Curious Razor Cuts

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Curious Razor Cuts

Post by Aesiryth »

I've been waking up the past few days with small, thin cuts on my hands. Some days I have them, some days I don't. It's the strangest thing. I would post a picture along with this post, but today I do not have them. So let me explain a little bit. Every once in a while I'll wake up with one or two small, razor-like cuts on my hands or fingers. Almost like a paper cut except a little wider. I've heard of people getting these or mysterious bruises due to spirits or what-not, but I have no idea why it would be happening to me. I don't have any crazy ex's or anyone that would want to harm least not that I know of.

Anyway, they don't hurt and I'm not scared, but I am very curious. The most mysterious part about this is that they can disappear the very next day. This might be because they are so small that they can heal within a day, but I have no idea. I would appreciate any input about this. Like I said, it's not a big deal, but I'm just curious about it.

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Re: Curious Razor Cuts

Post by jaybirdblue »

Do you handle a lot of paper in your job or spare time? I'm an artist so I handle it pretty regularly. I get paper cuts all the time and don't notice them until I use hand sanitized or if they get red and inflamed. What might be happening is that you've gotten a paper cut and you don't notice it until the morning. Your body does a lot of its work when you're asleep, including fight infection. It may not be visible at the onset because your body hasn't reacted to it, but when you wake up they either have tiny scabs or are a little red from maybe a slight infection.

Another possibility is that you're doing something in your sleep that might be causing it. A lot of the time when we wake up with bruises its something silly like, we hit our knee on the wall or something while we were knocked out cold. If you have long or sharp nails you could be scratching or digging into your hands while you're asleep.

It honestly doesn't sound like anything paranormal to me. I personally am always suspicious about claims of people waking up with cuts or bruises being paranormal based, just because of what our bodies go through when we go to sleep. I wouldn't be scared, it's probably something benign and boring. But if you're worried look at some curse breaking or protective spells. I doubt it has anything to do with that but just in case or to make yourself feel more comfortable, there's no reason not to.
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Re: Curious Razor Cuts

Post by Aesiryth »

Thank you for the input jaybird. I will take into consideration although I do not work work a lot of paper or sharp materials that often. My nails are pretty short considering my male gender. But again, thanks for the input. It is always welcome.
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Re: Curious Razor Cuts

Post by Deejean »

I use to wake up with cuts and bruises all the time when I was younger, at a time when I was more intuned to the paranormal. I found that it was usually happening when something wanted my attention. I would sit down before going to bed one night, make sure to perform a protection spell/circle of some kind first, but then open you mind to all whatever it is to communicate with you. If you feel its paranormal, chances are it is. Your body can sense things that your eyes cannot see.

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Re: Curious Razor Cuts

Post by Aesiryth »

Thank you, Deejean. They come and go so it's kind of strange and a little annoying. Thanks for the input and solution that you included. Greatly appreciated :)

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Re: Curious Razor Cuts

Post by Deejean »

Not a problem Aesiryth :)
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