Parchment Magic?

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Parchment Magic?

Post by DamianCrow »

I've been trying to start small in my studies and I've read something about parchment magic. Writing your spell's intent on a parchment. However it was vague. What kind of ink should I use? Candle? How to finish the spell? I heard burning the parchment over a colored candle was еffective while another says tying it with a cord does the trick. Does anyone have an idea?
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Re: Parchment Magic?

Post by YanaKhan »

It depends on the spell. I know this is not the answer you seek, but it's true. Some spells require burning the parchment, others to keep it. Usually the first kind are spells to banish, to get rid of things. And the other way around - if you want to keep things, to bring something into your life, you shouldn't burn the parchment.
About the ink - different spells may call for different inks. For example safran ink has incredible properties, but you can make ink out of many things.
So, even though I guess this is not really helpful, the answer to your questions is "it depends" :)
P.S. Real parchment is often times hard to come by and quite expensive, so most witches use parchment paper or regular paper, especially if you have to burn it. The spells that require parchment are usually the ones, written a long time ago, when it was used more often.
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Re: Parchment Magic?

Post by Kassandra »


I like using nice resume paper as "parchment" for spell work, the kind that's light brown and leathery-looking, like this: ... iAodxqgANA. Real parchment is pressed calfskin, and I find that unsettling and kind of cruel. Then again, resume paper is using up trees.... meh, what can ya' do.

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Re: Parchment Magic?

Post by corvidus »

DuskLantern wrote:What kind of ink should I use?
You should search for ways to make an ink base (which is mostly a type of resin), and then depending on the work, add the appropriate oils/tincture to make specific fluid condensers.

But technically, any pen or a pencil will work if you consecrate it specifically for ritual work, and put the appropriate intent behind it.
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Re: Parchment Magic?

Post by DamianCrow »

corvidus wrote: But technically, any pen or a pencil will work if you consecrate it specifically for ritual work, and put the appropriate intent behind it.
Awesome. May I ask how would I consecrate it? As far as I see there are different ways of consecration. I heard of by water and by breath. Not sure what that means.
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Re: Parchment Magic?

Post by corvidus »

It means you anoint it with a special consecration oil (usually some type of purifying blend, or plain oilive oil) and say something to the effect of "This pen creates the world. This pen is Good. May it create eternally and always be blessed."

It's a simple ritual, and the whole point of consecrating an item is to remove it from commonality/vulgarity and place it into sacred symbolism.
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