Is there way of knowing which stone is best for protection?

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Is there way of knowing which stone is best for protection?

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

I always assumed that my protection stone was my birthstone: the Emerald. Does that hold water or am I completely wrong? Again, I'm a n00b so...
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Re: Is there a way of knowing which stone is best for protec

Post by Becks »

Hey there, well I happen to think it depends.....

In the crystal books (if you ascribe to that way of thinking) there are a lot of stones specifically used for protection....some people specifically like the black stones to repel negativity. Obsidian and black tourmaline are popular examples.....

I like to think specifically of what I need protection from, and choose from there. I once did a cleansing that called for the use of Rose. At its essence the work called for a cleansing focused in divine love. It was a fairly big job, and I was compelled to use rose quartz for that work.

I happen to believe that your intent is the true magic here when it comes to could consecrate clear crystal if you so choose....

Then again, some of my best stones for protection have simply come from a beach....they are not special to the eye, but have been carried over the course of year...cleansed and dedicated for such a purpose.

In the end-it's nice to do a bit of study and see what the general accepted properties for stones are. Ultimately, I say go within and get what you are moved to pick for your own protection.

I guess the questions is, what's speaking to you?
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Re: Is there a way of knowing which stone is best for protec

Post by Silversong »

Clairsentient_Wolf wrote:I always assumed that my protection stone was my birthstone: the Emerald. Does that hold water or am I completely wrong? Again, I'm a n00b so...
Heya! Yay, new person who actually posts! XD Call me Silver ;3

For me, crystals/stones are always a feel thing. I mean, the guides for uses are helpful, but when push comes to shove, I will always, always follow my gut feeling on which crystal to use for what, even when it's not mentioned in the various books I have on the subject. I don't have much experience with emerald, personally. I've never heard of it being used as a protective stone, but if it rings that way for you, then trust it. A lot of times I find personal uses for stones that most people don't think about. That's fine.

Stones I do know are great for protection include but are NOT limited to: Obsidian in all forms (snowflake obsidian, apache tears, etc.), jet (have a piece myself), black tourmaline (wish I had some -.-), and tiger's eye.

By and large, the Craft is largely a go-your-own-way, choose-your-own-adventure kind of path. There are basic guidelines, but the hard-and-fast rules are few and far between. Only really two that are universally accepted, actually: the rule of Harm None, and the Rule of Three. Even parts of the Wiccan Rede are frequently ignored or discarded altogether for a person's personal faith, with the exception of those two. It's why you see a LOT of contrasting opinions anywhere Witches gather, though it's important to remember that no one is right, and no one is wrong, and no one holds the 'One True Path.' (This is also more or less directly the reason Wicca is one of the only religions that has no evangelical program.) Point being: if you feel it's right, trust yourself. ;3
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Re: Is there a way of knowing which stone is best for protec

Post by witch_baby »

I swear by black tourmaline, black onyx, smoky quartz. I know hematite, jet, obsidian are known to protect as well. I really love black kyanite to cleanse negative energies. I hold and sit with for awhile and set my jewelry on it or crystals to cleanse. I have dealt with a lot of negative entities and people and really find it helpful. I first saw it recommended by a demonologist and ghost hunter and figured it must be good. I swear by it now. I found a cheap piece on Amazon for $5 including shipping.
I am assuming by your name you are clairsentinent. I would suggest going to store and feeling the different types. Or if you can't buying small, cheap tumbled pieces online and carrying with you , meditating with and sleeping with. You can see how each one makes you feel or how it helps or what it teaches you. I find certain pieces I am really drawn to. I find others really make me feel calmer, energized, almost drunk (smoky quartz) and others somehow transmit information or teach me things.
Some random tips from my journey: I really recommend regularly clearing of them. They can really accumulate bad energy fast. I sometimes sage, put in a charging bag, under full moons or in water with salt over night. I like to keep a piece of black tourmaline and smoky quartz by the door and the same on my altar to hold my space in the house and protect. I also like to keep a St. Benedict Jubilee medal around in my home too.
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Re: Is there a way of knowing which stone is best for protec

Post by SnowCat »

I like amethyst and opal for protection. I think everyone has certain stones that they're drawn to for various reasons.

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Re: Is there a way of knowing which stone is best for protec

Post by Silversong »

witch_baby, a tip - a piece of selenite or carnelian, kept with any other stone, will keep those stones clear, and they're self-cleaning as well. ;3

Smoky quartz is also fabulous for protection, which I forgot earlier XD
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Re: Is there a way of knowing which stone is best for protec

Post by evil ed »

I'm going to chime in here too!
A lot of the black stones are protection stones: Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian (Apache tears are goodies for this!)
On the the non-dark side, there is Amethyst, tiger's eye (another goodie!), fire agate, and any number of spotted agates(dalmation agate comes to mind).
For protection from the mundane world, I have a Heliodor (yellow beryl) as my "go to" stone when I feel I need protection.
For protection from other planes, I believe it's hard to beat rose quartz. This one is particulary good for protection from nightmares, and other night visitors.

I will agree with clearing/clensing your stones/crystals. Carnelian will work (some pieces better than others), but selenite is hard to beat for clearing in a pinch! My favorite method is to place them in a bowl of salt (I prefer rock salt, but table salt will do), with just a tip showing, then place the bowl where the salt and crystals can be exposed to the light of the full moon. This will usually do the trick, But i have a friend in Ohio that has an obsidian sphere THAT WILL NO CLEAR, and he has to keep it covered at all times (we're both convinced there is something particulary nasty trapped in there....).

While this is a pretty good rule of thumb- along with what the others have said, please keep rule # 1 in mind:
"You do not choose the crystal, it chooses you."
My absolute best advice is to go to the rock shows and the rock shops and wander about. When you find it, you will know.
The books may not say "this is a protection stone", but it will help you with what you need.

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Re: Is there way of knowing which stone is best for protect

Post by Chalice »


Always seems to be the case. :)
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Re: Is there way of knowing which stone is best for protect

Post by Pxthology »

Amethyst is my go-to for protection.

I've seen obsidian mentioned, but I tend to use that one for focus.
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Re: Is there way of knowing which stone is best for protect

Post by witch_baby »

Silver, thank you. I have been meaning to buy some selenite. I do have a carnelian but have had odd experiences with carnelian in general. Maybe I'll bring that up as a topic. I agree about amethyst. I love it and have a protection pentacle necklace I wear a lot.
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Re: Is there way of knowing which stone is best for protect

Post by Vesca »

I'm just going to interject a bit of info I picked up that has always made the most sense to me crystal-wise.

For the longest time there were only a couple "official" stones that ever did anything for me and I could not figure out why. Amethyst always made me feel off-balance, all the protection/clarity stones made me feel less grounded and clear-headed than they were supposed to, and it gave me no hope of the future working with stones. I mean... they did something, just not a useful something.

And then I read somewhere that crystals only work when their energy is harmonious with your own energy. That is, everyone's body chemistry and energy makeup is different, and we gain balance from crystals who carry individual energy traits that balance ours. This goes beyond the basic "it's a protection stone" theory, and more into the "this specific stone of this specific species seems to have a personality that fits me better than anything else, even though its siblings don't have the same feel." That's because each stone is an individual, just like each person within the human race is an individual and will have a different energetic makeup.

I now use regular stones I pick up off the ground and have entirely foregone the buying of "magic crystals" from new age shops.

That being said, I'll just throw this piece of advice out there. Use the crystal guidelines as just that, a guideline. But before you put money and your energetic health on the line, take the time to handle the actual stone before you bring it home with you.
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