Crystals and Healing

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Crystals and Healing

Post by [LunaRose] »

I love crystals! Right now I own about 6. I am also interested in healing, and I know that many people heal with crystals. I just hold mine and feel their energy, but I was wondering about all of the other crystal healers... how do you work with crystals and healing energy?

Another question. I can feel the energies comming from a lot of crystals, but for some, I can't feel a thing. Is it still responding to me and balancing me, or is it just not the right stone for me?
I have returned from the ashes and I am reborn.

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Post by Elem »

I can't answer the first, as I don't work with crystals and what I have done with them was limited to experimentations with energy, but this:
Another question. I can feel the energies comming from a lot of crystals, but for some, I can't feel a thing. Is it still responding to me and balancing me, or is it just not the right stone for me?
I believe I can answer :).

You should view the crystals (and indeed other objects) more as an extension of your own energy, and how they respond to it. Some crystals respond well to certain energies.. And thus you can 'feel' the energy resonating within them. However, other crystals simply don't respond, or respond very little, to your energy.. So you 'feel' nothing.

The crystals themselves do not have any intrinsic energy of their own. They simply respond in different ways to the presence of our, or others', energy.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Well, as a professional crystal healer I have to say that I do not entirely agree with Elem's comments--although I respect the position taken. If all is merely an extension of "me" then how do I know that anything else exists? I am sorry, no person is an island--that is one of the gravest fallacies of the human ego. Stones have their own energy as do all things--a "thing" is a particular frequency that virbrates in accordance with the earth's magentic field. It can take many forms and vibrate at seemingly infinite ordinates and fluctuations. All sub-lunar dwellers are subject to the electromagnetic centre that is the Earth. But, within this field many particular vibrations develop. thus, the vibration of Selenite, Petalite or Scoletcite, is very different than Tiger Eye, Carnelian and other kinds of chalcedony. So much of the vibration depends upon the chemical intermixtures that occur through the rudimentary electromagnetic charges and currents that make up what is known today as matter. Thus stones high in Lithium emit a strong vibration that even the most sluggish "lug" of a human could feel. But, slower vibrational stones like all the Jaspers and most Agates will take longer to feel as the changes are slow, subtle and deep.

If you are handling a stone or crystal that emits a strong resonance and magnified reaction, then you lack that vibration in your own energetic field. It is a good idea to stay with that energy for a while. If a stone offers you little change then you are probably already vibrating in harmony with that type of frequency. Thus, it will neither help nor hinder you. All matter vibrates and when we engage with others--any other being including plants and stones--an electromagentic intermixing occurs. It does not take long for the stronger vibration to pull the weaker one to its level to achieve harmony. Apparently, the smallest measurable piece of matter, known as a "quark," re-confirms this. The stronger vibration will pull the weaker into accord as Harmony is natural Law. This is also seen in the electrical responses of atoms, and then cells, and then organelles, and more and more complex formations of cellular organic makeups, all the way up to galaxies vibrating with neighbouring galaxies. I hope this makes sense and I mean no offence to any other views. This is just what i have experienced over the years and have had re-affirmed time and time again. Crystal healing is a matter of pulling electro-magentic vibrations into harmony--It is about checks and balances. . .it is really so simple--ah, but so difficult and requires much study, contemplation and practice.

Happy exploring. .

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Post by Elem »

If all is merely an extension of "me" then how do I know that anything else exists?
Sorry, I can't have made myself very clear in what I was saying :). All is not merely an extension of 'You'. I simply meant that the energy that surrounds you, and flows through you, interacts with the crystal. That is all.. Not that the crystal is an extension of yourself, or of your mind :).
Stones have their own energy as do all things--a "thing" is a particular frequency that virbrates in accordance with the earth's magentic field.
In this sense, many stones do, for instance, have some kind of radioactivity.. But other than that, the only energy is the bonding energy of the atoms.. Which is pretty much redundant, as it could only be released through smashing or melting.
All sub-lunar dwellers are subject to the electromagnetic centre that is the Earth.
To this end, what do you mean? Sub-lunar being "beneath the moon", or "beneath the surface of the moon"?
. So much of the vibration depends upon the chemical intermixtures that occur through the rudimentary electromagnetic charges and currents that make up what is known today as matter
Again, how do you mean? I understand where you might have grasped the concept of 'vibrations' causing matter (i.e. String theory - Infinitely small strings of 'energy' that are vibrating.. Which we perceive to be the rudimentary energetic particles (i.e. the energy that makes up quarks), and thus the 'matter', of our Universe).. But I fail to see where electromagnetism and currents come into play? String theory is, as suggested, only very theoretical.. And it deals not with electromagnetism, but with different forces and energies altogether.
All matter vibrates and when we engage with others--any other being including plants and stones--an electromagentic intermixing occurs
This does make sense, in a way, yet is still somewhat confusing to me.. When you suggest that all matter vibrates, do you mean as per you said before? That we are vibrating within the Earth's magnetic field? This would assume that we are good conductors of electricity, and thus our passing through the Earth's magnetic field causes a current to be generated.. Somehow causing a vibration in our cells and atoms.

