Questions before my first Two Person Ritual

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Questions before my first Two Person Ritual

Post by DamianCrow »

So I'm planning on performing my first ritual with a friend of mine. There are several questions that I have been wondering.

First off, I'm a witch in training while my friend is a shaman in training. Is it possible for us to still perform a ritual together?

2. I've read that some people call upon the elemental guardians to the circle by going around the circle with ritual elemental items while reciting chant, while others don't bring the items with them, but simply recite their chant as they walk around the circle. Which way is preferred?

3. Do we require charcoal to represent the fire element in ritual casting?

4. At what point in time is the right time to perform spell casting?

5. What candles are required for the ritual?

6. Since my friend has yet found his deity, can he perform rituals without calling upon a deity?

If possible, can someone run me through a common circle casting ritual?
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Re: Questions before my first Two Person Ritual

Post by Firebird »

Well... I would consider myself a shaman witch, so I think it would be ok...
2. This question really depends on what sort of tradition you are following.
3. Only if it is safe to do so.
4. After you have invited devine assistance.
5. I do not know what your ritual entails, but white is a good all round color, and generally one to represent the God and one to represent the Goddess.
6. No one needs to have a diety. .. if you do great, if you don't great, ask the powers that be to guide you or refer to the all ...
or request the feminine devine to guide you along with her consort, or not...
how do you feel about the devine?

My trad goes kinda like this...
smudge or otherwise clear space
asperge space
do this to participants
give offerings to the outdwellers
cast circle, deosil
call quarters, deosil
call center and the devine he/she
give offerings
sing and or chant, maybe spiral dance
do work
sing dance or chant
give thanks
farewell center and devine spirit
farewell quarters, widdershins
uncast, widdershins
huzzah! Hugs all around smiley_dance
that's bare bones..all kinds of stuff can be added here and there
good luck.
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Re: Questions before my first Two Person Ritual

Post by DamianCrow »

Thank you very much.
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Re: Questions before my first Two Person Ritual

Post by Firebird »

Let us know how it turns out :flyingwitch:
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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