Crossed quarters

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Crossed quarters

Post by Flutterfly »

I wasn't sure where to put this, but it is a question, so I thought that I would put it here.

I haven't come across this in any books and have only heard about this from another Witch. (Who told me she would only tell me, if I gave her exorbitant funds and attended her class).

I was told about calling in crossed quarters for magickal workings. How and why would I do this? How do you call in cross quarters?

All this lady told me, is that "crossed quarters" means calling in two directions for help/assistance. Yet the internet (and books) give me a completely different answer. Internet and books tell me crossed quarters is a cuspid thing.

I've wanted know if someone else knew what she meant.
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Re: Crossed quarters

Post by SpiritTalker »

. Replying to an old post that never had a response. ...

Oh dear. Cross-quarters - not “crossed” - refers to the holidays. Picture 8 spokes of a wheel & each spoke reps a holiday. Four are solar dates meaning they mark the 4 main positions of the sun in the sky during earth’s annual orbit around the sun: ➕ summer/winter solstices and the spring/autumn equinoxes. They mark the beginning of the 4 seasons. Then dividing the quarters equally are “cross-quarters” ✖️ or the major agricultural holidays when the seasons peak at Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane & Lammas.
When casting a circle we “call the quarters” by facing the cardinal directions (N,E,S,W) one at a time & verbally summoning the energy of the element associated with the direction you face. The quarters hold the circle in time & space. I’ve never heard of calling in 2 directions simultaneously. It wouldnt work.
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