The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

Ok so this is what we have.
I will weave a draft....
preferred time of day; AM

(in regards to this forum EUTM)
Working is in TWO parts: This first section is what you need and the second section is the work/spell/ritual.

Redirecting negative energy:
items needed-
*candle (white votive or tea light is fine)
*Basil, fresh or dried
*Frankincense and Myrrh

Communication and constructive information flow:
items needed-
purified water
blue lace agate
rose, rosemary, chamomile (if you can't get all three choose one, with rose having the highest vibration)
your computer
Make stone elixir: because we are short on time, the stone elixir will be infused as a tea. Place stone and herbs into cup and pour water that has boiled but is now only tepid (don't want to crack the stone) after it has cooled its ready.

cast circle
(as you are accustomed) or call on helpers that you work with, and prep your space as you wish. Lite the incense.

Redirecting negative energy:
part 1.
ACTION; etch EUTM on candle, place in holder and place holder, hold in hands and charge with your intention then place on top of mirror. Begin the chant, after you have raised some energy, light the candle. Continue chanting and begin to sprinkle the basil widdershins (counterclockwise) around the candle as you chant encircle the candle 3 times and save a pinch to throw to the north. (put the candle on mirror somewhere it can burn out)
Chant: "If Negative energy should come this way, bounce off the mirror go far and away"

Now there is somewhat of a vacant space!, always fill the void with a positive replacement... we'll fill with Communication.

Communication and constructive information flow:
part 2.
ACTION; As you gaze upon your screen with EUTM dialed up on it, Take up your cup and charge with your intention between your two hands then lightly dab the elixir First upon your forehead (third eye) then at the 4 corners of your laptop or screen in a deosil (clockwise) manner repeating the chant three times.
Chant: Communication sure and true, wise words exchanged in all we do...May the forum abound with wit all around...Where community prospers for me and you!
*offer remaining elixir to your favorite outdoor plant, keep stone near computer for three days if possible.

I feel this could be done on any Wednesday, but this Wednesday (8-25-21) being the optimum.

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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

Today is the day! If you have already missed morning that's ok, any time on Wednesday is good.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

Let's gather around the cauldron once again and contemplate the work to be done...
how about:
Since the equinox is up and coming this would be a good time to seek balance, and this could be done by the end of September, looks like the moon is at last quarter around the 28th or 29th, maybe depending on where you are, being the moon is showing half and were in the month of balance, so that would be a good time to do this work.
So what do you all have to throw in the pot?

time of day,
anything else?

jump in let us concoct a brew! :flyingwitch:
bb, Firebird
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Apologies, I have been hit by the summer flu real bad and was mostly in bed with my tablet - and couldn't remember my password from here (and no email there either). Just up today and trying to catch up on all my sites.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

So,for balance

- herb is lemon balm
- color is beige or grey -grey for pure balance and beige for balance in nature and how we treat it
- time of day for me would be dusk or dawn,dawn preferred, best with some fog
- deities would be Libra and/or Maat
- Tarot cards Temperance and/or and Justice

I'll think more on it once I've caught up! Again sorry for being away so long.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

The grey is good :fairy: black and white blended... I like it ::coolglasses:: other colors that could be used in addition are, green (half yellow, half blue) orange (half red, half yellow) and purple (half blue, half red)

Maybe a stack of rocks like the gif picture at the beginning of this topic, on the altar :flyingwitch:
or a scale or representative of a scale, drawing of one perhaps if one did not have access to the tarot cards.?

I also like to walk a balance beam for a balance ritual. A line on the ground is a fine substitute.

Seems like now...more than ever, the world needs balance but it does start from within. So this will be a ritual of balance for oneself. Even if you do not think you need it, one can always benefit from being on an even keel. smileylove

Perhaps the yin yang symbol on the altar...

Chants? What else?
Bb, ff
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Ooh I like the idea of walking a line... I have a very bad sense of balance so this would be a challenge.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

I've been thinking about doing a small art project as part of the ritual.
Remember folding paper and writing you name or some other word in the middle on the folded line then pressing them together to get a mirror image?

Using a word that empowers you, to bring the energy of balance in. Say for instance, focus. Maybe you focus too much on the minutia of things and other times can't focus to save your life. To bring balance to focus, use the word "focus", fold the paper again, pressing until the mirror image shows up on the other side, then decorate it with colored pencils, crayons, paint or shaded pencil.

We'll place the image at the far side of the yard or room, then have to walk a line to get to it and retrieve the "balance"

If you didn't have a specific thing to draw balance to, then just use your name on the folded line and make the art from that for overall balance in your life.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Sounds interesting. I am thinking of whereto do this, probably the balcony because the other spaces are kind of small.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

We did something similar in my UU Church the other day and one couple had no space to really walk a line. So they balanced on one foot then the other a few times.

So we need a chant....Anybody? This is designed to be a project for all to participate 🙄 in.

Bb, ff
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Yeah folks, join in!
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Seraphin »

firebirdflys wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:35 pm Chief Cheerleader!
Oh, this made me giggle!

Can I have this title forever?

And also, I love the spell! GREAT work everyone!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

Cheif Cheerleader it is then!
How about some ra ra shish boom ba!
We need to get this finished by the 27th so it can be ready by the 28th!

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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

There's more besides the joyrides
Little house in the countryside
Understand, learn to demand
Compromise, and sometimes lie
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Be responsible, respectable
Stable but gullible
Concerned and caring
Help the helpless
But always remain
Ultimately selfish
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
When you think you've got a hold of it all
You haven't got a hold at all (all)
When you reach the top
Get ready to drop
Prepare yourself for the fall (the fall)
You're going to fall
It's almost predictable
Don't tend this way
Don't tend that way
Straight down the middle until next Thursday
First to the left
Back to the right
Twist and turn until you got it right
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
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Re: The Bubbling Cauldron revisited

Post by Firebird »

Cool, I don't remember this song, :?
anyhoo, it's a bit lengthy for a chant, how about pulling out a section and working with that, then maybe play the song as you are prepping the space?
this part is great
NeverMoonAWerewolf wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:59 am Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Be responsible, respectable
Stable but gullible
Concerned and caring
Help the helpless
But always remain
Ultimately selfish
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
I'd also like to mention that being ultimately selfish, does sound, well...selfish. The idea is in line with putting you air mask on when the plane is going down before you can help someone else. You have to be well, to be a healer. You can dish food out at the homeless shelter but if you are not feeding yourself properly, you will be lacking in energy, brain power, etc... etc...hence I sense a balance thing here! LoL
bb, FF
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson
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