Apple Tree Removal

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Apple Tree Removal

Post by moondustandunicorns »

Hey all,

I've come across a bit of a conundrum in backyard. There is an apple tree that has overgrown. It's partially knocking our fence down and it's encroaching on the neighbour's yard. I don't do anything with the apples, so at the end of the season they fall to the ground and our dogs end up eating them.

Last summer we decided that it was time for that tree to go. It was too much work and we were tired of our dogs getting sick all winter long as they chomped on apples they found under the tree.

Since I've begun practicing again I have opened myself up to Mother Nature again, and now I'm not so comfortable with just removing the tree. To the point that I told my husband that I feel like I need to talk to the tree to come up with a solution.

What is the protocol here? Should I just allow him to take the tree down and not think anything of it? Or am I right to feel like it has a spirit/life force that needs to be considered.

I'm finding as I open myself up to the magick in the world around us my decision are becoming more of an ethical debate rather than a debate about my convenience. Is this normal?

Blessed Be

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Re: Apple Tree Removal

Post by Black Cloud »

Personally, I believe trees have spirits. In the case of an apple tree, each blossom and piece of fruit are its eyes. If you do decide to cut it down, definitely talk to the tree and explain your reasons. If there are any birds nesting in the tree, wait until they are gone to cut it down. Whatever you decide, you must live with it.
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Re: Apple Tree Removal

Post by Firebird »

Omg, I am in a similar conundrum, except our apple tree was planted by the former owner who was the founding priestess of our group. It was considered the holy tree of Avalon, and we did many many ceremonies around this tree, the creamains of the priestess (she died at age 57) are buried next to the tree and the placenta of her child was placed in the hole before the tree was planted.
The tree is only about 32 years old but is has a fungus that cannot be controlled and it is slowly dying. We've cut branches and applied medicine but there is bad soil in that yard and I have lost several other plants like lavender and white sage and the avocado tree struggles also. The lawn is a huge contributing factor (it is planted in the middle of the lawn) and I would just as soon tear out the grass but my husband won't hear of it. (Go he hates mowing).
The trees days are numbered and when we do have to cut it down I will do something similar to what Black Cloud mentioned. Address the tree and its spirit to let it know (although I suspect it feels unwell anyway) as to why it is being removed. We will likely have a ceremony and possibly a funeral type ritual after. Branches will be saved for staffs and wands etc... but the thought distresses me so much that I can't think about that day.
I wish you the best in your decision.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Apple Tree Removal

Post by SpiritTalker »

Present another apple sapling the apple tree spirit can relocate to ... explain joint tenancy to both as a condition of replanting, and graft the old to the new
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Re: Apple Tree Removal

Post by moondustandunicorns »

Thank you all for your ideas with this. Knowing that I'm not alone in feeling torn about the tree makes me feel a bit more sane.

Once I've talked/listened to the tree spirit, I will give you an update.

Blessed Be

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