How do you all feel about karmic spells.

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How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by healing_hands »

thank you for everyones advice
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Re: how do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Karma does not sit up & roll over on command. Revenge is a personal choice of behavior. It's a very human reaction. A reaction means we're being controlled. Who do you want to be? You can use your magical mind to be yourself. If at all possible you might find a counselor to help heal for the long run. Sounds like you've been hurt bad &'you don't have to go it alone.
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Re: how do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by beemerphill »

Revenge may feel good at the time, but it is a waste of your time. Let go. What happened is in the past. Do not forget it lest he fool you again, but do not dwell on it. It will eat you up, and it will do no harm to him. Life has a way of taking care of these kinds of people. Let it do the job for you. The more that you scheme and plan to get even, the more that he wins. Start over and live a comfortable and carefree life. That will benefit you the most, and you will not be wasting your time and efforts trying to get revenge.
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by corvidus »

healing_hands wrote:I'm at a difficult time in my life and need healing.
I spent years in an abusive relationship when I finally found the strength to leave. Since then he has tortured me and made my life miserable. I am attached to him for reasons I won't go into but removing him from my life isn't possible even though I wish I could.
Well I hate to say it, but this certainly doesn’t sound like you’ve actually left the relationship yet...
Sure, you may not be ‘dating’ or ‘together’, but until you totally disconnect, there will be no peace.

You might think there’s nothing you can do, and that there are valid reasons for keeping him in your life, but if he is as terrible as you say, then my guess is those thoughts as reasons are the results of his conditioning and manipulation.

If you really wish to remove him, start thinking outside the box you’ve been told to live in. Your mind is more expansive and stronger than you think ;)

To that end, I would suggest a cord-cutting ritual. On one end is everything you want to keep in your life, on the other is this person.
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by SnowCat »

The karma that came around on my ex, was that my daughter and I had a much better life without him, than we would have had with him. It was years and tears, and bumps in the road that were bigger than anyvspeed bump ought to be, but we got through it. She and I paid for his cremation at the end, and we took his grandkids to Cherokee Nation in OK to attend his memorial. He had been able to meet and spend time with our daughter and his grandkids in the years before cancer took him, but that was twenty years in the making. Be true to yourself, and don't let him run and ruin your life.
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by LC »

Counseling helps you move on, helps you to see and understand what he was doing was wrong, and start healing. I was in a bad relationship but counseling had really helped me.

If you want to do a ritual, do one that heals you. Karma will get him but you need to focus on you getting better. If you need to, seek a shelter. Ones focused on domestic violence which IMO includes mental abuse, won’t let anyone who calls the shelter looking for you, know that you are there
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by Xiao Rong »

Healing is extremely difficult when you're still in contact with your abuser. If it's not possible to go "no contact", which is the ideal solution, then it's really important to sever your energetic bond with the abuser, which in my mind is one of the best ways to get your revenge, while also protecting and taking care of yourself.

Most abusers are energy vampires, whether they realize it or not. As their "source", you are providing them the energy that they use to sustain themselves. My therapist, who is energy-sensitive, explained to me that abusers and energy vampires are basically parasites, and their energy forms a giant hook over their head, waiting to latch onto your energy and drain you. Any kind of energy feeds them and drains you. Love, rage, fear, pity -- any strong emotional reaction will continue to strengthen this toxic bond, and continue to sap away your life force.

Your job is to deny them of their source (i.e. yourself). Cutting them off from their source can provoke their rage and attempts to reel you back in, and they will resort to all sorts of desperate attempts at manipulation to bring you back in so they can keep feeding on you. (honestly, this process can be kind of amusing).

Other people have already recommended severing the energy cord. One way to do that is to envision a cord that links your navel to your abuser's, and then unplugging it from yourself and letting it drift away. You can also take measures to protect yourself from getting "hooked" again, such as crossing your arms over your solar plexus when you are in their presence, or turning your body slightly away from them when you speak to them.

Many non-witchy sources recommend the "Gray Rock" method. Basically, you make yourself as boring and uninteresting to them as possible (hence the term "Gray Rock"). You don't give them any material or emotional support. You don't react to anything they say or do, and you separate yourself from any inkling of drama. As witches/Pagans/energy workers, you could probably literally visualize yourself becoming a gray rock in their presence, or your aura turning gray and uninteresting. You basically encourage them to lose interest in you first.

I don't believe there is a cosmic retribution system, but I do think it karmic that if you treat others badly, then you will not enjoy relationship with them. As they say, "living well is the best revenge" -- the worst thing you can do to them is take away their supply, while simultaneously saving the best of you for yourself.
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by Firebird »

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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by beemerphill »

Xiao Rong, that is one of the best suggestions to give to a person in this predicament. This is the first time that I have heard of the "Gray Rock" method. It boils all of the other good advice down to a simple explanation. Thank you for sharing that with us. I am sure that others will be using this in their own life.
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by Xiao Rong »

Thanks, Beemerphill!
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Re: How do you all feel about karmic spells.

Post by Firebird »

I may have been doing this to an extent and not known the name of it.
Ok, Poker face it up a bit more maybe. It's hard to not be reactive when you have ptsd. In any case I have been mostly vacant and being non reactive. Or answer in terms that bomerang. Recently I was told I was ungrateful, normally that would have been a big fight defending myself, Instead I said you betcha, I am not gratful. And that threw him off and he went away.

As far as Karma, I feel it works in it's own way on it's own terms. I had a boyfriend when I was 18 who beat the living crap out of me. His little mantra when someone would "get theirs" in some way, he woud tout, "Karma, Karma". Like you should have known better. Well a couple months after I was able to get away from this relationship his new girlfriend called me ( see, he still was stalking me even though he was with someone new) in the middle of the night and said, ___ had been in a serious accident and did I have his mothers phone number. His head had been crushed in a rollover accident and he died the next day. Karma, Karma. I have an incredible amout of anger still for that man even though he got his karma. And I have done many cord cuttings and message burnings yet there is something I still can't get away from even in death.
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