Where to start?

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Where to start?

Post by WolfMoon »

Blessings to all! I have been interested in, as well as have been reading numerous books, Wicca and Witchcraft for a few years. However, I seem to be a tad overwhelmed and not sure where to begin my actual "training." Could anyone provide information as to a specific book they've used that helped them begin to actually LIVE Wiccan and incorporate the craft into their everyday life? I have quite a collection of books and try to absorb information from each of them.

Thank you all so much for any direction you can provide.


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Re: Where to start?

Post by Althara »

Several books offer 'year and a day' style guides.
Christopher Penczak is the author of the 'Temple of Witchcraft' series; that's a good place to start.
There's also Marian Green's "A Witch Alone".
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Re: Where to start?

Post by The Judge »

There's also the book, 'Everyday wicca" or was it witchcraft. I'll edit when I have it in my hand. Not at home at the moment. There are many resources for it. If you have a Books-a-million or Barnes and Noble nearby you could go browse a few books from there, probably in the New Age section. I haven't found any under religion sections yet. See if anything they have fits what your looking for. :) If not perhaps a more specific idea of what you need would narrow the field down. There are literaly dozens of books out there on this and not all are helpful for day to day.

Though in Wicca all you need to do to live it is follow the Rede. :) Do your best. :D

As for Everyday Witchcraft; There are books that have a "Spell a Day" theme if that's what your looking for. I'll have to find it to even venture a guess as to the title. It's been a long time since I used it for anything.

The books by Morrison, "The Craft" and "Craft Companion" may be useful. They're what I started learning with. I also have the book "Wicca for beginner's", and it is quite useful. Even after years of study. Nothing like good reference books. :)

Edit addendum: And Raymond Buckland's, "The Complete Book of Witchcraft"
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Re: Where to start?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Old post - Q: how to live the lifestyle

Suggestions -
. Backyard or container gardening https://www.amazon.com/Gardening-Basics ... 1ZAGD4KHFY
. Make your own holiday foods: recipes in Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook https://www.amazon.com/Kitchen-Witchs-C ... 1567187072.
. Befriend a tree. Leave offerings.
. Use your empathy to greet your neighborhood’s earth maintenance spirits.
. Practice psi-balls - Draw power on the breath from the earth & sky into the belly; hold hands with palms facing, moving hands back & forth; Think it & push power from the belly & thru your hands👏🏽. Shake hands off to clear.
. Salute Sol and Gaia, Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus (Sun, Earth & NESW winds)
. Make your own herb scent infused oil or aerosol spray & use them
. Go on a specimen hunt Nature walk. Find stones with unique markings suggesting their magical uses. Leave offerings when taking something from Nature for magical use.
. Recycle, repurpose, reduce plastics.
. Tie jingle bells to that friendly tree’s branches with bright ribbon.
. Go barefoot👣🐾 in the rain☔️. Have fun.

❇️Cunningham’s Solitary Wicca is available as a free pdf. https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/relig ... tioner.pdf. The time to start is when you see needs in your own life.

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Re: Where to start?

Post by Silas Nightfall »

Good advice. I would add something my dad taught me years ago.

“If you don’t know where to start, just start and it’ll soon be clear if you need to backup or move forward.”
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Re: Where to start?

Post by barker »

these basic foundations:

1. grounding and shielding (golden and silver)
2. crystals and essences (good and bad)
3. study and practice (honesty and patience)

for spell work:

1. write and burn (choose and forget) the spell affirmation that you want to believe in
2. sex magic (I want) is perfectly selfish, for that part of you

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