My Connection To Cats

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My Connection To Cats

Post by Nyx_Follower »

Hey Guys!

Ever since I was little I've always loved cats and seemed to have some sort of comfort with them. Cats people used to think were mean and couldn't be pet, I some how find a way to get them to be civil towards me.
I have been planning for years to adopt a cat, but it hasn't happened yet so I like to think maybe a cat hasn't chosen me yet in a way.

what do you guys think? Do you feel connected with any animals? :flyingwitch:
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Re: My Connection To Cats

Post by SnowCat »

I have a household of rescue cats.

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Re: My Connection To Cats

Post by Nyx_Follower »

That's amazing! Unfortunately where I'm living I am unable to own one also, but hopefully in the near future that changes.
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Re: My Connection To Cats

Post by Firebird »

This little guy almost came home with me. A girl showed up at the Lavender festival with 9 kittens, she wanted to find homes for them all.
Don't know if I can be a responsible cat mom right now, Skye, Solo and Sampson is still too fresh. I don't do loss well.
I told the girl if they were still here on my next loop around the festival then he may have been ment for me...
she looked at me with the saddest face and said "but I want him to go with you!"
"Give him to a good witch" I said as I walked away, she cocked her head at me...I felt terrible leaving him behind the tears just rolled down my face, and I still have this guilt pit in my stomach.
The black one in the litter
The black one in the litter
I only took one picture of him, unfortunatly not the best.
He was the only black one, they were Siamese and Calico mix.
See...the other thing is I haven't really actively sought out a cat, they have always either been lost or abandoned at my house.
oh geeze...I think I blew it.
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Re: My Connection To Cats

Post by Vesca »

If you're not ready, then it's not the right time. The right things need to be done in the right way with the right timing (yeah it's a rune metaphor but it's still valid).

Don't worry, he's adorable and he'll find a good home one way or another.

I always want to take kittens home. I'll never be able to as long as I'm with my husband (he's allergic and it triggers his asthma in a bad way). But for now I have a hedgehog, and in the future we hope to get a puppy. So we'll see.
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Re: My Connection To Cats

Post by Blackthorn »

I'm not as awesome as Snow with a house full, but I do have 2 black rescue cats.

Where I am from, the big box pet store rents out kennel space for the city's animal shelter to house kitties to give them more exposure and hopefully facilitate more adoptions. I was there getting food for my bunny (RIP Hoodwink) when a little black kitty caught my eye. I was definitely not looking to adopt a cat- I had fostered in the past and I was content with that. But this little kitty wouldn't stop staring at me, and I couldn't stop staring at him. I waffled around- but it only took me about 5 minutes before I was filling out adoption paperwork. He's been with me for four years now and he is my familiar :)

This past November I made a spontaneous trip to the shelter to play with the cats and ended up coming home with a kitten.

I grew up with dogs and would love to have a dog again- but right now my situation just doesn't cater to one. Some day :)
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