Not sure about carnelians?

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Not sure about carnelians?

Post by witch_baby »

I have an old friend who is pagan. She is open about this and in a coven. I do know they sacrifice animals and she will curse people. For that reason, I always declined her invites to their public functions.

She and I were great friends in high school and after. She was and still is dating a much older man. She met him when she was 16 and he was 36. His son, she and myself are all the same age. He is a pot smoker and heavy drinker and has anger and women issues. He hit on me when she was pregnant. I did later tell her so. I later found out from different people he had cheated many times with her friend and others. She herself used to hit on me and make me uncomfortable. She herself is strange. I do know she has schizophrenia and probably depression issues as well. At some point I distanced myself from her and the crazy situation. We still kept in touch.

I had my first child and she came to see her. She also had me choose a crystal. She had started selling them at the store she worked at. I chose a carnelian. She mentioned she had anointed it with Justice Oil from her favorite perfumer. I thought nothing of it at the time. Months later, I decided to clean out my altar and part with old items that reminded me of the past and not in a good way. The carnelian came to my attention. It seemed to RADIATE an angry energy.

Around this time my husband and I were having problems and he would often yell and curse at me. We are since doing better. He was stressed about work and had a lot of adjustment issues with becoming a dad (we planned the child). I got rid of the stone and feel like she tried to curse me. I think the "justice" was actually a revenge curse. She may be mad about her boyfriend hitting on me all those years ago or mad I turned down her advances.

A few months ago, my best friend gave me a carnelian. We have been friends for over 20 years. She is generally a nice person but has had a hard life and bad breaks. She at some point became jealous and kind of mean and I didn't speak to her for a year. She didn't handle my new marriage well and thought negative of my now husband even thought hey had never met. She was Christian and is now Pagan. Her father was a Satanist in the Church of Satan here in the SF Bay Area but he didn't raise her. So she is in some ways still attracted to the dark as she likes Marilyn Manson and other creepy stuff.

She had given me the Carnelian because she couldn't handle it's energy. I had recommended a metaphysical seller to her on Ebay. She purchased some items and they made her feel sick. The seller included a free stone intuitively chosen for her. The seller is an awesome warlock and his work has literally changed my life. My other thought is that she mentioned she had previously bought carnelians at her favorite new age shop. So I am not even sure if this carnelian is from the warlock seller or from her. It had very intense overwhelming energy but after cleansings and charging, it's calmed down. My friend denied buying carnelians from the new age store and freaked me out. Later she said she found a black velvet bag with a clear quartz and two carnelian and I told her I knew she bought some at the new age store. She didn't really say anything.

I am not sure whether or not I should trust this carnelian or just pass it on to someone else or bury it. I am pretty much scared I have another cursed carnelian. I once had psychic reading reading in which I was warned this friend was also a friend in a past life. She was supposedly very jealous of me and ruined the relationship with the love of my life and the energy from that has carried on.

Can anyone shed some light or offer advice?
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by Vesca »

The stone isn't generally the issue, it's the energy it's absorbed from the people/places/events that have previously surrounded it.

Try to cleanse it first. Give it a new purpose, officially welcome it to your home, give it a positive place in your life.

If you aren't sure of its intent, place it in a space that's not in your bedroom, kitchen, children's rooms or living room for the time being. Until you get a better feel for it.

If negativity in any form surrounds the stone's presence, it will absorb that energy and radiate it. It doesn't mean it's cursed, just that it's in dire need of healing.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by Silversong »

