Red Moon (Meant more for women)

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Red Moon (Meant more for women)

Post by Shannon »

For those who work closely with the moon cycles..I need some advice..I've always been irrregular and docs have mentioned PCOS but I've never been formally diagnosed. I'm about 99% sure that this is what's wrong and I have every last one of the symptoms so I don't know if this will make it more difficult to try and shift my cycle. But I typically start right around the full moon (when I actually have them)

I react horribly to progesterone and it seems to be getting worse with age, probably due to the reduction of estrogen. It's making it difficult to work with the waxing of the moon. These past few days I've been a wreck, and a lot of it is stress from work. I've been angry and rageful and bloated, unmotivated. I read that Red moon cycles are linked to those who are better at taking care of othersl. Well, I'm really not and have so much work to do on myself that I don't have anything to ever even offer to others. I'm self-absorbed, and struggle immensely emotionally.

Any tips on how to make due as I am, or how to maybe work on shifting my cycle? I've noticed a connection between how "active" I am with my boyfriend and actually having one a particular month...I don't know if that helps :cry:
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Re: Red Moon (Meant more for women)

Post by corvidus »

Are you taking any birth contol medication? These are notorious for screwing with the cycle and its quality.
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Re: Red Moon (Meant more for women)

Post by moonraingirl »

Many women swear by Ladies mantle (herb) and also molasses. They usually take one tablespoon daily with their tea, coffe or simply warm water. Women with PCOS have reported huge improvement. Of course, our hormones work slowly, so it may take two or three cycles before you see a difference.
It's a good idea to mix yarrow with ladies mantle one week before your expected period. Yarrow will activate the uterus and prepare it for the period in a safe way.
For shortening the cycle use shepards purse.

BTW I've also been especially irritated and hypersensitive for a few days now.
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Re: Red Moon (Meant more for women)

Post by Firebird »

Hi there :D
I had terribly painful and irregular moon cycles (until I had a child) (they got a little more regular but no less painful). I found the more I honored myself and the blood the less pain I had. I had been on birth control pills which actually helped quite a bit for the 5 or so years I was on them (is that why I sport this little goatee? :lol: ) but they were really contraindicated for a particular health issue of mine. Then I was completely on the rhythm method and any interactions with husband didn't seem to affect it much at all. I did keep a calendar and found my cycle going from dark moon to dark moon, leaving the fertile zone around the full moon.
Some teas were helpful but I would have to take Pamprin and sleep for 2 days. (Don't know if they still make that drug, it worked way better than Midol) Hot compresses or heating pads were my best friend. I've heard certain foods will agrivate the problem, but I'm not altogether sure which foods that may be.
I've passed the problem onto my child, she ended in the ER last year with a ruptured ovarian cyst. :|
I used to joke that there was only one painfree week in a month, or only one sane week in a month!
We have a pretty great thread on the matter, Kassandra wrote it I think...lemme see if I can find it.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Red Moon (Meant more for women)

Post by Firebird »

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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Re: Red Moon (Meant more for women)

Post by SnowCat »

I had incredibly painful cycles when I was young. My mother dismissed my concerns, as they diverted attention away from her. It got better after I had a child, but within about ten years it got really crazy again. Contraception didn't work for me. I got pregnant with contraception three times, with all ending in miscarriage. I had a hysterectomy in my early forties, due to fibroids. Then I found out that my hypothyroidism had been under treated for years, and likely caused a lot of my problems. Getting that sorted out now.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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