Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

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Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by autumn swan »

I haven't found anything on this topic in the forums here and im not sure to place it right. But it seems to me that consciousness work fits.

:elkrune: Recently I have become aware of things going on in the world that would be titled conspiracy theories only that a lot of people I find credible talk about it. It being the Luciferian whorshippers like illuminate or Freemason or satanic bloodlines like Rothschild. That they have their men everywhere in all places of power. I have hear about Cathy O'Brien claims of having grown up as a sex slave in CIA Project Monarch, and their Child pornography ring that is active in politics, music industry and Hollywood. Again, I find her believable. I was shocked, yes, but due to own experiences I know that people are capably of such horrible things.

The thing is they seem very mighty and untouchable. But I just can't believe in the magical community there aren't people who use their own weapon against them, aka working magic against them or to help their victims. If their isn't such a discussion about what can be done to defeat them I like to start it. I know that as an individual I can't do much against such a strong group of assholes but I know I'm not the only one who wants to see them brought to justice!

I ask Freya to sent her Valkyries to fight them, but how much is that helping? Do any of you have ideas?

This is not to discuss about 'is it true or not'. Also not to discuss the ethics of cursing. Really, if you're up against that kind of bad people there is no question about ethics anymore, they themlseves have set that in action. Not that im saying ethics are out, my main goal is justice and peace and love, yes, no matter how corny that sounds. I'm a dreamer when it comes to this, and I know love will win in the end. :elkrune:

If someone wants to talk via pm that's cool too!
Last edited by Kassandra on Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Hi. I moved this post to the General Questions forum so that more foot traffic reads/responds to it. Thanks.
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Kassandra »


Well, personally I don't see anything wrong with using magic for social justice activism and advocacy to bring about desired changes. I think you make a good point. Instead of the more lowbrow uses for magic like psychotic love spells and petty tit-for-tat curses, why not use magic with loftier intentions like trying to fight human trafficking and other serious ills against humanity, bring about greater good in the world, get nothing in return for it except to know you helped your mother world? Your planet needs you, Terra.

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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Tutmosis »

Kassandra wrote:.

Well, personally I don't see anything wrong with using magic for social justice activism and advocacy to bring about desired changes. I think you make a good point. Instead of the more lowbrow uses for magic like psychotic love spells and petty tit-for-tat curses, why not use magic with loftier intentions like trying to fight human trafficking and other serious ills against humanity, bring about greater good in the world, get nothing in return for it except to know you helped your mother world? Your planet needs you, Terra.

This is a serious undertaking that requires excellent planning, and the "vigilantantes" must be well seasoned witches or mages. I've thought about this myself with my brother. I kind of help people with demonic attacks, but I've never done this on a large scale because it's very dangerous.

Doing this could bring back some serious dark magick and negative energies from retaliation. This is very serious and very dangerous to yourself and your family. And you can protect yourself, but what about your family? Are you going to extend yourself to make sure your entire family is safe? That can be hard.

But nevertheless this is the goal of lightworkers. I admire that you want to make a difference, as I can relate and have on a small scale.

If you want to talk more about it, I'm down
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by autumn swan »

Yes it seems so big and scary, and I think it needs to be well thought about before doing anything. Why do you think it's dangerous? And what if one doesn't use demon attacks but angels and beings of light to pierce through their shadows? I feel like they're trying it anyway but so often I hear 'one has to ask for help before they can interact' and those who are the victims probably do ask for help, some of them that aren't dead inside, but from a perspective of hopelessness. So what if other people who know that help and healing is possible ask for help as well? And pray and send out vibes of love in hope it reaches them who need it!
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Kassandra »


Yes, doesn't have to involve cursing, as OP suggests. There are other ways to confound things, make them implode, render them ineffective. Everything is energy, physics. Look for the holes in the system. I don't agree that this should be a group effort per se. Groups inevitably disagree and fracture. Better, I believe, that each individual work on this privately, at their own convenience, in their own way. Scattered "cells" working toward a common goal are more flexible than a solid group, which is easily infiltrated and subverted.

