I need a powerful banishing spell

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I need a powerful banishing spell

Post by bodybysatan »

My apologies if this is posted under the wrong topic subject .

My new boyfriend's ex wife still lives in his family's home after a year of divorce. She has borderline personality disorder and feeds off of manipulation and chaos. The worst part is she is still living with and influencing her children who dislike her. She is always yelling at them and blows everything out of proportion.
Long story short, she is toxic and needs to leave, but why would she? She's still got a grip on the people in the home and has powerful influence with powerfully negative iron grip energy.
She keeps saying she'll leave after she gets back on her feet, finds a job, etc. but just will not. I am tired of it because it is useless to argue with her. Her family is just as toxic and evil-hearted.
Luckily I have only encountered her once, and it was jot pleasant.
I need her to leave so very badly. I'm afraid a simple banishing spell won't be powerful enough for her black soul and the negative curtain of energy present in the home as long she is there. It is not fair for my wonderful boyfriend and his beautiful children that she still infects the home with her chaos.
Ever since she knew I existed and have been dating her ex-husband and knows his kids like me, she has become even more sinister and reactive. I feel this may be a catalyst for the energy I need in a way.
Is there anything I can do to make her want to leave? Something I can do to make her want to leave immediately? Some sort of sigil I can use to make her feel uncomfortable in the home? What can I do to nudge her out? She has a new boyfriend (somehow) and is also very religious. She's already told her whole family I worship the devil and am evil, which is uncalled for.
I still consider myself a seasoned beginner and wonder how I can combat such powerfully negative energy?
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Re: I need a powerful banishing spell

Post by barker »

Wisdom wisdom wisdom... is "merciful intelligence"... it sounds like she needs to be called worthy... Wisdom.
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Re: I need a powerful banishing spell

Post by Firebird »

A talisman of protection for you. Do not let her get under your skin. And I'm really serious about that, she could cause a riff between you and the beau by making you crazy about the situation. Show him you are not affected by her insanity.
This woman is the mother of your boyfriends children and will never be completely out of the picture.
Be glad you do not live in the same house. It is up to those she resides with to get her out, and if his parents like having their grandchildren near, they may not want her to leave, despite the chaos.
Best wishes,
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Re: I need a powerful banishing spell

Post by planewalker »

Think of this as defending yourself with Judjo-jitsu. You say she thrives on chaos and is in no hurry to leave. Attacking straight on, especially if she creates and thrives on chaos and havoc, you should be active, not reactive. Which is a better defense - punching someone in the nose after they have punched you in the nose {reactive} or not being there and being free to take the action you see as best {active}? 3, 2, 1 I didn't think it would take long to decide on the best alternative.
Now the hard part, deciding on a course of action that is not playing into her hands by creating more negative energy. The darkness flees the light and only remains as shadow.
First, the most important thing, the kids. This is a situation that teaches them that negative emotions are the way to go if they want their own way. I don't know their ages, but I'd estimate from what you've said, 6 to 11 years of age. Even adults want their own way, we have hopefully learned we can't always have it. This women hasn't. How did she get this way? Probably by coming from a family dynamic much like the one she is causing. The constant chaos gives them no stability in their lives. The tricks this woman is using are subtle. They are devious. At the risk of sounding like some old fashioned tent preacher from the 1920's -"She is a viper in your midst. Drive her out before she poisons everyone, as she surely will if she is allowed to remain.
I would also ask how honest and extensive are your lines of communication with your boyfriend. Does he know of your choice of religion. His parents don't need to know and he shouldn't tell them unless you are comfortable with it. He should be told of your choices, just as he should tell you of his choices in life. If your relationship is not built on honesty and acceptance it is not going to last. I've been married for 38 years. I know what I'm talking about.
He will need to know soon if he doesn't already. After about a week or two of learning to be active and practicing it with mundane things we can go into more magical steps to take. You need to put in the foundation to what you want to accomplish. PM me for clairification and added actions that may be helpful. Some of the questions and answer you may want to keep private.

Re: I need a powerful banishing spell

Post by bodybysatan »

Thank you all for the sound, wise advice.
I know in my heart the best course of action isn't aggression
My mate knows how I feel and he's taught me honesty and communication is the best way to go. We take it step by step.
I won't let her affect who I am and I can gracefully deal with her encounters; if I act just it will be good for the children to see.
They are smart and reading your responses have helped me realize it's important for them to see how I react as well. I never like fighting fire with fire but I will be protecting myself. In the end, justness always trumps
Thank you all, blessed be
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Re: I need a powerful banishing spell

Post by Firebird »

You could always do a mirror or reversal type spell, like what ever she sends out it will just come back to her. You remember the childhood taunt "im rubber and you're glue , bounce off me and stick to you!"
Also the keep your enemies closer... I loathed my husbands ex, but when we found common ground, it made the time we had to be near each other totally tolerable and even plesant and in the long run, (which I assume you are with this man for the long run) it was better for the kid (we did a lot if child back and forth trips. ..shared custody, ya know).
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