So, tulpamancy

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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Firebird »

I'm feeing like servitors, fetches, egregores and tulpas are very similar.
Would it be plausible to presume that a tulpa is a thought form you create to assist one to be a better person?
A servitor to do ones bidding good or bad?
A fetch to carry out a message or find lost things real or emotional?
An egregore, the energy of a place when a certain group of people gather together?
Ok, now that I spread it out that way they all seem very different, yet all thought forms created by us.
The thing with an egregore though is that energy is spontaneously created when a group gathers. It feeds off the energy of the group and gathers momentum the more the people get together. That energy travels to wherever the people gather. I feel the egregore can assist in magic work, for instance we had requested the rain to hold off untill circle was complete, and a small clearing above us appeared, I believe that to be the work of the group egregore.
Another thing I had sat here and pondered was the words may be coming from different parts of the world to try and explain thought forms.
.....we can just call them thought forms, though that doesn't sound very exotic or :lol:
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Kovyx »

Yeah that's basically how I perceive them, well put there Firebird. ^^
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by SpiritTalker »

Since these all can have various independence from their source, isn't it necessary to give each thought form an "expiration" date, or continuance is made conditional, so our mind's don't run amok?
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Firebird »

SpiritTalker wrote:each thought form an "expiration" date, or continuance is made conditional
As I understand it the egregore exsists in and of itself once the group is formed. If the group shoud disband I would imagine it does a dormant like thing, hoping for a revival somewhere down the line. I also suspect the energy of magical places have this egregore kind of entity attached to them. The word for it now has left my brain.
As for the other three, yes, definitely. ..they should have and expiration date. With the fetch we have done from moon to moon with usually only that time frame unless otherwise specified.
The other two I have never really worked with they sound doppelganger like, and one of me is already a bit much :lol:
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by SpiritTalker »

Heh heh. The more the merrier.

I vaguely recall in one of Janet Farrar's earliest books she wrote of their coven's giant goddess thought form being visible to some outside the group. I forget the particulars, something to do with protecting ecology of the area.

And some years ago I went to visit local Indian mounds and was given the bum's rush, so i left my tobacco gift at the gate without actually entering the site, because my misguided sentiment sure was not welcome by whatever it was.
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Kovyx »

firebirdflys wrote:If the group shoud disband I would imagine it does a dormant like thing, hoping for a revival somewhere down the line.
As for the other three, yes, definitely. ..they should have and expiration date. With the fetch we have done from moon to moon with usually only that time frame unless otherwise specified.
At the first part;
this is pretty much exactly right for most thoughtforms, though no thoughtform of mine has ever really died.. I guess death would be an appropriate term for a thoughtform's expiration. In a way I suppose it'd be like starving, because no energy is being given to them to maintain their life force. But all of my tulpa have at some point or another been through a dormant period, of which affects them in different ways. It can take a long, long time for them to starve though, I suppose just depending on how much energy they had been given before being abandoned. One of my tulpa lasted nearly two years without any energy from me (and not much to start off with either), though it resulted in them (and me) forgetting most everything of their developmental stages (though they may have gotten some subconscious energy, since they are a soulbond of a character of mine). Another friend of mine had a thoughtform of some kind revived from childhood, so it had been nearly a decade. chances are that thoughtform had some outside energy source however, since they had notably changed from how they were when my friend was younger.

Honestly, I don't think I've ever known a tulpa to completely 100% die, because they can also draw from subconscious energy. My best guess as to how a tulpa could actually die, is if you actively kill them yourself, or you completely forget about every aspect of them or that they ever existed.
Interestingly, I've also heard of old tulpa "coming back to life", only later to find out that it was fact a different tulpa who believed they were the previous one. A new tulpa, technically a soulbond in such a case, can even be built upon memories and lingering energies from a dead tulpa.

Thoughtforms are such hardy and yet fickle beings, can spawn out of almost nothing purely on accident, and then other times it can take years to for them to just learn how to speak. Really it all depends on the host, how much control they have over their mental energy, and how receptive they are to sharing their mind with new energies. a lot of this has to do with chakra.

At the second part;
all that said, I rather dislike the idea of tulpas dying. I guess maybe it's because every thoughtform I've ever had has been sentient, and I know it would hurt them a lot if I tried killing them because i don't need them anymore. So just like any form of witchcraft, tulpamancy is something that one needs to be careful with. You can indeed accidentally create a sentient being, and just like a child, if you're not prepared to take care of it, you're going to have to deal with the guilt and negative energy that comes from neglecting and/or killing it.
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by SpiritTalker »

So it is risky to one's self and to the community at large to abandon a sentient, energy absorbing thought form, which will quite naturally want to survive, and do what it takes. It doesn't sound like an idle responsibility. How does one provide for the inevitable loss of their energy support when the host dies? Is it kinder to end a tulpas' cycle, or let it slowly starve and daily contemplate it's death, or be forced to turn feral?

I'm reminded of all the abandoned cats Ive taken in over the years. Is there a crazy cat lazy equivalent for abandoned tulpas?
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Firebird »

When someone catches a "rider" (haha, sorta like catching a cold but Instantaneously) you instantly feel uck, or a strange heavyness, I suspect that these are rogue servitors or possibly a poltergeist.
It takes a good aura sweep and cleansing to be rid of it, and the sooner the better.

I understand the feeling of not wanting it to die, we don't like things dying as in death. Things outside our realm expire. And should be given an expiration date. If one wishes there servitor or tulpa to be with them for life then the agreement that they go when you do should be arranged at their formation. If one is forming them to help with a particular issue in ones life then the terms should be laid out with the clause that there will be an end date. The idea being once an issue has been resolved you likely won't need them hanging out reminding you of what didn't work.
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Mystie.Graves »

When I was growing up, I had many "friends". Unfortunately, back then I had no idea what I was doing, but I know without them I most likely would have ended up in a bad place growing up. Typically they were very shadow like in essence, dark-ish but not evil or bad in any way. I assume now that they were a form of shadow summonings? ~Shrugs~

I have always felt such Thought Beings or summons of any form COULD be the result of pulling energy from another place, time, or realm.

The "expiration date" may simply be sending that energy back to where/when you called it from. It might not be a form of "death" but a form of release.

If it was a negative thing to end the contract or reach the end of your agreement, don't you think the thought form/being would be less inclined to help you to begin with?

I'm sure you can trust the energy between you and your friendly thought form/being. You made the agreement together & I doubt anyone here would make a "bad" agreement with a negative ending.

Though, I'm sure someone could do that if that is how they chose to make the contract. I'd consider that more along the lines of some kind of black magic because then it wouldn't be an agreement but an enslavement. I don't see anyone doing that by accident or on purpose here.

If you care for your friends, trust that releasing them from the contract/agreement, when the time it's right to do so, is not going to, or meant to, hurt or harm or kill them. =)

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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by YanaKhan »

I love this thread. Although I don't really have anything to add, just wanted to say I love it.

I first came across the conception of Tulpa by watching "Supernatural" and so far I very much enjoy reading this thread.
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by Kovyx »

okay a lot of posts have happened, not sure how much of it i'm interested in replying to, but here's this ... 34977.html

also thank you Yana! you'll definitely like the thread i linked then X3
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Re: So, tulpamancy

Post by nightshroud »

I have one I named the supreme king hes still with ,me all these years well he possessed me once.

he even prays with me.
I have him on speed dial anyone wanna ask him anything?
The darkness is my friend for I am Nightshroud the darklord.
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