Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by SilverWort »

Seraphin Murmur wrote:Do you any ritual we could perform at the beginning of the ceremony to call upon the presence of the spirits of the ancestors, relatives, friends, etc?
I have a little trick to call spirits, just take dandelion root, cut it into small chips and toast them in a pan. When you are ready to call spirits, burn chips (lots) in bonfire. If yo have no fire, put them in a thermos bottle with boiling water, open it when you want to call spirits. Is like candy for spirits. You can't choose which spirits will come, can call specific ones but others will come. I always put the fire with dandelion toasted chips outside the circle.

I read a little this topic, you design more sophisticated rituals than I use to do, and our purposes varies a little. I want to call spirits in Samhain for guide them, don't call specific ones, don't interact with them. Just want to make easy to find the "light", pass to other side, this is a belief. And this year going to do it without circle, you can read and tell me your opinion here: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 31997.html

I'll be reading the topic, very interesting.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by minicheese52 »

Hi! So I’ve been reading what we’ve been thinking up so far for this month and I had a couple ideas to contribute. Along with the idea of the bonfire I was thinking that maybe before we light the fire we can carve a couple sigils into the logs. I’ve found a couple that may be used or they could be just a general idea or concept
"I will communicate with spirits with ease"
( sources: http://thesigilwitch.tumblr.com/ , http://sigilathenaeum.tumblr.com/ )

along side that I found that we could possibly use a crystal grid to connect with our ancestors if there is someone specific that we have in mind this grid in the link below could be useful it uses a total of 6 different crystals that I thought we could also create this grid around the bonfire. Or perhaps we can create our own grid.
( source: http://jesscarlson.com/downloads/Ancest ... amhain.pdf )
I hope maybe some of this is useful I did quite a bit of research I hope you like some of these ideas :D
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

I've never worked with sigils before, but I'm usually willing to try something new! For those who can't actually have a bonfire (I'll see what I can do, but that may end up being the case for me), one could also carve such sigils into candles to burn. Black is my instinctive color choice, but white is a good one too, of course. Purple, perhaps, for Spirit and the Veil, but from what I understand, purple is a very high-vibration color candle which should only be used with the purest of intentions, lest the user suffer severe backlash.

Would that I had so many of one kind of crystal (EXCEPT AMETHYST... good gods, I have I think an even dozen by now -.- too many amethysts they're taking over my room XD), haha! But I do have at least one each of amethyst, snowflake obsidian, blue lace agate (actually, I think it's just blue agate, but it's been repeatedly saying "blue lace" in my ear so...), clear quartz, and rose quartz, so I can at least use those energies. Perhaps I can amplify them myself, since I tend to be pretty in tune with crystals. I'll have to experiment with that. In any case, it seems like a good solid grid, and thanks for the work put into finding it!
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Lady Poppet »

There's no November spell :|
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

The mage who keeps the fire going under this cauldron has suddenly droped out of sight. We hope he is ok and will return soon.

For those of you who would like to stir something up, go ahead and make some suggestions...I would stoke a flame in his absence and if Bb Bear comes over maybe she can help.
But we will need to be brief and possibly quite simple, because...
Full moon is in 10 days. In my tradition we have used the November gathering frequently called the "Darkest Depths" as the Blood moon. Somewhat in line with the process of letting go at Samhain.The Celts typically culled the heard of animals who were not likely to make the harsh season to come. These would be smoked and cured and stored over the winter. Other moon corraspondances for November are Beaver moon & Time of frost moon.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

*runs and looks at Witch calendar*

November is also associated with Hecate. Hecate is the goddess of the Mist (AKA illusion, glamour, etc.) and magick, making her a very popular goddess among Witches, but she is also the goddess of the crossroads. Any three-way crossroads (or four-way, which is counted as three-way unless you count going backward) was considered sacred to Hecate in Greek times. She was the goddess of choices, a bit like Janus in that respect, and is often depicted as a three-faced goddess. She holds her two torches, with which she both defeated the giant Clytius and lit the way for Demeter at night when she was searching for her daughter Persephone. (Fun fact: Hecate is actually technically a Titan, but she sided with the Olympians during the Titanomachy and therefore is often called a goddess.) Crossroad spells, perhaps something to help give us the strength to make hard decisions (something Hecate very much embodies), might be appropriate if we were to use this association.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

Ooooo, I do like the idea of using crossroads and Hecate.
We could make a bundle to bury at the crossroads, invoking Hecate to cut away the part we wish to let go of.
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Lady Poppet

Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Lady Poppet »

As soon as I hear "cut away" I think of rope magick, And then the torches... It makes me think of the candle sticks you buy that have joint wicks. What if we did something with cutting the wick ans burning the candles. We could bury a witches bottle! We could put coal, salt, and dirt in it for Hecate's three faces. We could seal it with wax from each candle. And have other stuff in it of course.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

joined* wicks XD I tried to look it up and had to rely on Google's correction to help me out.

