Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any...

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Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any...

Post by Ekorus »

Merry Meet!

Some Background:

I have observed Wicca for 3 years as of the 29th this month. However, I have had my beliefs rooted this way for over a decade. I just wasn't aware of what Wicca was until 3 years ago. Since then I've been collecting resources and getting acquainted with my spirituality. I've also been trying to feel out what I believe, what I'm comfortable with, what works for me, and what doesn't. I love the fact that Wicca is so diverse that everyone can believe something different, yet still be within the classification of "Wiccan". Now I'm trying to narrow down if there is a specific Tradition that believes the way I do.

My Beliefs

I've always believed in Reincarnation in my heart, but until I read about Wicca, I was always terrified of it. I've always been afraid of the loss of experience, memories, loved ones, and such when one is born again. When I learned that Wicca believes in the Summerland where you go to rest and reflect before your next life and some believe after a number of lives you "retire", I have been truly at peace for once in my belief of Reincarnation. It seems perfect to me now.

Here is the belief I hold that seems to fly in the face of so many Wiccan Traditions though. While I believe in all the Gods and Goddesses and that they are separate beings with their own consciousnesses and jobs, I believe in a overarching entity or energy that I like to refer to as "The Godhead" that is essentially their Origin and that connects them together, along with all of us mortals and indeed, all facets of existence. I don't know if there is ANY Tradition that believes similarly.

If any of you can help me figure out where I belong, if anywhere, it would mean everything to me.

Thank you for your time and efforts!
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by mikezmac »

Paganism is a large umbrella. Druid, bard, Wicca, ovate and more fall under it. From my expertise there is a great variety of practice in Wicca. It also varies between countries. The British islands is the home for a great multitude of pagan folk.

My point, find what resonates with you and don't worry too much about a perfect fit.

Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Ekorus »

Thank you for that. I appreciate it!

However, my problem is not trying to find a perfect fit, but rather what to classify myself as. No, classification is the wrong word. Belonging. Belonging is the right word. I yearn to belong. Even if it's as simple as a name, it would mean the world to me. My whole life I've never "belonged" to any religion. I know Paganism is my calling, but like you said, it's such a large umbrella with so much diversity, more so than any other religion, that just calling myself a Pagan is like saying "I'm a man" as a human being. That narrows it down, but not a whole bunch. My goal of explaining my belief is to see if anyone out there might know of a more specific name for what I may be. That way, instead of saying "I'm a man", I can say something like, "I'm a middle-aged, curious man". It may seem silly, but after a lifetime of not spiritual belonging, finding a kinship is very important to me.

Yes, I am trying to research what Traditions I can, but as I didn't even know what Wicca meant until 3 years ago, there's no possible way for me to know everything I can possibly research without a little guidance.
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Becks »

Hi Ekorus, I understand the desire to want to have a label. The idea that you can say a word and identify with a group or a set of beliefs. You have a select set of ideas that may not conform to one way of thinking. You might end up not being any one "thing" or have a label that is perfect. Especially if the way you see the world so varied or complex. That's where people use terms like witch or pagan, use descriptors to help witch, traditional witch, animist, polytheist...etc...I like to call myself a filthy heathen to get a rise out of people sometimes. I don't know what to call myself either.

It's tricky, and many of us deal with this. I studied Wicca for a time, and learned I wasn't one. In my experience Wiccans don't necessarily have to believe in Summerland.....

This is a good time for you to figure out what you believe, and read all about the practice. Figure out your beliefs and then read about what applies and doesn't apply, then ultimately it is a personal choice for the descriptors that best fit what your practice actually looks like. There is also an element of self identification. People choose the terms they like best. I have noticed on my journey that for many, the label is a tough part-it's a lot more open than that...harder to define.

Having read your post again, the belonging comes not just from a label, but the ability to connect to community. I found community in different places, and in unusual ways. I've never met another pagan that sees it exactly as I do, but the 'belonging', for me, comes from being able to chat to others who also believe in the power of the earth and the deep connection and spiritual way of being that unites us...rather than the same practice and similar labels. I know I am with others in a bigger family, but I haven't met anyone that sees things exactly as I do. I belong to myself and I belong to the earth and my community is the bigger "umbrella" of pagans, witches and practitioners.

I really hope you find a connection in a way that makes you feel peace and security.
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Firebird »

The Celtic tradition I am with sees God like this,
God is like a great light encompassing all, but just like light it can be broken into many rays of the spectrum, so too can that energy. Within that rainbow of energy is many different aspects of the God. Here we find Gods and Goddesses of many different talents. Though their light/energy boils back down to one source.
I don't know that you need a label. Wiccan Witch would suffice. Or just Witch. Though I do like Becks filthy Heathen! :lol:
Are you interested in practicing with others?

