Using energy

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Using energy

Post by Maria »

Hello everyone! I have a question that is probably silly. But we all need a good laugh right? Okay, I just don't understand how to " move" energy to use it. I have the best intentions and the results I'm aiming for are really, really wanted but I get no results when I try. Like casting or charging my crystals. I've tried to fenq shui my house ( much as possible) and I still feel nothing different. I hope there's someone that can explain to me how to feel and use energy. I know my personal energy is low. I've suffered through depression this whole last year and been so close to giving up. But! I didn't! I'm still trying and asking questions. So I'd thank anyone that could guide me here .
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Re: Using energy

Post by dualhands »

Hey Maria,

I believe you should start of with the basics. Try meditating every day for 30 minutes for a week or two. then see how your body feels. If your head is too busy, and your becoming manic or depressed ( witch I am accustomed to being bipolar ) your going to have a hard time drawing in energy and becoming concentrated on anything you wish to focus on. So the first step here would be learning to meditate properly with a quiet mind. Once you have been able to do that, you will begin to feel the flow of energy though out nature, and objects themselves. Pets are a great way to learn how to feel and read auras as well.

As for drawing in energy you need to get to your meditative state. Once there, imagine yourself becoming a vessel. Open up your crown chakra to the universal life force ( known as ki, or chi in different regions of the world ). Fill yourself with this light, let it radiate from you. when you are filled with this light, and the purest of intentions. You should be able to charge your crystals properly. Focus on drawing the energy through your crown chakra, and pushing it through your arms into the crystal. Imagine the crystal soaking up all this energy and metabolizing it. Concentrating it within its very core. Continue to do this until you feel you have reached your goal of filling the crystal with energy. The more you give the more it will take. There is no maximum capacity for energy in crystals. It is infinite, just like the universal life force.

SO, all in all. Start meditating. Do it daily, if not twice a day. Learning to quiet your mind from all the regular mundane things in life is half the battle in my opinion. You will learn how to do this, and it will lead you into being able to transmute energy in the way you choose to do so.

Hope this is of help to you.
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Re: Using energy

Post by Firebird »

I agree about working with some meditation, however starting out with 30 minutes may be a little overwhelming.
I would start with 3 or 5 minutes with a goal of 30 min. somewhere down the line.
Lately I have been listening to Heart Meditations on Pandora, great music and every now and then Deepak comes on with a brief breathing exercise or some other mind quieting practice.
good luck!
bb, Firebird
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Re: Using energy

Post by corvidus »

Maria wrote:I hope there's someone that can explain to me how to feel and use energy. I know my personal energy is low. I've suffered through depression this whole last year and been so close to giving up. But! I didn't! I'm still trying and asking questions. So I'd thank anyone that could guide me here .
Hey Maria :)

Personally, I would recommend practicing techniques to 'charge' yourself before charging crystals. Otherwise, your personal 'battery power' will drain itself, opening you up to serious problems down the road.

Re: Using energy

Post by Maria »

Hey, thanks you all! This is great advice that I sure will use. The method you spoke of, dual hands, is one I've never heard before. I am going to try it. And, yes, my mind races from one thought to another. Firebirdflys, you are right that I should start at about 5 mins. and make 30 my goal. I've tried meditating before without much success. And, Corvidus, thank you for letting me know I need to charge myself first before the crystals. I don't want any problems, for sure!!! Thanks so much!! I hope I can soon come back and give you good news of my progress!!!
Forever grateful,Maria
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Re: Using energy

Post by SnowCat »

Personally, I stink at meditation. I'm good for about thirty seconds. I like to charge myself with nature. Wind, sunlight, moonlight, rain, etc. A lot of finding what works tends to be trial and error in my experience. And sometimes charging yourself or your tools and crystals is more like a low level glow, rather than fireworks. My best suggestion is to be patient with yourself.

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Re: Using energy

Post by dualhands »

I very much so agree with snow. Some people become charged in different manners. The elements is most certainly one of them. Meditation and astral projection work very well for me. I described the beginning steps to drawing in energy when doing reiki. So that was the best way I could describe it.

But as SnowCat said, trial and error. You will find what works for you the best. Maybe charging your stones out in the elements while meditating upon them would help you.
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Re: Using energy

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Maria, one way that I move energy through myself is to combine the desire to move energy with a purpose while relaxing and letting it flow through me like the wind. I'm constantly tapped into the Universal Source of Unlimited energy so when I open up the gates, it flows through me and to where ever I want it to go.

I could also give you a brief session to feel if there are any blockages or anything preventing you from moving energy.

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Re: Using energy

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Some of the books that I read point to the creation of psi balls as a way to learn how to manipulate energy. I won't go over the steps since they've been covered in other places on the forum. The link attached to the phrase psi balls leads to a sight that gives information not only on how the make psi balls, but also on why to make them.

psi ball?
What does energy feel like to you?
Energy control training.
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Re: Using energy

Post by Elysium »

I find when I use an audio track plus a certain type of incense, I've trained my brain to go into meditation mode when the track starts and the incense burns. I've heard that smell is one of the brain's strongest memory triggers.
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Re: Using energy

Post by Firebird »

Ooo good find Echo, I had forgotten about that thread :fairy:
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Re: Using energy

Post by MsMollimizz »

If you can, get your hands on some of Scott Cunningham's
Books: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water and Earth Power.
He explains things real easy so as not to get confused.
Once you understand how and feel it for the first time,
you might wonder how you lived this long without it !
Do this in your own time, don't push yourself. The energy
will still be there waiting for you; it's not a race.
If you feel daunted about meditation, there are many
guided meditations to be had ! Try them, they work...
I like them now and then myself.
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Re: Using energy

Post by Maria »

This is all wonderful information. I love the psi ball! Thank you for telling me about it and the links. I am definitely trying this one! I have been working on meditation. It's a slow process. You're all wonderful and wise about energy use. GodsLovingLight I would love a session! Thanks for offering!
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Re: Using energy

Post by GodsLovingLight »


You're welcome. I just sent you a PM with some information. Read it all over and send me a PM when you're ready.

Lee :)
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