Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

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Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

Post by shelupine »

Hey guys it's me again!! I got a question, has anyone felt incredibly sick while trying to raise your vibration or while meditation? Well lately I have. A few days ago I had an incredible advancement in spiritual awareness and I simply see the world through new and improved eyes (yay), but it has left me with an unsatisfying thirst for more. Since then I have been eager to advance again. It could be anything from learning a new meditation technique to higher spiritual advancements. But when I try to sit and meditate or try any deep breathing techniques I quickly feel sick and over heated and my head starts to spin rapidly. I simply cannot do anything that could possibly help me. Do you think I need to take it slow? Maybe since I've just raised my spiritual consciousness I need this time to rest? Any help is appreciated thank you!!!!
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Re: Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

Post by SpiritTalker »

You're right on the dot. Especially following a big change, we need to let it grow slowly through our bodies. The spirit changes at hyper speed. The body...not so much. It needs time to adjust. The aura takes the brunt of the vital energy, and slowly feeds it into the physical. Drinking water several times a day will help the body remove the old flesh, and make way for the new. Grounding the old vibes and centering the new is also helpful. Work in short periods of meditation for three months, I.e., a quarter of the yearly cycle, before trying the longer meditations.
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Re: Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

Post by corvidus »

I agree with SpiritTalker, purification work might be a good focus until you've adjusted to the change. The heat is from your physiological reactions produced by the influx of energty.

Purification could be as simple as eating way too healthy for a week or so, or skipping a meal during the day, or replacing a food meal with an herbal tea. Mostly to give the body time to clear out on a subtle level.

Also, great job :)
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Re: Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

Post by shelupine »

SpiritTalker wrote:You're right on the dot. Especially following a big change, we need to let it grow slowly through our bodies. The spirit changes at hyper speed. The body...not so much. It needs time to adjust. The aura takes the brunt of the vital energy, and slowly feeds it into the physical. Drinking water several times a day will help the body remove the old flesh, and make way for the new. Grounding the old vibes and centering the new is also helpful. Work in short periods of meditation for three months, I.e., a quarter of the yearly cycle, before trying the longer meditations.
. Thank you ..I can't even meditate for a minute it feels like I'm frying my system so I'm giving it a rest for now
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Re: Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

Post by shelupine »

corvidus wrote:I agree with SpiritTalker, purification work might be a good focus until you've adjusted to the change. The heat is from your physiological reactions produced by the influx of energy.

Purification could be as simple as eating way too healthy for a week or so, or skipping a meal during the day, or replacing a food meal with an herbal tea. Mostly to give the body time to clear out on a subtle level.

Also, great job :)
. Thank you!!! And yea I've been eating really well I believe our higher selves guide us in what to eat. For me it's fruit, super fresh salad, water and multiple fruit and veggie juices with the occasional sweet treat here and there, but the strangest thing I'm compelled to eat is Indian food.. My intuition strongly suggests that I eat it once a day. I'm also compelled to stay away from meat, bread and eggs completely...what do you think?
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Re: Feeling sick and over heated while meditation

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yup, natural and wholesome. Follow your instincts and listen to your body. It does not lie...except maybe about chocolate covered expresso coffee beans being an absolute necessity. Eh-hum. :? A nutritionist might suggest not going too long without protein, and moderation in fruit juices because they can give a sugar high.
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