I haven't invoked Hecate very often, in circle or out of circle, but I'd kind of like to get to know her better anyway, and I personally have some hard choices I've just made that I'm still struggling with a bit... time to let go of some things. This spell would be very good for me personally. I can help write an incantation when that bit comes around.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

Unfortunately the park where I would go to my spiritual crossroads (actually it's a couple horse trails crossing perpendicular ) Would make me very nervous to burn candles there. It is so very dry here. Not to mention I could get arested. Can we maybe use a natural cloth like cotton to make our "container"? And sealed with "the wick"? Cutting it right there at the crossroads, perhaps with the invocation and or chant of release.
The wick can be represented by red cotton thread? (I try to keep it as least impactful on the land where we leave this)...To symbolize the blood let in releasing our hold on (whatever we want to let go of. And this part is completely individual.
....one note however, that which is released is your own foibles and flaws in character. You cannot cut away another person or their faults. Though you could release the grip they have on your mind. Does that make sense?
Can everyone get ahold of a chunk of dragons blood resin? Was thinking it would be another good representive of the release to add with the three faces of Hecate...coal, salt and dirt.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

I think that would work brilliantly, firebird, and it would actually probably be better for me, since I don't really want people to be questioning what I'm doing with a candle at the crossroads XD

Very good note.

I can't. Actually, maybe, but the odds are not good. Still, supplies are frequently a problem for me - such is the small town life - so I'll be fine. I'll figure it out. I always do.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

Well, then I think the thread representing the wick can be the symbolic blood that has been let will be a fine representitve.

When we recite our chant we can be working up the energy and placing into the thread. When we get to the point of maximum energy
CUT the thread and place HALF it in the bundle with the Hecate representitve, then use the other half to tie the bundle shut.

Then we could recite a prayer as the bundle is tied? Or as it is buried in the ground? Or a seperate prayer for placement into the earth?
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Firebird »

Any chants?
I think we need something to raise the energy just before we cut the thread. Then an incantation when we bury the bundle.

So far all we need is:
3x3 square of white cotton cloth
6 inches red yarn
Pinch of, coal/salt/dirt
I think a bit of your own hair would be essential to personalize the package.

Trowl and sharp knife (if your athame is sharp enough use that as the cutting tool)

Find your crossroads. .. Wednesday is the full moon depending on where in the world you are. I will work this on Tuesday as it is before the crest of the full moon.
Use your own circle casting methods with the exception of requesting Hecate be present to remove the habit which you wish to cut away.

Dig your hole some where near the cross road. Keep in mind after you bury the bundle you will want to leave the space in the oppsite direction, without looking back.

Ok all for now,...chants? Incantation? We need it posted by tonight.

Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by minicheese52 »

Hello! I know that you guys are looking for an incantation right now but I couldn't seem to think of anything so while I was sitting here I thought that maybe we could draw a sigil on the white cloth to reinforce the cross roads and the fact that we're working with Hecate.
I found something along the lines of this
I liked it because it does represent the three aspects of Hecate and the three crossroads. Or maybe someone would like to make their own sigils! I hope this maybe helped and hopefully we can get an incantation or a chant soon :)

source: https://www.pinterest.com/agabbey/symbo ... -and-code/
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

Wouldn't waning moon be more appropriate? Since we're banishing things, not bringing them in.

Incantations. Right. *rubs hands together*

Ancient Goddess Hecate,
Magick, moon, and mystery,
Guardian of the crossroads three,
Now I call your aid to me.

Goddess of the triune face,
Bring your power, strength, and grace,
Now it's time to let this go,
To give me room to heal and grow.

Goddess of the magick power,
Now I set new growth to flower.
Bury the old to make way for the new,
And leave behind the lies for truth.

Goddess of the arcane moon,
Remind me that change comes soon,
At parting ways my choice to make,
So I return, my chance to take.

Ancient Goddess Hecate,
Thank you for bringing aid to me.
And harming none by Rule of Three,
As my will, so mote it be.

Chants, I am less experienced with, but seeing as it is getting late for those who do want to do it tomorrow, I'll ply my hand at it.

With this blade, I cut away
The [insert what you want to cut away] I leave today.
With this thread, I tie and bind
The [insert what you want to cut away] I leave behind.

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