Negative Energy or...?

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Negative Energy or...?

Post by floridawitch »

Lately, I've been experiencing a lot of negative things. At first, I thought I just picked up some negative energy, somehow, but I'm really not sure.

I've had terrible luck since Easter (family is Catholic, so we celebrate Easter). On Easter, my dog died unexpectedly. He was sick with kennel cough for a few days, but nothing serious, and then before Easter dinner, he passed out and died.

Ever since he passed, I have had terrible luck. Bad things keep happening to me and to those around me, which is why I thought I might have picked up some bad energy. My dad started having prostate issues, and my boyfriend's father had a mini-heart attack and possibly needs a stint now. My boyfriend started having health issues too, which he is now getting checked out with a specialist. I got into a major car accident, three days after my dog died, in which I lost control of my car on a wet road, went across two lanes of traffic (narrowly avoiding other drivers, somehow) and hit a telephone pole, totaling my car. I hit the pole with my driver's side door, and I ended up crawling out the passenger side door (strange: nothing wrong with me, not even a scratch), but everyone who saw the damage to my car (driver's side door completely crushed inwards, ended up against my leg but did not hurt me, and I did hit my head but there wasn't even a bump) says I should have been dead. And little things are constantly going wrong, plus I've been having nightmares just about every single night.

I was talking to my dad about this and (since he's Catholic) he was pretty insistent that I go to church and get some holy water. Even though I'm not Christian, I believe that holy water holds some power, just in the fact that it has been blessed and prayed over, and is therefore instilled with positive energy. So I was considering his advice, and right after our conversation, I went to my room and got on my computer. Not two minutes later, my lights start flickering like crazy and the power cut out of the overhead light for a few seconds before turning back on (computer was unaffected, not storming), and I swear I have never been so freaked out in my life. (Not a normal occurrence, and hasn't happened since.)

After that, I did get some holy water, along with sage and I blessed my room and myself. I've been burning sage nearly every day since and things seem a little better, but still off.

I'm wondering if I'm reading too much into this or if there is a specific spell I should do in order to clear the energy. Or... I don't know. Any ideas?
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Re: Negative Energy or...?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Let me first say I'm sorry for the loss of the family dog. It can really shake us up. Maybe you are just looking at things a little squint-eyed. After all, you walked away from an accident that could have harmed or killed you. Your computer survivied a power flux. So something is working to your benefit. If you haven't been invoking things you know better than to mess with or hexing, then you have done nothing that bad juju can stick to. Open the window and refresh the air, breath deeply.
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Re: Negative Energy or...?

Post by Dark_Angel »

I am so sorry for the loss of your furry friend :(
I do know Mercury is in retrograde (started the 28th) so it could account for a few things that have been going on.
I think what the majority of what it boils down to is that you had a major negative experience with the loss of your dog and that has colored the glasses of how you see the world right now. So these things that you maybe wouldn't be super worried about (still worried but not as much) are amplified.
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