Vesca gives good advice, and I also would add this: meditate with the stone. Talk to it, whether with words or wordlessly, like I do. For my birthday, my aunt in California sent me a bunch of stones. Among them was a snowflake obsidian. For almost a week after I got the stones, I had major problems sleeping and was always tired. I instinctively sensed that it was the obsidian causing the problem, and wrapped it in a scarf (which I never actually use as a scarf XD) which I've used in the past to block such negative energies until I could deal with them more permanently. That didn't work, so I discarded the magickal timing I had been wanting to use and did a full cleansing ASAP. After the obsidian had been cleansed, I sat down with it and meditated with it, getting to know it for several minutes. It took a few minutes, during which time I think each of us was "feeling" the other one out, but after that time, something clicked in both of our vibrations, the stone decided to accept me as its human, and I felt our energies fall into sync. Boy, did that give me a major-league buzz! I was next to blissed out for the rest of the day, and I felt like it had returned some of the sleep it had deprived me of. I found out later that my snowflake obsidian, which is definitely one of my most powerful stones now (and, I suspect, extremely loyal), is a very "one-person" stone, since one of my friends who is almost as attuned to crystals as I am (I think it's actually a result of being in such close contact with me so often that she's picked that up, since she didn't originally when I met her) picked it up and immediately got a spiking headache and had to put it back down. It tolerates my mother, possibly because her energy is so close to mine due to us living together, thankfully.

Anyway, moral of the story: It's entirely possible the stone's just not used to you yet, that it's still in tune with its previous owner (or whoever or whatever it was last in tune with, anyway). Get to know it before you judge it, just like you would a person.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by Becks »

Very interesting! In the honking crystal bible by Melody she mentions that carnelian is actually a great stone to protect one against anger, fear, and rage. Before having the book I intuitively chose the stone a a protection from a very angry toxic boss who was strangely jealous of me. I don't always buy into what the books say, it's more of a personal thing I find, but in this case how I felt matched with what others have said.

If you don't wish to work with the stones or don't feel you can cleanse them then do get rid of them by burial if that is what you feel you must do. I believe you have the power to cleanse them, and that they are tools. If not, and you feel differently, that's okay.

Blame the hater, not the stone.

Carnelian is lovely-in my opinion.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by Silversong »

And hey, if you do get rid of them by burial - maybe at some point years in the future, someone else will find them who will be able to cleanse and use them.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by witch_baby »

Wow, thank you all for the awesome advice. Both of these ladies have bad home environments. One lives with her terrible boyfriend and wants to move. The other lives at home with her parents and daughter. Her daughter has special needs and is emotionally disturbed and her mother has mental health issues and is very controlling and emotionally very unhealthy. Their home is very haunted, to the point I felt something cursing at me and breathing in my ear. When we tried to cleanse the home, I felt something charge me. I suggested a priest!
The carnelian has calmed down and seems to be the happiest near my plants in the sunlight on a big windowsill. I will try meditating with it soon.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by Silversong »

Carnelian generally likes sunlight, in my experience XD (Which reminds me, I should probably sun-charge my carnelians soon.) If it likes a certain spot, it's generally a good idea (if possible) to give it that spot.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

All stones to me are like pets. .. In the way that they need love and care. It's not always the stone . It's usually the owner that creates a beast. I like picking my stones by hand so I can pick up on their energies. I'm also clairsentient so I pick up whatever may be shadowed on items and places. .. It's good to know before doing work with crystals and pretty much anything, really how to cleanse and give proper love and energies to damaged or " sad" items.
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Re: Not sure about carnelians?

Post by evil ed »

With clearing stones I prefer selenite over carnelian. My experience has been that selenite will clear and remove the leftover energy while carnelian will draw said energy in before passing it on. I often refer to carnelian as a "battery stone" for its ability to take in and hold a charge.
I also believe that stones can be charged or "tasked" to hold certain forms of energy. Here again this is not the fault of the stone, but is dependent on the intent and energy of the person doing the "tasking" goodnevil .
I believe tonight is a full moon. If your skies are clear this may be the perfect opportunity to try a combination meditation/ cleansing/healing. I would also have a selenite handy, along with at least one "protection stone" (you will know which one :) ), better to be safe than sorry- if you go armed for a bear, but meet a mouse, you're better off than having it the other way around :surprisedwitch: !
By the prickling of my thumbs,
something Wiccan this way comes!
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