a weird incident from 2011

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a weird incident from 2011

Post by GregoryLionborn »

I never really shared it with anyone beyond a few friends, so I'll share it here with you lot!

In 2011 I was vacationing with the family in Sedona, Arizona. We were camping, and my brother and I were up later than the rest of the family was. He got up to go use the restroom, and he called me outside. Up in the sky was a round object that had light glowing from all around it. What was curious was that we were able to actually see it's mass, but the light obscured most of it's direct appearance. We watched it for hours into the latest hours of the night, and the whole time it was dancing in the sky. It would fly in various patterns, often following the cloud cover like it was using it to help hide itself. If the clouds blew too thin, it would fly very fast high into the sky until it was a pinprick of light.

In the very, very rare circumstance that a plane (we also spotted a couple - two, maybe three at most) or satellite flew overhead, it would dart over into a part of the sky significantly far from being directly underneath or overhead of the planes/satellites. Once they crossed the sky, the object would return to above our general area of land again.

It was very, very strange. We could never really tell what it was. Only guess at what it could have been.

Also, in subsequent months, I started getting recurring dreams of a very particular planet that was significantly different in appearance, but still a little similar to Earth. I'm not saying that that's actually anything related; it could easily just be my subconscious putting it in there because of the sighting and it's mystery, but it was a little peculiar none-the-less.

So that's my story from 2011. It was pretty cool!
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Re: a weird incident from 2011

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

Awesome! My grandparents and my parents have both had sightings very similar to this.
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Re: a weird incident from 2011

Post by Starwitch »

Wow, I'd love to see that. That's so awesome! I wouldn't doubt if ET's were trying to communicate with you. Putting on a light show, then giving you dreams of their home planet. Maybe you're friends with them on the astral plane. You never know.

Ron and I saw a bright white orb of light slowly float over his neighborhood one night a couple years ago. Too big to be a firefly and too close and low to be anything man made. It was just over the tree line - basketball sized. We never did figure out what it was, but now I think our neighbors are being visited by ETs. :-) Hopefully it's not a terrible abduction.

You don't have any weird sleep problems, do you?
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Re: a weird incident from 2011

Post by GregoryLionborn »

Falcon_Heart27: That's amazing! I never would have thought I'd have experienced something like that.

Starwitch: You know, those are some good points. It really makes me wonder. And that's very interesting about the neighbors! It doesn't sound like it would be man made to me either. Sounds like it's either friendly or at least curious, though.

And no, I'm pretty normal when it comes to sleep. :)
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Re: a weird incident from 2011

Post by Binglian »

Wow, that was very interesting experience. I am wondering if your brother is having the same dreams as well? I heard in Alien abduction, ET interactions and other UFO sighting, it often occurred as family. Usually, if one family member is having alien abduction or ET interactions, the other family member would have the same experience as well.
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