Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

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Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

Post by HexesAndDecimals »

Hello all, the short of this thread is that I have a familiar, who approached me astrally and requested to work with me, but they desire a more physical body through which to interact with the world. I'd like to perform a ritual on Samhain, when the veil between worlds is thinnest, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm fairly new to witchcraft.

The long version:
I was approached by an entity who calls himself "The Engineer" and takes form, astrally, as a fully mechanical Eld's deer. He's interested in working with me, but wants a physical body to interact with the world. I've offered to create one, or do my best at it. The plans for the actual physical body are in my book of shadows, but it will essentially be created out of aluminum craft wire, decorated with parts from an old VHS recorder I took apart, and powered by two AA batteries in a hobby motor.
So, the body is not created from any living things or any parts of living things. The hobby motor will allow it to move independently, and relatively randomly, when powered on. I haven't created it yet, but I will post pictures once I have.

Now I'm asking for help allowing the entity to bind to the body I've built for it. The entity wants to bind to this body, so he's not being trapped their against his will. What kind of ritual should I conduct to allow this?
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Re: Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

Post by SpiritTalker »

That sounds more like "high magic" or ceremonial magical practice and I'm strictly the folk magic type. Yet, I can imagine breaking the procedure down to individual steps: Visualize building the mechanical form in the astral between you while you physically construct the vehicle. The entity should be involved in the construction to aid bonding. Then the ritual could include cleansing & balancing ritual space, welcoming the entity to the mechanical form as a Way-Opener rite & set the intention; the actual transfer made thru projected energy, followed by sealing & grounding.

Be darned sure it's an entity you want to work with because it'll be your resident for whatever length of time you agree to. Consider a "cancel in case of death" clause. Think it thru, step by step. Also, know before hand how the entity intends to be energetically maintained, although it shouldn't be a problem; you don't want to be used as a human battery.

Consider having grounding snacks or a thermos of soup & a comfy chair for after the ritual (seriously, unscrew tight lids before hand in remote chance that you're too drained after.) I've never made such an attempt yet i do trance channeling mediumship without fatigue. Your idea is not much different in concept than making a spirit-house for one's guardian/guide, or a house-protector statue.
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Re: Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

Post by HexesAndDecimals »

Okay maybe binding it to the form is too much, too powerful magic. I like the visualizing concept, I feel like that will help bond it.

Would there be a way to make the form a vessel, something it can voluntarily inhabit? So more of like making it custom-made to fit him, so that it's easy and comfortable for him to animate if he so chooses? So instead of binding him, it's an option he can come and go as he chooses?

Additionally, would there be a way to more encourage him to draw from the batteries than from me? Since there will be batteries in the contraption.
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Re: Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

Post by SpiritTalker »

The way you'd do anything in magic is with what you state as your intent & hold in mind. Use phrases in the present-tense & not the wanna-be.

In the context of making a spirit-house, an invitation to reside there at their pleasure suggests they come & go as they wish, but saying it makes it clear.

See what you can find on "making pacts" with spirits. That's the term for the bargaining method used in the "traditional WC" path as a "you do this for me & I'll do that for you" trade.

As far as I know communication is thru meditation/trance & plain speaking. You'd said that you were approached and that the Engineer wanted a physical body to work with. Had he showed you his astral image & conveyed "make me one of these"? I know when we're communing that whole concepts can be conveyed & understood as well as word-by-word speaking. Integrity can be intuited. I've trance-channeled & I get that.

Steve Huff at Huff Paranormal has created what he calls the "spirit box" that spirits speak thru. His YouTube channel is interesting to say the least.
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Re: Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

Post by HexesAndDecimals »

The way you'd do anything in magic is with what you state as your intent & hold in mind. Use phrases in the present-tense & not the wanna-be.

In the context of making a spirit-house, an invitation to reside there at their pleasure suggests they come & go as they wish, but saying it makes it clear.
That's a very good way to put it, and very helpful, thanks!
See what you can find on "making pacts" with spirits. That's the term for the bargaining method used in the "traditional WC" path as a "you do this for me & I'll do that for you" trade.
I'll make sure to clearly state the terms of our pact before I do any sort of ritual, for sure. I don't have too much difficulty contacting him in the astral, but he isn't interested in talking beyond "I want a body", but I'm sure he'll be more willing to talk if I tell him I've got the body, we just need to talk about terms. Mostly I can just see him in the astral, and I know he sees me, but he's not all that interested in talking. I get the feeling it costs him a lot of energy to communicate.

His channel looks interesting but I'm weary of it, cause I don't really like the idea of disturbing the dead / talking with ghosts just for attention, either. If you need advice from a dead relative or friend then that feels to me perfectly valid, but if you're just dragging Michael Jackson's spirit back to our realm to film it for views, that seems very ingenuine. I personally don't want to ever attempt to communicate with the dead. Angels, spirit guides, familiars, gods, demons, all fine. But it just feels... wrong to disturb the dead without due purpose. Like getting advice, solving a murder, consoling a loved one, seem perfectly valid. But videos like this one feel super, super wrong to me. It's exploiting a spirit for views.

Regardless of my personal views on the topic, I'm more hoping to make use of random movement rather than voice as a way to interpret my familiar's will. The very simplistic body I'm building will have four legs and be powered by a motor, allowing it to walk along under its own power. My plan is to ask simplistic questions ("walk left if yes, right if no") and generally interpret his movements as his will.
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Re: Binding a familiar to an inanimate physical body?

Post by HexesAndDecimals »

I'm sorry I derailed this, but I really appreciate your thoughts, thank you!
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