If the Earth's magnetic field were strong enough to cause such a reaction, you could (in theory) 'break' the magnetic field by passing a piece of wire through it perpendicularly, and generate a current. As this does not happen, it would be safe to assume that at this level (i.e. On the surface of the Earth), the magnetic field of the Earth has little to no effect on matter. Higher up you will notice its effects more, as the magnetic field 'arches' around from the bottom to the top, and affects us in only relatively minor ways on the surface.. Being that landmass and mountains tend to get in its way, dampening it.

Admittedly, some people believe that if you string up a load of copper wire, you can generate a 'free' current, as it breaks the earth's magnetic field.. But, from experiments I've seen performed, I can say that any current generated is absolutely minute. Such.. If several long pieces of copper wire can't generate a large enough current (and thus electromagnetic field) to be measured.. A small crystal certainly couldn't either.
Apparently, the smallest measurable piece of matter, known as a "quark," re-confirms this. The stronger vibration will pull the weaker into accord as Harmony is natural Law.
I would be interested to know how the quark comes into this :). Quarks and gluons do exert a force on each other, known as 'strong nuclear' force, which in effect 'binds' them together.. Yet, as I've said, I don't know how this is relevant to crystals.

And again, the reference to vibrations and how they interact with one another.. Do you mean electromagnetic 'vibrations'??

I understand that electromagnetism comes into play all the time.. Indeed, it's the reason that we can 'feel' objects, and is the reason for friction.. Both due to the interaction and repulsion between electrons in the atoms in your fingers, and electrons in the atoms of the object you're coming into contact with.

But, at the same time, neither ever actually 'touches'. The atoms don't ever actually.. 'touch' each other. The repulsion between the electrons just gets higher and higher.. They can never actually 'touch', as to do so would be breaking the general laws of physics :|. Thus, the fields of electromagnetic radiation generated around each atom by the electrons.. Never actually 'meet' or 'join' or 'combine'. If they did, you would be bonding with the substance you're touching. Electrons would be shared, a reaction would happen.. You'd only ever get a reaction from touching a reactive substance.. Like an acid, for instance.

I can understand how electromagnetic radiation ties in with crystals.. Yes, some specific crystals generate a current, and thus an electromagnetic field, when pressure is put on them. This is known as the piezoelectric effect, and was discovered many years ago.

Similarly, you get an anti-piezoelectric effect if current is passed through certain crystals, which have specific formations and elements within them.. You would get a vibration. This is well known and documented, and is used in hundreds, if not thousands, of products in the home.. Including speakers, microphones, inkjet printers, microscopes, diesel engines, electric cigarette lighters.. You get the idea.

However, as I've said it's only specific.. Certain.. Crystals, which are piezoelectric. Even then, the electromagnetic forces generated by, for instance, 'squeezing' a lump of crystal.. Are going to be little if not nothing.

If you want a demonstration of the production of current, heat, even a dim light.. Then grab two lumps of quartz, go into a dark room, and rub them / smash them against each other. They should glow where they come into contact, after rubbing them (quite hard) together for a short amount of time.

As I've said, I do not believe that crystals have any kind of.. intrinsic 'energy'. Especially not an electromagnetic energy.. Unless you put a lump of piezoquartz into a vice and put it under an immense amount of pressure.. Repeatedly.. In order to generate a constant current, and thus generate an electromagnetic field.. Allbeit a weak one.

I respect your beliefs, and I hope you don't mind me questioning them. By all means, I'd love to hear your reasoning behind it all.. I just fail to understand it at the moment, as I can't see any basis in science :). Just some abstract principles drawn from piezoelectricity, string theory, particle theory, the magnetism of the Earth and sub-atomic particle theory.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Sounds like you have thought all this through and I have nothing to add. At the end of the day it is all faith. If you are really into this and open to it then check the work by Naisha Ashian--she has a website and a few publications. She tries to bridge classic crystal healing faith with current geological science and reason--But as my favourite poet says, "I will not Reason and Compare. . my business is to Create!"

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Post by Elem »

I will do, thank you :).

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Post by [LunaRose] »

:shock: :shock: :shock: :knife: I must be having a brain fart today because I only understood about two thirds of this. Maybe I need to eat something... I do think I understand why I don't get a reaction from certain crystals however. It ties in with crystals being an extention of the energy in everything, and surrounding everything. I will continue to experiment with crystals ang healing. Thank you both for your replies.
I have returned from the ashes and I am reborn.

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