Mabon is coming!

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Mabon is coming!

Post by LuckyPenny »

After Lammas I feel like I'm growing in power and spirituality. I am at my best in between the solstices, and I'm excited about Mabon this year. I planted a garden with my parents and am looking forward to some of the harvests we have coming up for our root vegetables. I love to celebrate by baking bread, eating locally grown produce, and I'm thinking this year I might even decorate an alter. I don't usually have a fixed alter, I usually work from my kitchen sink, but why not? Why not make an alter this year.

Does anyone else have special plans?
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Re: Mabon is coming!

Post by supremz »

I had a happy Samhain and enjoyed the fall, as well as Yule! I was enjoying going in circles so much, I forgot to write about it. :) Sorry that it seems like no one saw your post, but here is lots of belated love and affection anyhow!!!
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