Sliding into Meditation?

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Sliding into Meditation?

Post by AnuChild »

Has anyone heard of someone sliding into meditation without totally realising it?

I've been meditating for almost ten years now - the nuns and priests at my Catholic schools were really big on all of us knowing how to meditate and it was love at first sight for me. I meditate on a daily basis, just simple communion with the Divine or nature or just myself. But last night I was in a taxi taking me back to my college and somehow I just slid into my meditative mode without trying or realising it (when I meditate, I always start by "going" to the same place). It was awkward when the driver jolted me out of it by asking me a question. Has this happened to anyone else?
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight

the stages of meditation

Post by dj_dude »

you must know that there are virtually 4 stages of practicing meditation--1. to keep the mind quite and reciting the same phrase or doing the same physical activities over and over again.
2. to slip into a deeper state after long practice where the need for any physical or mental work isn't needed
3. this is the stage of dhyana as it should actually be, no book will tell you how it feels but you'll know about it since that is the stage where the sounds around you won't disturb you at all
4. then the last stage is samaadhi. this is when you actually connect with the universe and wont be able to come out easily unless you have predecided a time!!! remember there is no higher stage. this is the ultimate level you can achieve, but to achieve it without a teacher, a guide or who may be called a guru is impossible.

most people dont go beyond 2nd stage. some reach the stage of dhyana.
what happened to you in the car had once happened to a friend of mine in the bathroom in a bathtub. it never happened to him again, he's reached the 3rd stage. what you must understand is that after a while and in your case 10 years which is a lot of time-- the first 1 or 2 stages can be achieved without much effort, a particular event, a surrounding, a certain type of atmosphere, a certain type of sound or excessive need to relax, all may trigger the subconscious to get you into a meditative state. the subconscious not being in your control fully may have caused what had happened to you!!!

p.s-- people say there is no god or higher energy,but by meditating you can connect with god... its like tuning a radio to a certain frequency!!!

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