Distance Energy Healing

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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

No. I'm going to just let you do your thing. Thank you so much. Wednesday sounds great.
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Ok, I'll send you a PM after the session Wednesday with everything I experienced. After that I'd appreciate you letting me know what you experienced during the session. You can send me a PM or post it to the thread, either way is fine. You're welcome :)

Lee :)
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

Ok great. Thank you!
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by Vesca »

Interjecting random thought:

You look so much like one of my best friends from high school! Maybe it's the bubbly personality that's really causing that connection in my head, though.

And back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Any interjections that make me laugh and are sincere are always welcome :).

Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by LadyL »

I'm very blessed to have had the opportunity to receive a distance healing. We arranged everything and I had an opportunity to ask questions via private message.

At the scheduled time, I did as we discussed. I didn't sleep well the night before in an excited anticipation but felt totally comfortable. During the healing I did feel a little tired and after I felt physically tired, similar to going to the gym for me. It has only been very recent so I will update about my personal experience again in a week or so. However, the feedback was VERY perceptive.
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

I was able to have a session.

It was quite cleansing. He picked up on a lot of things that are specific. Even down to my lower abdomen having issues. I felt tired afterward , but also lighter. Lee did great with passing the blocked energy out of me.

This may be tmi but I think the lower abdominal energy could have been sexual , as well. .. There was nothing perverse about the session but I feel like I am not so blocked in that area as I have been. ( I used to be .. Well. To put it bluntly a nympho haha. But for some reason I just haven't wanted anything lately. )I thought it might be due to pre menopause or something, but I believe it could have been just the place that all my negative energies have called home. I'm sure it would take more work as in upkeep .. More meditation. I am a super positive person but I do absorb energy from people ... And I always want to fix everything .. So I guess their problems took root where all babies do hah. It sounds crazy but I do feel less burdened and heavy .. The headaches are still here but I deal with extreme forms of them. ... It DID lessen the rest of the day. So that in itself was a great gift.

Thank you for your light, your energy and your time. .. And your insight.
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

Haha. I love you Vesca.

Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by Rhiamon »

I am currently at level 1 reiki and I was wondering if you would be able to answer my question.
I have a hesitation to become level 2 or Master level at the moment due to major personal crisis's (5 family members passing in 6 months this year) and I was under the impression that I am not to look at higher levels for 6 months after a personal crisis.

The question is: at level 1 can I reiki another persons situation..e.g friends divorce during my own reiki sessions (not hands on with the person).

I know I cannot preform distance healing until level 2 but I am unsure if situations are the same as distance or not
thanking you
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by greyviolet »

Hi there, that's interesting, I haven't heard of restrictions or recommendations like that for going to level II and Master. I actually did my Master level not long after difficult personal situations and it went fine.

At level I it's hard to do distance healing because you're not attuned for it yet but you can certainly give it a shot, no harm will come from it. Set an intention for the highest good for your friend and see what happens.
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by greyviolet »

Also, I'm so sorry about all your losses lately, it must be such a stressful and difficult time for you.

Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by Rhiamon »

Thank you :)
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Rhiamon wrote:Hi,
I am currently at level 1 reiki and I was wondering if you would be able to answer my question.
I have a hesitation to become level 2 or Master level at the moment due to major personal crisis's (5 family members passing in 6 months this year) and I was under the impression that I am not to look at higher levels for 6 months after a personal crisis.

The question is: at level 1 can I reiki another persons situation..e.g friends divorce during my own reiki sessions (not hands on with the person).

I know I cannot preform distance healing until level 2 but I am unsure if situations are the same as distance or not
thanking you
Hello :),

I'm sorry I haven't responded till now. The pages for Energy Healing weren't getting much attention so I haven't checked back in a while. I'll be glad to answer any questions I can :)

I'm sorry that you've lost so many people.

I haven't heard of a restriction like that. The only logic I can put to it would be because going through any tragic event may cause an imbalance in energy. It is important to rebalance yourself before working with other people. Going through so many tragedies and so close together may cause you to need more time to heal from what you've experienced before you would be able to mentally and emotionally be able to help someone else. Most classes involve practice on each other and they may include homework of sorts to practice on others outside of class which is why I gave the possible reason I did. Even with the safeguards that are built into Reiki, I don't feel comfortable working with people until I'm able to focus on what my goals are for myself and for the session I'm about to perform.

Leaving out the restrictions for a moment I'd say its most important to make sure you are doing ok first. Practice Reiki on yourself, ask for all of the help with Reiki, therapy, hugs, and everything you need to get through the losses and experiences you are going through. Make sure you feel good in your heart and mind again then when you're ready move on to helping others.

For the class part, I would suggest as long as you feel balanced and ready (you'll know if you are or not) you can continue taking classes and a break of any length won't be necessary. It may actually help you work through things as you take the class. Ultimately it is up for you to decide what is right for you and what you are ready for.

For the actual question you've asked, you can Reiki a situation itself but I wouldn't work on their situation and yourself at the same time. It sounds like you're trying to find a loophole to help your friend. I don't mean that in a negative way. It sounds like you really want to help your friend and that is great but mixing up sessions may make them less effective. I have done Reiki and a lot of other things including combining different methods and being shown and taught other methods from different beings as well as earthly teachers to confidently say this, you can do distance Reiki or Energy Healing without having accomplished the Reiki II class. A majority of Reiki is the same just learning different techniques to add or unlock additional memories or knowledge for your tool belt.

In this case I would suggest 2 things. If you want to tell your friend about Reiki for their situation, suggest your teacher or someone similar who can do it for them. If you want to help them yourself then I would say to tell your friend to set up a time with you to perform the session. If they're close by they can stop over, if it has to be a long distance thing set up the session like I've done on this site. Arrange a time for both of you to be present in a comfortable and relaxed place in their house and say a 30 minute to an hour session (whatever you feel comfortable with) then what I saw for you is to draw their situation on a piece of paper and then during the session send Reiki energy to that piece of paper which will send it to your friend's situation. It will work the same as if they were right there with you.

If you have any other questions or want to talk more I'll be available and I'll check back more often. You can send me a message as well.

If I don't hear from you I hope everything works out for the best for everyone involved :)

Lee :)
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by Firebird »

Hey there Lee! It's good to see you! It has been awhile...
Perhaps we can get this thread going for you again :fairy:
You have been such a gift around here, sorry it wasn't getting the attention.
Happy new year!
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Distance Energy Healing

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Hey :) It's good to see you too. Lol yeah definitely been a while. That would be a cool idea to start helping people again :) Thank you for the compliment. I just hope I helped people when they needed it. No need to apologize, this thread will get the attention it needs when it's time. Until then I'm happy to keep checking back in and seeing how things are going. I hope you're doing well :)

Happy New Year to you too :D
Lee :)

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