Step to Step Meditation?

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Step to Step Meditation?

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Hi, I know my question will seem stupid, but can anyone tell me a step to step meditation in plain words? I don't seem to get it from some articles on the net, plus they say you have to sit with a specific position so you can me relaxed and comfortable, yeah but I have some extra kg on me, so the specific position causes only pain in my back, something that doesn't help me to concentrate exactly lol! anyway, if you feel like helping by explaining I would appreciate it!
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Post by Teaca »

you can lay on your stomach. you basically get into any kind of position that makes you feel relaxed.
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Really? I thought it was required to sit the way they describe on some articles, but thanks I didn't know that!
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

Medittation, there isnt a how-to on it. It is what makes you feel relaxed. What positions help you focus on your heart, depend on the person.
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Re: Step to Step Meditation?

Post by SpiritTalker »

The lotus position 🧘‍♀️ is for Yoga. There are lots of different “schools” of meditation that don’t use it. Some methods sit in repose and some are active doing repetitive tasks.

The 1st two exercises are for training to be still & quiet.

1. The simplest start is learning to park your mind by gazing at a candle 🕯flame without letting your mind wander. Just sit at a table with the candle in front of you. Breathe comfortably. Observe the candle flame, it’s colors and dance. If your mind wanders just draw your attention back to the flame. Practice this for 5-10 minutes a day for a month or so.

2. Then sit in a chair with arm rests. Put your feet on the floor or up on a footstool if you want; don’t cross your legs. It does help to sit up straight so stuff a pillow behind your back. Eyes can be open or close, and instead of focusing on a light you pay attention to your breath. The breath carries power.
1. Breathe in to the lower lung so the abdomen rises a count of 1-2, and then raise the chest 3-4.
2. Hold in for a count of 1,2,3,4.
3. Exhale lowering the upper chest -1-2 & then the abdomen on count 3-4.
4. Hold out for a count of 1,2,3,4.
Repeat. Keep it up so it becomes comfortable. Practice 10 min daily. This exercise is still training you to hold your attention steady. It’s a natural way to breathe like babies do. It’s useful for relaxing & calming stress. If you’re really stressed also gently flex your feet, legs & butt, then ribs, shoulders & neck. Then do the breathing.

The first meditation is a grounding visualization which just means imagining roots grow from your feet into Mother Earth. Use the 4-count breathing to relax. Pull energy down, like beads on a string, from the sky to the belly with the inhale & drop your imaginary roots with the exhales.

Centering is pulling energy on the breath to the belly. Your task is to hold your attention in the middle of your Being, which is not just the physical body, but its etheric counterpart, sensed as a quiet spot within your consciousness that glows with life Force. You’ll know you’re getting it when you aren’t aware of your body as who you are. You are the center. The 4 count breaths just flow.

When you have center-awareness then you are in the meditative state. What you think & focus attention on becomes all there is for the moment; it can be examined, questioned and explored safely from center. With practice of 10-20 min 3 times a week you’ll teach yourself. Ignoring distractions can take teeth gritting determined effort at times, & other times you go with the flow naturally.

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Re: Step to Step Meditation?

Post by uaya »

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Re: Step to Step Meditation?

Post by Coven »

Greek_Male_Witch wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:04 pm Hi, I know my question will seem stupid, but can anyone tell me a step to step meditation in plain words? I don't seem to get it from some articles on the net, plus they say you have to sit with a specific position so you can me relaxed and comfortable, yeah but I have some extra kg on me, so the specific position causes only pain in my back, something that doesn't help me to concentrate exactly lol! anyway, if you feel like helping by explaining I would appreciate it!
I just meditate on my life as I live it ~ I try to be in meditation at all times ~
it seems like when someone tells you that you have to sit up straight or something ~ that they are trying to put you into some kind of bondage or something ~ maybe a sadist trying to cause you pain and discomfort

right now I am binge watching 15 seasons of supernatural ~ the tv series ~ so right now I'm meditating on that a lot of the time

I get comfortable until it's not comfortable anymore and then I find another way to get comfortable again ~ a lot of people say not to meditate laying down ~ but I find it more comfortable and easier ~ that way I can meditate on something other than the physical pain of a meditation posture .

they all tell you to relax 1 muscle at a time and they take 20 minutes going over your whole body wasting your time when it's not possible to relax without actually relaxing

I try not to be a cult follower of other people every chance I get ~ I don't really like other people telling me what to do ~
I will listen to them if they have something that I find useful and discard the rest ~

I'm really not a cult follower of anyone or any book ~ or any religion ~ or anything ~

I only live my life my way and if I think that someone else is trying to put me into some kind of bondage ~ I don't like it

sometimes I try to remember to breathe

I never listen to anyone else unless I want to

I take other peoples guided meditations and cut out all of the nonsense like all the wasted time ~ I rewrite them ~ I take their offensive symbols out of their chakra meditations ~

I only have so much time to meditate ~ I do have a schedule ~ if someone is spending 20 minutes telling me to relax when it's not even possible to relax ~ then they are wasting my time ~ and I don't have time for that

If I can't get comfortable in the position that they recommend then I find another one ~ I'm not into pain and bondage and being a follower

I do what feels right ~ not what someone else says is right

sorry ~ I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant ~ but I can't delete my posts here ~ so I'll just leave it

I do standing qigong meditation a lot ~ if I'm cooking or doing dishes or something ~ sometimes I watch my tv shows in standing chi kung meditation ~

I do a lot of bagua circle walking meditation holding energy postures ~ also known as palms ~ as qigong meditation
walking qigong ~ walking meditation ~ standing chi kung ~ standing meditation ~ lying meditation ~ guided visualization meditations ~ sleep and dream yoga

if you are good at lucid dreaming ~ then you can meditate in your dreams while you are asleep

don't lock your joints ~bend your knees a little while standing ~ breathe

I do yoga as a meditation and as a chi kung exercise ~ it's just chi kung meditation to me ~ some people call it yoga
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