Feeling Disconnected

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Feeling Disconnected

Post by lunamoth »

So I've been going through some stuff in my life right now..marital difficulties, kids growing up and away...working full time and missing out on the summer which is my favorite season. Not sure if that's the reason, but lately I have been pushing my magical work to the side and just not having the energy to do much of it at all. It has always brought me such a sense of peace and lately i just feel numb. I do read still, but you know they say Wicca is an experiential religion and it seems so, because yeah, I'm feeling disconnected. I had this whole weekend to do stuff, especially with the full moon, and I just couldn't motivate myself to do it. How do I plug back in?
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by corvidus »

Pray [to whomever] in the morning and before you go to bed for the inspiration to work during your free time :)
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by Elysium »

lunamoth wrote:So I've been going through some stuff in my life right now..marital difficulties, kids growing up and away...working full time and missing out on the summer which is my favorite season. Not sure if that's the reason, but lately I have been pushing my magical work to the side and just not having the energy to do much of it at all. It has always brought me such a sense of peace and lately i just feel numb. I do read still, but you know they say Wicca is an experiential religion and it seems so, because yah, i''m feeling disconnected. I had this whole weekend to do stuff, especially with the full moon, and i just couldn't motivate myself to do it. How do i plug back in?
Sounds like you might be running into mild depression. One of your key symptoms is disinterest in something you usually find very fulfilling. It could be helpful to maybe try going to a therapist, sometimes we just need someone to talk to who isn't emotionally biased or invested in the situation.

Magic wise, try starting with little bits of magic to get back into the swing of things. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. All it takes is those little bits at time.
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by lunamoth »

Yup i do struggle with depression n have been on n out of therapy for years...funny thing is the most helpful thing for me has been my connection to spirit which is why its troubling to me that i should be so not-motivated
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by Becks »

I notice when life is tough and overwhelming I feel it tough to connect with the magic. Maybe that's because for me, magic comes from a happy, and loving creative place....when I'm not feeling these things it's hard. I usually have to spend some time improving my secular life so I'm a more balanced happier practitioner in my sacred life. Sometimes I can do this work on my own, and sometimes I have needed help. It's not uncommon for people who do what we do to have hard times. Almost every witch I know has felt the ebbs and flows.

My thoughts are with you. I hope you are able to get some relief from the things that are weighing on you soon.
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by lunamoth »

Thanks so much for all the comments, its good to see im not alone in having these ebbs and flows. I think because this is such an experiential religion i need to get off my butt and do some magic :fairy:
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by Imperious »

lunamoth wrote:Thanks so much for all the comments, its good to see im not alone in having these ebbs and flows. I think because this is such an experiential religion i need to get off my butt and do some magic :fairy:
Well, it's oft-argued that when you're feeling low then you've hit exactly the right time to "get off your butt and do something".

It needn't be anything convoluted or complex. Just a simple compassion evocation would do the job.
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by MsMollimizz »

Sent you a pm...
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by Seraphin »

Well, even we consider ourselves magickal people (not muggles :lol:), life isn't always perfect we're everything is flawless and magickal! Those words doesn't describe Real Life. An authentic life have ups and downs too. It's messy and dirty and complicated and full of imperfections, vile things and stubborn stains that won't come out –- and even more stains yet to come so let me start that by saying it's completely normal when sometimes you feel disconnected and imbalance.

I appreciate and very impressed that you have the desire to plug back in. I'm happy for you that you –- through your desire to reconnect -– are avoiding a more depressing ending, and, instead, embarking on an exciting, invigorating journey. That being said, self-knowledge is an extremely empowering path to magick. So I advise you to make some reflective spells or meditations. Restart your magick in yourself first.

Also, EUTM and the people here, I believe we can help too. Whenever you have time, do visit this forum and you can find inspiration, learn oodles about magick and spirituality and like-minded people who can assist you; they will connect you again to the magickal realm. If it's possible, you can also find some witchy people near you area and congregate with them. Also, bookstores (local or online) has number of books about magick.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

Do whatever you can to connect to the earth. You need to feel wind .. Either the moon or sun. And smell incense. It always helps me snap out of a 'moment '.
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by lunamoth »

Just wondering...what is a reflective spell, never heard of that...
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by Seraphin »

Any spells using the reflective properties of water, mirror, crystal, etc. for self-reflection or thorough realization of one's nature and essence.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by ardenhag »

I've had a tough few years with several house moves, ill health & money worries and pretty much abandoned all of my pathwork. I don't think it's a coincidence that I feel much more connected & have a renewed interest in my spiritual work now I am more settled in a secure home with very big life stuff going on. Pathwork takes a lot of energy for me so I think I just didn't have any spare from dealing with everything else. A lot of my pathwork involves gardening and I'm finding now I'm actually getting outside, noticing the surrounding environment & touching the soil more I'm feeling much more connected with it all and I think that has helped too. Do you have a garden? Maybe try to get out there with bare feet & hands & see if that helps...touching bare soil can help serotonin so if you are slightly depressed it should help too xx
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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by EtherealMoonRose »

Hi lunamoth

I too go through phases of feeling disconnected. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

What I usually like to do to tune myself back in is pick up one of my favourite Wiccan/Witchcraft books and start reading it! After that I usually feel more inspired, if that makes sense. I also like to get outside and just bask in the beauty of nature. Whether that involves just sitting in my backyard listening to the birds or going for a walk along the beach.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Feeling Disconnected

Post by shatteredsouls »

Hi Lunamoth, I'm unsure if this will work for you. When I feel disconnected or need to get out of 'life', I go for a walk at quiet areas, just looking at the moon, sitting there staring at nothing, feel the environment around me... Oh, sometimes I remove my shoes to feel the ground below me.

Hope things work out for you.

Much blessings!
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