An Experience - Someone's Looking Back

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An Experience - Someone's Looking Back

Post by Silversong »

I just less than ten minutes ago had an experience I had to share, something I've never felt before. You guys are the first to hear of it, even before my mother (because I'm pretty sure she'd laugh at me if I told her XD). I've never sensed anything like this, but I have complete faith in it somehow.

We drove back from my Krav Maga, and when we got out of the car, we both immediately noticed the sky. It's November, almost December, so it's pretty darn cold, but the sky is gorgeously clear at night. I live in a tiny dinky little town where there's almost zero light pollution - you have to go out into the middle of an uninhabited desert to get better night skies. Anyway, the sky was beautiful; you can see a thousand thousand stars sprinkled across the darkness. I was looking up, and without prompting, a sentence suddenly flitted through my mind and stuck: Someone's looking back. If I'd been thinking about extraterrestrial life, I might have dismissed it, but absolutely nothing would have caused me to suddenly think that on my own. What's more, I could feel a tightness in my chest that I've learned to associate with a certain knowing of something that I shouldn't be able to be sure of - almost like my heart's challenging me to defy it. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

I scanned the sky, suddenly very intent (fortunately, I have an enormous fluffy coat that, when I tuck my hands into the sleeves and grab my own wrists so the sleeves are more or less sealed, makes me immune to cold (it also makes me look almost exactly like a Minecraft villager, but nuance XD)), and very quickly zeroed in on one star. Curse it all, it's not part of a constellation I know, and the closest constellation I could identify was pretty far off to the left, so I have no way of identifying the star, but I'm willing to bet money I could find it again without fail tomorrow, and the night after that, and the night after that. I stared at it for a long time, just kind of registering the fact that had just been presented to me: Someone's looking back. I stretched out my consciousness in an attempt to - I don't know what I was attempting to do, actually. To make a solid connection? To share words, even? I'm no psychic, not that I know of, anyway. All I know is that my impulse was to reach out, and I did so without hesitation. A few more bits of information flitted into my head of their own accord, and I trust them absolutely. Far, far away, there is a planet circling that star, and on that planet there is life, sentient life, and there was a girl in her summer standing outside where she could see the sky, and I think she felt it too - felt that someone was looking back at her. I don't know her name, or what she looks like, or what she calls herself and her people and her planet, but I know with a certainty I can't explain that where she is, it is summer, and she felt the connection too.

Has anyone else ever had an experience like this? I feel like somehow our spirits, our souls, for lack of a better word, just made a mark on each other so that should we ever meet, in another life or in a between-state, we will recognize each other, but that might be my imagination taking off. Until now, I've made no solid stand on there being sentient life elsewhere in the universe (though I have said that it is statistically impossible for there to be no life at all off of our itty bitty planet), but now... now, I am deathly certain, and I can't even explain why, not without sounding absolutely nuts to most people.
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Re: An Experience - Someone's Looking Back

Post by blue_moon »

It sounds fascinating (and yes... crazy to most, I can see that!) But wow... what an encounter.

Do go out again to night and check on that star and its planet.

I remember feeling a connection alike, years back... but not as intense as yours. And not as certain.

Blue Moon
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