Money spells, good or bad?

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Money spells, good or bad?

Post by LC »

I keep seeing money spells popping. I was thinking of doing one but I’m worried about consequences/backlash. I figured there would be some, and don’t want to cause problems for others when it does.

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Re: Money spells, good or bad?

Post by barker »

They are like lightning in this age - they either work forever or they already did. Truth be told, you get as much as you need to love family, friends, and others that matter to you. That's the whole deal as it stands.

You could say the Law of Attraction has changed things somewhat. :roll:
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Re: Money spells, good or bad?

Post by Corbin »

(personal thoughts only - some tongue in cheek).

That lottery win or fat wad of cash ;)? Consider this. You've got a lot of focused will, hope, wishes and dreams to overcome - almost everyone in this world is casting that spell on a subconscious level - many more sincerely, desperately, loudly and undoubtably some more deservably then any of us here.

So many variables.

Most people either don't do this kind of Magic - for many reasons - or try to and fail for other reasons. Here are a few of the less esoteric ones that spring to mind.

People have subconscious bans and taboos. Using magic (the most esoteric of things) to gain something like money (the most material of things) can seem a cheapening of the art or like 'chalk and cheese' - foreign to each other. The concept of 'wealth' obviously can be fundamentally different for every person. Many people don't subconsciously think they are worthy of the good fortune (like a shadow function) ... and many people don't try and create excuses because they are afraid they will fail and shake their own carefully constructed beliefs / belief systems (more then would care to admit it, even to themselves).

The more specific the request the smaller the target to hit. Serendipity flows within the barely tangeble touches and insinuations; when magic works it could have been anything at all - like it's hidden architect maintains plausable deniability ;) - so it's a wave rather then a hammer... And fat cash is a big fat hammer.

Magic is the initiator of things on a spiritual level, has been since ancestoral cave drawings and dramatising hunting success wearing animal skins. It's a big stone thrown into a lake, expecting and waiting patiently on the bank for a ripple; Spell'casting'.

Generalised requests work better (good fortune rather then 'a' fortune) but should be powered by genuine or honest need or hope, well considered limitations and no time restrictions. No-one with ethics (or who likes looking at themselves in the mirror and liking what they see) wants to gain good fortune to another's bad fortune (the 'inheritance tax'; came into money - somebody died). Specific requests don't leave enough 'wiggle room' to be effective. Looking for stability, comfort or help is one thing, looking for riches is another - becoming rich in money could be the worst thing that ever happened to you (especially if you are on a spiritual path) - a little hubris is a dangerous thing - and could you remain silent?

A practicing witch uses 'practical magic' and cultivating even mindedness and practicallity should realise they are just as deserving of comfort as everyone else is, should know that making the spirit - material is at its core the name of the game and hopefully has enough healthy self belief to deserve it (hopefully enough humility not to abuse it). It's just another spell - cast a net and walk away keep it silent every day - luck brings braggers low. Practical witches understand that nothing in life works all the time in every dimension anyway - ebbs and flows - sometimes the universe moves, other times we move (or twist.. Sometimes it is simply a matter of perspective) and bring all of our facilities to play to reach our goals. Start small and practice - no-one waits till mistake or failure is a impossibility before practicing.

As for all those real money witches? ... they are all laser focused with sharp tongues, sharper minds and desperate overbearing wills in the world's of stockmarkets, real-estate and business surely? ;) Shark infested waters?

The law of attraction? It got repackaged as 'cosmic ordering' an'hd its the latest thing dahling, everybodies doing it lol!

(the old witch clucks, eyes roll and turns away).
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Re: Money spells, good or bad?

Post by barker »

:roll: I think money has an intelligence to it anyway. Maybe the only money spell is, "I think I am good at thinking." :roll:
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Re: Money spells, good or bad?

Post by SpiritTalker »

@Corbin , that's very thought-provoking. Well said. :)

@ Barker, sometimes you really hit the nail on the head. :)
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Re: Money spells, good or bad?

Post by LC »

Thank you all for your replies!

I’m not seeking riches, and doing money spells rub me the wrong way when I think about doing them anyway. I’m afraid it will harm someone else somehow.

I’ve recently gotten some hospital bill from visit a year ago and my insurance decided to just now tell me they had decided not to pay. I did call them about it and I can only do a payment plan. Put it with my couple other medical ones dealing with stuff I can’t not have, is making me nervous and I just want to have some room to breathe. I was suppose to have about $300 extra on a paycheck or two for overtime but it didn’t go through. I have contacted payroll about this but haven’t heard back.

I wouldn’t buy a money spell kit because I don’t have a connection to it (doesn’t feel right) and I’m afraid it would be a sham.
I would rather struggle then do a spell that causes harm to another.
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Re: Money spells, good or bad?

Post by barker »

That you would rather struggle is sign enough to me that you are not a financial inviable problem. And the solution is of course time.

From my own situation i can say that every second spent in favour of beauty vs ugly is dramatically fortunate.

Of course, patience is a virtue beyond even war, and its haphazard states. One is choosing by being - that is called harmony.

And harmony is a message to the antichrist: "be" not "he." Do you get me? This world is as free as it is friendly. Hostilities are due a place where they do belong.
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