Examples of activities might be pray consistently and fervently for peace in the world. Create a sigil and send it out into the world through various means. Use tones and sounds. Perhaps create a private Peace Altar somewhere on your premises, and spend time there. At most ask family or close friends if they would like to participate in rituals there (like Tutmosis mentioned working with his brother from time to time), but again avoid a posse mentality. Sometimes lasting change does not have to come about in the big, bold strokes by the few. Sometimes it comes about through quiet but focused and persistent effort of the many. There is a saying: a single, continual drop of water bores a hole through stone.

And remember to always reshape energy you change, meaning in this case any void created (getting rid of what you don't want) should be filled with something else (what you do want). If you don't determine what that something else is, there are other beings who are more than happy to do so, as evidenced by things being in the state they currently are in. So energy should be reshaped, remolded. Be clear about what you want. Say, for instance, you do spells on a waning moon to dissolve what you don't want to see in the world, what you want to end; be sure that at the waxing moon,for instance, do spells to increase what you do want to see in the world. Don't just focus on problems, give as much energy to focusing on the solutions. You are rebirthing the world, in a sense.

And most importantly, model the change you want to see. Don't work for peace at your altar, then perpetuate turmoil in your life. Don't insist on freedom for others magically, but then condemn or bully people in your private life. It first starts with you. You must look like the change you want for others. There has to be some semblance of congruency. It helps. Transformation in the outer world could bring about inner transformation, as well, inner alchemy, and vice versa.

Just my two cents. Good luck. :wink:

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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Ouroboros »

I like the way you guys think. I'm of the mind that what needs my attention will come to me but there's definitely appeal in taking on the system. The worry is that individually, none of us can take it on. Alternately, the drop of water saying is true. So really, the best thing I can think to add is that anyone who decides to do something magically about these things needs to hold tightly to the Keep Silent part of the Witch's Pyramid. It does suit what I often wonder about the point of everything so thanks for giving me something to really think on.

I'm up for private messages about it, too, if you want.
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Kassandra »


Sometimes, sh** ain't right, and in helping others, a witch's gotta' do what a witch's gotta' do to make it right. :fairy:
What you do may not be this drastic, but it will affect the physics of a situation, it will make a dent. Never
underestimate what you, as an individual, are capable of doing when you are in touch with your own magic,
when you are in-sync with it. Thoughts really are things, powerful things.
In this scene, Galadriel confidently stated what this being is ("nameless," "faceless," etc.), and what it will
do at her command. She didn't waste breath on anything else. She is modeling the principle that to shape
the energy of a situation, focus on what you want it to look like.

Pick an ill in society, something that really speaks to you. Design a working, or a series of workings, to change it. Do this on your own or with one or more (magical) close acquaintances. In changing a thing, don't focus on what you don't want it to be (I can't reiterate that enough, lol). Focus on exactly how you want it to look. Also, speak in the present tense, as though the thing is already as you want it. Declare it.

Try to resist the fear-based urges to focus on who's not gonna' like it, why they're not gonna' like it, how hush hush you must be, how much of a magus you may or not be, etc. What effect do you think such worrisome approaches will have on any workings you do? You don't see Arwen in the film clip explaining herself, "Oh, excuse me, but I would like you wraiths to please stop following me and trying to kill Frodo, K? 'cause, that's not nice, so..." Likewise, you don't see Galadriel calling a time out to discuss banishing that evil dude and his cohorts, "Um, what do you think guys, should I banish this thing, 'cause you know, he might not like it..."

They did what they had to do, using the tools they had at their disposal to do it, because it was the right thing to do at the moment, period. Our world is in peril, and the people and entities who brought this about sure weren't worried about whether we would like what they're doing or not. They just did it, and continue doing it, according to their will. They're not asking for your or my permission.

I know that having this kind of assertiveness can be difficult for some to do, or even imagine, as many souls are so traumatized and hypervigilant they can only focus on the energy of the problems, almost as though addicted to that energy (I call it, "drama energy"), as though receiving an adrenaline high from it. These folk will struggle with focusing on the solutions, even vehemently reject them at times, as counter-intuitive as that may sound. The news media, for instance, encourages a focus on dreadful things, since positive news doesn't sell with advertisers. So, they bank on viewers' subconscious addiction to drama energy, thus rarely will you ever see anything positive in mainstream media news.

