how Hekate is portrayed as the three women sometimes and is related to the moon.

Also, I know she is often seen as a dog and related to dogs much like Artemis but does she ever show herself through cats?

I ask because I went for a walk at midnight the other night because I was very angry and came across a small black cat with eyes that glowed like gold. She told me her name was Hekate but based on your description I'm skeptical. She had a crackling energy that felt more like lightning but was also strangely calming at the same time and dissipated my anger. She walked with me for about half a mile. Now I'm just trying to do my research to figure out what that encounter was.
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by Siona »

moonlass wrote:Thank you very much for this. Is she similar to the Mother Goddess? I know the Goddess is often portrayed as the maiden, the mother, and the crone. Just seemed similar to how Hekate is portrayed as the three women sometimes and is related to the moon.
The maiden-mother-crone triad is rather modern, mostly stemming from Robert Graves. Most who follow that triad archetype tend to associate Hekate with the crone aspect of that triad, but classically she was a virgin/maiden goddess. She does not have real classical ties to the mother archetype, but some do call her mother, so... But, this is the issue with trying to fit any ancient goddess into the maiden-mother-crone archetype, most just don't fit neatly into that. Classical triple goddesses usually are three identical goddesses - sometimes sisters, sometimes not. Brigid is another example, sometimes viewed as triple, but as three identical goddesses, or sisters, which represents the three 'primary' functions she had, and because of the Celtic fondness for the number three.

Again, in Hekate's case the triple nature was to look down the triple crossroads, and probably because she was said to rule heaven, earth, and underworld. Hekate also appears in some classical triads such as Artemis-Hekate-Selene. Or in a triad with Persephone, as her playmate, and Demeter, which Hekate helped her search for Persephone. (But she also appears in a duo, like with Artemis-Hekate, or Persephone-Hekate.) I would suggest when first studying Hekate and getting to know her, try to do it without getting much into archetypes. Most gods and goddesses don't fit neatly into one. Once you have a good idea of who she is in her many aspects, then you could introduce archetype work if you wanted.
Also, I know she is often seen as a dog and related to dogs much like Artemis but does she ever show herself through cats?
I ask because I went for a walk at midnight the other night because I was very angry and came across a small black cat with eyes that glowed like gold. She told me her name was Hekate but based on your description I'm skeptical.
Classically, not really? She was associated with lions a bit, so kind of, in that sense. Mainly she was associated with dogs and polecats (a sort of weasel). But also with horses, serpents, bulls, and others. Black versions of those animals, if possible, due to her underworld associations. Oddly enough, domestic cats just weren't really a big deal in Greece. They had them - imports from Egypt, probably - but they didn't feature in the culture much. (I guess weasels were the original rodent catchers in Greece, which is one of the big reasons they were so loved elsewhere.) No Greek deity is really associated with cats. Some modern resources do say she is associated with cats, because of the myth of Galinthias, but that is a mistranslation - Galinthias wasn't turned into a cat, but a polecat.

However, all that said, that doesn't mean she can't show herself or a message through a cat. Classical associations are long-standing and used for a reason, but that doesn't mean they're the only ways a deity can connect with someone in modern day. Ancient symbols are helpful to identify deities when there's no name given, but if they give their name, that can change things... Like I said, people experience Hekate in tons of different ways. So it's very hard to say, either way. Always good to be skeptical of encounters we have, but I wouldn't write off the possibility that that was Hekate.
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by GroundedDancer »

I can't say that I've had much experience with Hecate, as I am getting to know her as well. However, I have read that one of her big symbols is keys. Now, I've seen keys and been attracted to them since I was young. If I got a necklace, I wanted one with a key on it. If I used decor around the house, I wanted keys to use in the decor. I just always had a strong draw to them. It wasn't until recently that I was reading that I realized it was part of an ongoing calling from Hecate. She has been steadily showing her presence in my life for years and I just recently came to understand that. I know it is her because I can feel her energy and the hum of her presence as though waiting to be acknowledged entirely.

Like you, I have been researching more before I interact with her in a ritual. I know I am on the right path though, because now I see keys everywhere I go. Old skeleton keys in powerpoints, printed in brochures and announcements, and even was led to a pot of them at an antique store by the owner who guessed I'd be interested in them without my saying so.

She's also associated with crossroads and torches/light, so I always look out of my window at night to do some meditation. My house is on a crossroad with a streetlamp illuminating it, so I tend to find my best concentration when I focus on that area.
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by Bluerose31 »

moonlass wrote:Mainly I'm wondering who Hecate is and how she usually reveals herself. Has anyone here interacted with her before? What were your experiences? Why did she come to you? Share all your adventures please!

Hecate is my Goddess. I love her very much. Hecate came to me when I was suffering physically. I had a nutritional deficiency. Hecate came to me to help me heal physically. She was very kind and gentle towards my soul as I read about her and researched her. I pray to her. My God is Jesus Christ. I love him very much too. My experiences with Hecate are lovely. She comforts me and is compassionate and soothing. She taught me about witchcraft and healing ways. I have crystals and essential oils because of her and she helps me heal.
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by Coven »

moonlass wrote: Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:33 pm Mainly I'm wondering who Hecate is and how she usually reveals herself. Has anyone here interacted with her before? What were your experiences? Why did she come to you? Share all your adventures please!

I cast a spell and asked to be shown what was in my apartment that I couldn't see and a massive witch appeared in my circle . It was unexpected and the witch was massive and dark it scared me to death because it caught me by surprise and then it disappeared .

Imagine really big clothes ~ much bigger than these .

I talk to Baba Yaga with the pendulum ~ I asked baba yaga if the witch I saw was her and it said no ~ what caused me to ask is because I was being psychically bombarded by Hecate ~ so I asked if it was Hecate and the pendulum said yes ~ a big strong yes ~ then I asked if it was anyone besides Hecate and the pendulum gave me a big strong no. I had just assumed that the witch was baba yaga since baba yaga is with me at all times .

I never requested baba yagas presence either or gave her any attention ~ that's just who is with me as a spirit guide ~ just naturally with me .

So I didn't do anything to request her presence ~ she just showed up. I haven't paid any attention to her or thought about her in any way except thinking about ~ the chilling adventures of Sabrina ~ and posting a book about her online in the witchcraft section .

Definitely have had no recent thoughts about her until after I saw the witch and the psychic bombardment began .

She showed up when I touched this item for psychometry

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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by barker »

She shines through anything that is wiser. :)

I have met one of her incarnations, it is all about proof of magic being wise, when you incarnate with them.
- the proof: the result is sound
- of magic: the deed to love is the best
- being wise: sociable enough

While I know (even now) that you can be so aloof and genuinely interesting in your own self, the times with such things as "nothing is more spiritual than the physical" are worth it entirely. Shining...
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by Firebird »

I consult with the Goddess when hiking and I reach a crossroads. It's a good place for contemplation and/or meditation, especially if there is something heavy on your mind, or you wish for a bit of divine help with any query.
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Re: Hecate - some questions

Post by barker »

Frankly, the thing that Hecate does most is presume order, and that much is sure of its integrity.
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