Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

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Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by Scarlet Aurora »

Hello there. I'll get right to it.

My mother has something called "degenerative joint disease" in her back. It causes her immense pain on a constant basis. The only thing that works for her is high strength prescription narcotics like Oxycontin/Oxycodone. She's tried injections, physical therapy, hot showers, cold compresses, seeing pain specialists... Everything short of surgery. And surgery itself is out of the question. Doctors tell her that where they would do the surgery, is in a very dangerous place. (If I recall correctly, it's near her lungs.)

The problem with her taking something like Oxy, is that she has to take it several times a day. And she consistently runs out because the pharmacy will only give 30 pills per prescription.

I was wondering if there's anything I can do for her to help ease the pain? Whether it be a spell, making a potion, charging crystals, etc.

For anyone wondering, my mother is aware that I practice Wicca. So if it turns out that I need to give her something as part of the spell, then that wouldn't be a problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by SpiritTalker »

While we sympathize greatly, please understand that we can't prescribe medicinally. it would be foolish considering drug interactions with the prescriptions involved. So instead of a potion, why not charge the water she drinks to wash down the current meds? Water retains intention.

I have assorted "old age" issues and was causing my stomach to bleed over-using OTC pain killers. Unexpectedly, when I began filtering ALL my drinking water with a stone called shungite, many of my health issues reduced over several months time. IMO it seems to help the body to heal itself naturally. So do some research at Amazon.

There's no reason you can't do energized visualizations to see your mom with freedom of motion, and feed that thought into the universal consciousness. Use the circle's energy to enhance the spell.

Ground. center. Raise energy. Cast circle. Address your deity. Call quarters as usual, but specifically appeal to the west quarter for healing water. Have a jug of H2O ready to be charged. Imagine your mom's smiling face and freedom of motion. Totally avoid the word pain. Use only positive affirmations. She feels good. She moves comfortably and with ease. Make a rhyme to repeat, if you want. Pull the circle energy up around you like a visible mist. Feed the positive images into the misty energy. Use your eyes, your power-gaze to direct the force. It radiates from your whole body into the mist. Feel your mom's relief and relaxed body as your own. Feed the mist these images. Say the affirmations. When it feels like you can do no more, release this energized circle power into the jug of water. Thank the forces. Ground any residual energy of the circle. Your mom should then use only this charged water when taking her meds.
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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oddly enough, Mr Imoto's work with water was featured in today's YouTube vid from Secureteam10 & titled "proof Your thoughts can alter physical reality". My links seldom work, but...

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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by SnowCat »

Your mom needs help with her medication management, along with help for her pain. Degenerative disc disease is not uncommon, but it can be very painful. You should talk to your mom about her medication before doing any spell work. The amount of narcotics she is ingesting will affect anything you do. And if she's taking Oxycontin, which is a long acting narcotic, several times a day, she may be endangering her life. Oxycodone, is a short acting narcotic. It's often taken more than once a day. Please address this before trying anything else spell related.

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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by Scarlet Aurora »

Sorry for my absence. I had a busy several days.

I do keep myself up to date on what my mom is taking. I've had to take her to the ER for the pain before, as well as drive her to the doctor's for her prescription. The directions on the bottle say to take a pill four times daily as needed, and it's a 5mg dose.

That's everything I know.
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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by corvidus »

sevensons wrote:Wormwood might help ease her.
Most likely not, but I’m curious why you recommend it :)
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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by barker »

Sanity (not the garden variety, the "religious" variety) is immune to pain. But then again, if it were that easy for your mother to just get sane, she's be miraculously healing/evolving herself too. :shock:

[DNA, by the way, is one's self judgement... if she wants to attempt that then i say right on.]
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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by MsMollimizz »

Scarlet Aurora,
This is the recipe for the liniment I use...
1cup Yucca root chopped or grated works best...
1 cup Chamomile
1 cup Mint
1 pint vodka
place all in large mason jar make sure the liquid
covers the herbs completely. If its soaked up in
herbs add vodka to cover herbs-shake vigorously
for a couple minutes(if unable to go 2 mins that's fine)
place in warm area out of direct sunlight-counter
is fine. Shake well every few days, 6 weeks is optimal
but you can use at 4 weeks-6 is best. strain using cheesecloth
or a brown coffee filter if need be. Herbs can be put in
compost pile. Use clean DRY jar with tight seal. apply
with cotton balls
(If you don't have vodka-apple cider vinegar can be used
Vinegar mix-1 year vodka mix-indefinite shelf life)
Yucca root is for bone pain
Mint is for nerve pain
Chamomile is to calm the skin-and it makes it smell better !
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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

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Re: Spell/potion to help my mother's pain

Post by planewalker »

Quick study on oxycodone HCL 5mg tablet 30 day script 120 tablets. Watch for mixing with other opioids, sleep aids or anti-anxiety medicines may cause breathing issues and/or coma. DO NOT USE ANY ALCOHOL may cause dizziness or drowsiness. This is a usual maintenance dosage for chronic pain. Narcotic scripits are written only 30 days at a time. I Crunched my joints jumping out of perfectly functional aircraft. Yes, I know, I'm a raving loonie. Luckily for you, that makes me an expert on chronic joint pain. Ask your doctor about adding these non-narchotic aids to the oxy you take:
Start with the low end of Gabapentin. 300mg four times a day. That leaves possibility of increasing dosage.
One Duloxetine 60mg DR Cap at Dinner time

Ask about Glucosamine Sulfate as a dietary supplement. Don't use if you have a shellfish allergy, diabetes, certain kidney or heart conditions, bleeding disorders or high bl00d pressure.

I hope this helps you move forward in dealing with the pain. It never goes away. It is a thing of the mind. That is where we experience things. It's all the reaction of training yourself.
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