
Review and recommend pagan, spiritual, Wicca, & witchcraft books.
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Post by gren »

Hmm so i am a beginner i guess when it comes to this stuff i was wondering if someone could recommend a good book that goes over the basics..I am assuming i need to learn how to focus properly, and i figure i could be refrenced a good book that dident feel like it was a fake..
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Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:37 pm
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Post by Leo*Moon »

Though I haven't read the book, I hear Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham is supposed to be really good. Earth Power (by the same author) might be a good book as well. I recently acquired Spiral Dance by Starhawk and that's a pretty good book. Living Wicca and Spiral Dance are hardcore wiccan books. Along that same line is A Witch's Bible, which is a book of detailed descriptions of Wiccan rituals (Wiccanings, Handfastings, Drawing Down the Sun, etc.)
Earth Power is just cool stuff to know, not necessarily spells, I guess like folklore type spells? I think what it breaks down to is a book on magick in which the tools can be found right outside your door.
The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. ~Shakespeare
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