Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

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Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Kassandra »


Over the years I've heard many people say they've seen what seems to be a demon thingy being attracted to some people, and being most apparent when the people have been drinking. I think there is something to this, that the auric field is very vulnerable when we've been drinking alcohol. I was in a bar once and I looked over the crowd, and I saw these grey things stepping into and out of all the peoples' auric fields in the bar, like they were trying them on for size.

I observed this for a while, and it seemed they were looking for "resonance" (haha, I stopped drinking not long after seeing that, no kidding). I saw this again when I was observing a mentally ill person who was also a meth addict. He had several grey things walking up and down his body. I noticed they were getting more and more agitated the harder he tried to get clean, until one day he had a psychotic break and started yelling at everybody. The grey things didn't want to lose their home sweet home, and didn't.

Further observation led me to conclude that when these parasitic entities find resonance with someone, they will camp out in that person's aura for days, weeks, months, years, decades (until the person stops doing whatever may be anchoring the thingy there in the first place). Some people die with these things. And from what I "felt" energetically coming from these things, I wound't necessarily classify them as demons. They don't feel malevolent, believe it or not.

They are just "feeding", lacking spiritual nutrients, I guess you could say. Demons have more of a definite personality, and usually an agenda of some sort. But, these grey things are just spiritual germs, basically. I think we kind of jump to the demon word because in our subconscious, Western culture, Judeo-Christian-programmed minds, anything not "good" MUST be a demon (couldn't possibly be anything else, lol). I'm not saying in every situation it's not a demon, maybe it would be, I don't know. These are just observations.

They remind me of the "bodachs" in this Odd Thomas movie trailor (without all the Hollywood hyperbole of course, they don't "try to kill you if you see them" ), starting at 1min:18sec.

See also:

The following video is further food for thought on this topic. I have some thoughts I'd like to share on some of the launguage used in the video (such as, "demon possession," etc.) which I think is misrepresentational and little over the top, but I will have to type them out later when I have time. For now, here it is:
Note the bodach which approaches the man after he's begun drinking, at 7min:15sec (well, I don't know
what else to call the grey creature thingy, lol).

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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by PistashioQueen »

Very interesting. Especially with mental illness.
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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by SpiritTalker »

They'd be like energy worms feeding off the decomposing emissions. I've seen white worms under the flesh of a mouse that had died...I nearly hurled and couldn't bury it fast enough. I had to remind myself it was natures' way of not wasting anything, and recycling.
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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Kassandra »


Yep, nothing goes to waste.

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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Becks »

When I read your post I see all of the decomposers in the plant and animal kingdom. Like fungi really....if you are healthy you are much less vulnerable.
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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Kassandra »



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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Oakheart »

There are fauna that inhabit the lower psychic planes that feed on the vital life force of living creatures. They are the metaphysical equivalent of leeches and tapeworms.
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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Kassandra »


Agreed. I look at it as what we got going on inside our intestines, in our mouths, on the palms of our hands, etc., at any given moment, could be scarier than most little interdimensional nasties "out there" somewhere, haha. What we got going on "at home" is concerning enough. Like, instead of "oh my god, it's a demon," I'm more like, "Have you looked at what you have on your tongue today?!" haha We humans are so quick to be afraid of what's out there, and totally not conscious of how scary and disgusting we ourselves could be at times.

Gut microbes:
Microbes in mouth - National Geographic magazine.jpg

More gut microbes:
Source: ... important/

The germs of your hands are so distinctive from finger to
finger that researchers are figuring out ways to use them
for identification purposes. Read about it here: ... gerprints/
Neat-o, eh?

The flora of our hands.jpg
Just as our biological environment has normal, regular flora, the
spiritual environment has its "germs," too. They come in many forms,
and no, they're not all "evil demons."

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Re: Auras, Alcohol and Attachments

Post by Firebird »

Hahaha!! Yeah, I'm not sure I want to see the stuff I cannot see :shock:
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