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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by SpiritTalker »

One of my favorite quotes is from Dion Fortune, an Hermetic occultist author and founder of Society of Inner Light: "all gods are one god, all goddesses are one goddess, and there is but one Initiator." I don't know where she took it from. Some witchcraft authors use her novels as a reference, so without being a witch Fortune influenced the field. When Wicca was forming into what evolved into traditions, authors like the Farrars(Alexandrians) used many sources to teach from, including Fortune. So-o, it seems to me that down under Wiccan philosophy, any that isn't shamanistic, have a common denominator. And because the Craft is experiential, individuals have personal authority to accept or reject, or politely nod and go their own way. Like herding cats. Individuals will agree, or not, but I don't think any tradition can dictate what anybody who joins them believes. So, intending no offence, IMO finding a match based on one particular expression of consciousness is too small. You can belong to something larger than a tradition. No need to fit yourself into any one way when your mind already grasps a bigger picture. And, yeh, i get the longing to belong. Merry meet.
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by smogie_michele »

firebirdflys wrote:The Celtic tradition I am with sees God like this,
God is like a great light encompassing all, but just like light it can be broken into many rays of the spectrum, so too can that energy. Within that rainbow of energy is many different aspects of the God. Here we find Gods and Goddesses of many different talents. Though their light/energy boils back down to one source.
This is essentially what I believe to be true, but have never known how to properly phrase it- so thank you :)
However, my problem is not trying to find a perfect fit, but rather what to classify myself as. No, classification is the wrong word. Belonging. Belonging is the right word. I yearn to belong. Even if it's as simple as a name, it would mean the world to me.
I know what you mean, for a while I felt the same way. My exact beliefs don't exactly line up with any ONE tradition or pantheon, so for a while I just stuck with the term "Wiccan" because it was "close enough." Now, I find myself quite happy with simply calling myself a "Pagan Witch." Who knows how long that will last, I'm all kinds of wishy-washy... The terms are broad enough to describe my beliefs.

I hope one of us are able to point you in a direction you are comfortable with soon :) Best of luck to you and your path!
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by SnowCat »

I'm an Eclectic Solitary with a mixture of Norse and Egyptian deities who I work with. I refer to myself as a Cat Whisperer. Some people refer to me as a Crazy Cat Lady. You may or may not find a tradition that resonates with you. If you don't find one, create your own. Sometimes belonging to something that's entirely yours is a good thing.

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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Xiao Rong »

I think there are a number of Pagan traditions (including Wiccan) that generally subscribe to the idea that there are many gods and goddesses that all originate from a single Divine source. You might be interested in this article series about polytheistic monism That's what my coven often talks about; you'll find similar ideas in popular Pagan writers such as Scott Cunningham.

Generally speaking, I find that theology, while important, takes a backseat in Paganism. Many Pagans describe this path as one of orthopraxy (right doing) rather than orthodoxy (right belief). Basically, your beliefs are important, but it matters more what you do with those beliefs. The people in my coven have wildly different theological approaches, ranging from panentheistic, pantheist, monist, polytheistic monist, agnostic, to just plain apathetic -- but what really matters is that we can share in the magic, celebrate the Sabbats together, and support one another.
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Ekorus, You OK?

Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Ekorus »

So sorry for the lack of reply, I had changed my username and my account was deactivated.

Firstly, I want to thank ALL of you for your valuable contributions! I've done more looking and turns out I'm more in line with the Druid belief system. It's a change, but a good one, I hope.
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hey, all right! And just in time for the summer solstice. ::coolglasses:: blessings upon your path.
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Firebird »

Ooops! Actually you can change your user name as often as you want with no problem...we request one try to avoid that too much because it confuses the other members. ..It is when one switches their e-mail address that bumps them off.
I think Druidry will fit you fine, maybe the is an ADF group near you? :fairy:
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Re: Trying to figure out what Tradition I belong to, if any.

Post by Oakheart »

I'm personally not concerned with labels. I'm an advocate of emanationism, which as several people have already mentioned, is the notion that everything physical and spiritual (including deities) emanates outward from a single divine source. But I'm ultimately nothing more than a seeker of 'Truth & Light.'
Student of Rosicrucianism, Neoplatonism & Hermetic Kabbalah.
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