Tell us the story behind your username!

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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by stormofwind »

I can summon and control wind.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by OdinsFreya »

I am a Viking. I study almost every day and follow the old ways of Odinism. I had a very difficult time last year and was very alone and feeling depressed. My ancestors spoke to me and reminded me that their blood courses through my veins...their courage, love, and warrior mentality. My Gods and Goddesses do not ask anything of me except to hold my head up and walk amongst them, to do my best and love and support my family and protect them fiercely. Freya actually whispered in my ear and I felt so blessed that I became stronger every day and I read and studied every day, also. I joined a Clan of Vikings so I could educate myself even more and I promised my ancestors I would make them proud and I would be a warrior once again. Freya gave me her blessing to call myself Freya after her. She is my role model and I am determined to become that warrior/mother/healer/keeper of Seidr/Seer I once was. Skal!ImageImage
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by barker »

I could translate "barker" to mean "rankin" - have you heard of me? No you haven't. Basically, when I bark like a cat, I am happy, and when I rank like a pro, my cat is pleased. It's an inspired mind.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by Hazel Moon »

I've always been fond of moon magick, and when I started studying witchcraft one of the first things I learned about was the 13 month Celtic tree calendar. Ever since then I've had Hazel Moon as a username on various forums, because I was born in August during the time of the hazel moon.

I also go by Silver Star, this being a reference to the five pointed silver star pendant that I wear.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by Black Cloud »

I have Native American ancestry. I broke my collar bone very early in life during a tornado. The first tarot reading I ever got from a witch described me as being dark in nature. Another tarot reader much later in life told me I was being followed by a black cloud. So I use the name Black Cloud.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by bluehearts »

I'm a selfshipper and "blue hearts" is the tag I use on tumblr for my main ship.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by Nerys »

Nerys is female Welsh name meaning lady found that later on. I used before/also Nereid from mythology nereids the sea nymphs on other now closed forums . I work mostly with water element. My gemstone username is often allready in use by other person, some forums I am Beryl, the magic stone.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by BabyBear »

Lol i believe i have stated this somewhere else before by babybear comes from the ancient Greek arktoi meaning little she-bear and are the names of the girls given to Artemis for a year during there adolescence back in Brauron.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by OdinsFreya »

I am Viking and follow Odinism, so I am a child of Odin. Most people call me Freya rather than my given birth name. She is my favorite Goddess and has pulled me through some very difficult times.[emoji3589][emoji3589][emoji3589]
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by sylphaxiom »

Mine is a name of my own crafting. It is a combination of sylph which is a wind spirit and axiom which means something accepted without proof.

If I sit in the woods and feel the world around me the wind whispers to me. I've always felt close to these spirits as well as all elemental spirits and since nothing can be proven, I thought it would make a good name.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

I wanted something with Moon in it since Moonchild is the name I got as a kid in my granny's coven. It is too much Never Ending Story nowadays,though. The idea for the name came as around our old place there was very bad energy at one time, so bad that even during the day but especially at night you got the creeps walking around there and most people and animals gave it a wide berth. When we got up there we got the impression of a spirit much like a werewolf. At one point, I had to use the big outdoors bathroom and as I was watering the nettles that saying popped into my head. Not too much later I registered here and so I stuck with it :-)
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by Firebird »

That's hilarious, :lol: I have often wondered how you arrived at such a name although it sounds like good advise anyway!
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by Anubisa »

Well I am sure you all can guess how I got my name. Shortly after I met Lord Anubis and decided to become an Egyptian Wiccan, I felt that I needed a new magickal name. So it sort of came to me. He has a very comforting presence and it just felt right. I also go by Sat-Anubis which means daughter of Anubis in Egyptian. I have a tattoo of Anubis with both names in it.
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Re: Tell us the story behind your username!

Post by Hollerdoller »

Mine is a unique childhood nickname.

As a small child (2-3yrs), I decided to raid my aunt's Loonie shaped piggy bank that contained only loonies. (For you non-Canadians, the Loonie is our one dollar coin)
I reached my tiny hand into the piggy bank, grabbed a loonie, then refused to unclench my fist, effectively trapping my hand in the piggy bank.
Little me then proceeded to Holler my head off over a dollar. My mom and aunt even promised me I could keep the loonie if I would just let go and stop screaming. My aunt called me Hollerdollar from that point on.
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