I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

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I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Dionysus »

I went through many different topics, regarding the different types of wicca.
But now I'm confused finding the right one for me. I need your help please.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by corvidus »

Hi new witch :)

Here's something that might help you:

Developing your Self is more important than finding a specific 'path'. If you begin developing and cultivating Self, you will find the right practices.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Dionysus »

Thanks corvidus,
Very useful :)
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Heartsong »

Hi new witch,

I moved your post to this section since it's a very general question that you're posing.

As corvidus pointed out, it's important to know yourself before you start really exploring different paths. What appeals to you? Do you have interests that are reflected in certain branches of Wicca? What are you looking for spiritually? Take your time, do you research, and spend some time asking yourself questions like these. Maybe you could start recording your thoughts on the subject in a journal. I've found that writing things out often helps me sort out my own thoughts and perceptions. Then I can come back to my entries and meditate on them. It helps make things clearer to me.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by SnowCat »

I have been practicing for more than forty years. I still come up with questions, and get confused. It's normal for the path to shift as you walk it. Just remember that things are written in pencil, not in stone.

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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by YanaKhan »

Hey, new witch,
There is a really great guide here, that you may find useful -
I hope it'll help you look up things.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by SpiritTalker »

Pagan Paths are based on cultures like Norse, Celtic, Greek etc. and will have their own magical ways & specific deities. It’s a belief system.

Witchcraft Styles are named for the environment a magical practice is based in. Where’s your strength? For ex., a sea witch relates to materials & rhythms of the sea & the moon; a kitchen witch uses domestic spells of the home; a green witch has relationship with plants & earth cycles; a ceremonial witch relates to ritual forms, regalia & planetary influences in their Craft. There’s always crossovers.

Sometimes a witch focuses on a life coaching talent such as astrology, Clair-abilities or healing. They might fine tune their prescience with tisanes & tinctures or crystals. These are in the realm of tools used in styles of practice as a vehicle to carry their magic.

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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by SapphireRoad »

It is true that this is confusing, worship of some deities may bring unexpected side effects, since their personalities are way broader than basic definitions and may wish to use their astral energy to mingle in this world through you in their own ways.

SpiritTalker has an important point, that one can feel natural affinity to some types of witchcraft and elements, thence listening to one's own soul code seems to be the wisest choice to me, on this patient and long path.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Coven »

there was a video on youtube that named 100 types of witches ~

it is no longer available for some reason ~ too bad ~ it was a really good video ~ I found it interesting ~

I downloaded it so I have it but unfortunately it's gone from the internet ~

she said that there are a lot more types than 100 ~ but it was a long video and a lot of work

I am interested in finding out more about the subject ~ but I don't know where to look ~ I can't seem to find anything about it anywhere

I wonder where she learned all about the subject ~ she is quite knowledgeable

if I ever see anything I like I download it because every time I go back and look for something it's gone
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Coven »

here's a link to the video ~ you can download it here

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y9vN9- ... sp=sharing
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Firebird »

Wow, that's a lot.
I wouldn't overwhelm yourself with so many directions.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Coven »

I love these types of videos

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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Old Soul »

The main thing to understand is that youtube is not the best option to gain knowledge because some people don't know deeply what they are saying and do it for the sake of money. They read it somewhere and perhaps that info can be wrong. Books, however, are a good source of knowledge, documentaries as well.
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by Coven »

I look everywhere , sometimes I have mixed feelings about Witch N the working .
I like Willow .

I have a pretty good witchcraft library going ~ one day I got the bright idea from someone else to switch my tarot and oracle card buying addiction to books .

I like these kinds of videos .

Especially this one . The google player is slow to start :|

I'm solitary eclectic ~ there probably isn't a Coven anywhere that would have me , but I need one , since I don't go to church and I don't drink or go to bars ~ I'm not going to AA or NA . No family etc.

I literally have no contact with other human beings , which means I have no emergency contact and no references , which means I can't rent an apartment or do anything like that :|
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Re: I'm Confused About the Many Types of Witchcraft

Post by RavenClaw »

I don't worry about what type of witch I am as there are a lot of overlaps within my practice.
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