The good news here is that beyond merely effecting change in the outer world, magical practice can (and should, in my opinion) also serve, simultaneously, as a practioner's inner journey of discovery and new insights heretofore unknown to the practitioner, a journey of inner growth and self-mastery. As you do spellwork, you will discover your strengths and weaknesses. To me, this aspect of spellwork is ultimately more important than the outcome of any spell itself. From this perspective, no spell is unsuccessful, really. All spells are successful with, if nothing else, teaching us something.

A by-product of our endeavors may be to actually effect the intended goal of our spells, in this case, to bring about positive change in a rather troubled world. But either way, no matter what you do, you can't, and will never, lose. :wink:

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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Shekinah »

Having been involved one way or another with CIA, Illuminate and Freemasonry I can say from an insiders view these institutions are not Satanic nor are they involved in sex/pornography trade or any other nefarious operations. The legitimate aura of secrecy around these institutions feeds conspiracy theories. "Those who know do not speak while those who speak do not know).

There already exist a project employing magick for influencing probabilities in the global arena, CIA Star Gate.
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Deerstep »

I agree with Kassandra, the best efforts are personal ones.

The strongest possible magic you can use to fight an evil power structure is to use your civic rights to protest and organize against them. The best way to fight fear--and therefore, dark magic--is with facts and knowledge. Not even kidding.

All the magic in the world won't do anything if you don't put in the legwork. A witch is only as strong as her will to change the world around her, after all. Join a cause, organize like-minded people in your area, and build your own army of valkyries. I believe in you! :)

That said, most Freemasons I know are fairly kind, intelligent and good-natured guys. Secrecy is part of what they do, just as secrecy is part of mine. Some things are deeply personal and don't have to be shared with the world, and are best kept in your heart. As long as it doesn't bring any harm to others (including yourself), then it's okay.
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by autumn swan »

Thank you all for your input!

Just to note: when I mentioned an agency or secret society or whatever, I never mean to say those purely exist for evil. I say that there are some evil people involved, who use their position for bad things. Usually it's less than ten percent, I'd say, but that's more than there need to be. :anxious:

Kassandra, of course you are right with the lotr examples. (Also a Great example how pop culture are the myths or today, and literally true :D .)

But Deerstep is also right when it comes to leg work. Shekinah has gvien us a real good example of how people tend to think. They usually assume that since they know a bit, they know everything and all who say the opposite are 'unknowing' or lying. It's the kind of dogma that creates an abuse supportive environment. Sadly, people mostly do not want to hear about the thruth because it can be really, really terrible. I get that from personal experience with people but also with myself, I have been there. But talking and getting the truth out it the only therapy and healing there is. So yeah, that's why I initially thought organized goodness can fight organized crime.

That thought especially came to me when I watched (for the fourth time) the BBC series Robin Hood. It's the perfect analogy. Those who do right and don't tolerate evil are outcasts, and those who are ruling are corrupt and greedy. Today we don't need one but thousand Robins and even more thousand Merry Men and Women...
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by autumn swan »

Excuse me, what are you talking about?
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by barker »

Pick an ill in society, something that really speaks to you. Design a working, or a series of workings, to change it.
In fact, the only way to conquer evil is to change the world. Eventually it's your way... then the devil is your friend instead. (sigh). Against problems doesn't work, you must solve then or you are choosing them, for the known doesn't work, you already had that in you. One must come up with something better (ie original). The grass is always greener...
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Dr Steven Greer addresses this issue in a 2 hour interview dialog on American Freedom Radio, Carol Rosin show. Yes, it mentions UFO but it also mentions the power structure suppressing change and how individuals can help, and using our magical consciousness at the end of the interview.

Edit April 6, 2021 - video is no longer available due to YouTube censorship
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by SapphireRoad »

Kassandra's thought that group work is not that effective is interesting.

ST - the link no longer available I believe, which one was it? There are more Rosin - Greer interviews on youtube.


So far I 100% agree with tutmosis.
Anyway, the older one gets the more it comes to understanding that we are all connected.
So it's time to take a stand.

I don't know about the rich folk being consciously dark mages, but there are certainly astral influences behind the evil that men do.

One way to fight is to cut the thought patterns implemented from outside.
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Re: Using Magic to Defeat Evil Power Structures?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

You can use banishing spells to take them out. I use them a lot.
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