Aqu's Book of Shadows

Start your own thread named "[Name's] Book of Shadows" and add spells, rituals, correspondences, music, videos, etc. that you would like to keep for future use or share with others. Use as many posts as you'd like. It's not private, but at least your family won't see it. You can also get ideas from other people's Books of Shadows.
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Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Since I can't really have a physical one I figured I might as well make one here!

Blessed be,
Disparage all evil,
Succumb to all good
Let all traces of bad feelings trail away,
Blessed be.

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Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Blessing or Cleansing of home: Good results personally from bad spirits in my area.

[*] Lord and Lady, guard this entranceway, cleansing all who pass through it. Keep out any and all impurities, that those within this house may be protected by your light and love.

[*] Lord and Lady, guard this room, cleansing all who pass through it. Keep out any and all impurities, that those within this house may be protected by your light and love.

[*] Lord and Lady, let your light and your energy remain in all corners of this home, guarding it from any and all negativity. Protect all who dwell in here at all times.
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Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Personal Protections and Cleansing: Good when planning on working with spirits or Planning on communicating (in my case)

⦁ "I am here to cleanse and purify myself, to obliterate any negativity directed at me, that I may enjoy the peace, love and joy that lie around me."
⦁ "I surround myself with the white light of love and protection. It protects me from all directions: east, south, west, and north. As these flames burn bright and strong, so does the light of love and life burn bright and strong within me, keeping me from any harm."
⦁ "Surrounding me, I build a barrier of protection to support that barrier of light projected by these candle(s). Together may they guard me from any and all negativity now present or at any time in the future directed toward me. I ask this in the name of the Lord and Lady, knowing that in their love I am blessed. So more it be!"
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Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Prayer of Protection from a Book of Shadows quoted
⦁ By the power of the Goddess
Within me, Whom I serve, With all my body, With all my heart, With all my strength, I encompass me about
With the Divine Circle of Protection
Across which no human error dares set its foot.
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Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Words to help spirit(s) pass along:

Here we send our love and energies to help you pass across the bridge, into the light and into the arms of the Lord and the Lady. May your spirit burn as brightly as does this candle flame. You have touched many hearts in your time with us and we will miss you. Blessed be!
We wish you all the love and happiness we may. We will always remember you with love. You are always welcome at our circles. Do not forget us. We will meet again. So mote it be.
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Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »


Agate -Eases stress and pain of a loss. Reduces anxiety.

Amber- Fossils from pine tree resin, they add strength to magick and spells, attract love and increase beauty.

Amethyst - Increases spiritual awareness, used in all workings for peace, love, happiness and protection, used in divination and psychic work.

Apache Tears - Apache Tears are "transparent" black obsidian. It is said that these are the tears that Apache women cried when warriors did not return from battle. Simply hold them up to a light or the sun and you can see through them. Good for Protection, grounding, good luck, and they may used for divination.

Aventurine- Increases mental powers, perception and creative insight, gambler's stone.

Beryl - Attracts Deep Romance and Love.

Bloodstone - Increases physical strength and courage, brings victory in the courtroom, used to banish, exorcise.

Carnlean - Promotes self-confidence and peace, eases depression.

Clear Quartz - Holding or increasing energy

Coral - Protects against the evil eye, all spells intended to harm the wearer, natural disasters and unfortunate occurrences.

Diamond - Reconciling differences between those who have quarreled. This stone is said to symbolizes peace, fidelity and opulence.

Emerald - Precognition and the ability to see into the future. It is said to nurtures love and beauty, and turns all negative spells back to the sender.

Fluorite- Reduces emotional involvement, used to gain perspective, increase mental power.

Garnet - Enhances strength and endurance, protection, healing, enhances self-esteem and encourages success in business.

Hematite - Legal Matter, Victory, Healing

Jasper - Can protect from pain and guard one's independence. It is said to bring the wearer good fortune and protection from the controlling influences of others.

Jade - Good Luck, Protection from disease or Evil spirits. It is said to enhance one's occult powers. It presents serenity and immortality.

Lapis Lazuli - Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, psychic awareness, healing.

Lepidolite - A calming stone, this is carried for peace, spirituality and to drive off negativity.

Lodestone, Green - Draws money, employment, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings

Lodestone, Red - Draws love, friendship, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings

Malachite- Draws money and protection, guards wearer from danger

Moldavite- Form of Tektite. Made when meteorite hit the earth thousands of years ago,'s getting very rare, as it is only found in a small region of Russia. Said to have links to extraterrestrial energies and will greatly enhance the power of other stones. Brings you into communication with your higher self.

Moonstone - Draws love, hope and protection, promotes unselfishness and helps settle disputes, induces prophetic dreams.

Obsidian - Used for grounding and centering, divination, and increasing spirituality

Opal - Good luck, and extra mental powers

Petrified Wood - Good for past life work, nervous conditions, and grounding.

Rose Quartz - Draws love and happiness. Helps heal broken heart.

Ruby - Qualities of Power, Loyalty, and Courage

Sapphire - Radiate Gentleness and Peace. It is said that this stone helps bring Justice and truth to light

Sodalite - Used for meditation, brings wisdom and calms inner conflicts

Tiger's Eye - Draws wealth and money, protects travelers, increases clarity of thought.

Topaz - Give protection to warriors, has the qualities to put demons to flight and vanquishes the evil spells of sorcerers. Can be used for Divining purposes.

Turquoise - Believed to bring love and courage. It is said to be a protector against violence in thought and deed. Also good for reducing bodily and mental tensions.

Zircon - Attracts fame and fortune. It is considered to be a wishing stone. It is also a protector against accidents or natural disasters.

From :
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Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Communicating with Spirits

This has been very successful for me as well as I always get a response. I did find this online and ever since having faith in using them they are successful to me.

"Hermanubis, Keeper of the Gate,
Lord of the Hidden road between Life and Death,
I call upon you. Hermanubis, I summon you.
A follower of the Old Ways calls out to you.
Open the Gate between the Realm of the Living and the Realm of the Dead
for I would traffick with the Peaceful Departed"

Once I open up the portal, gate, etc, I follow with this to ensure the spirits feel comfortable speaking.
Deep breathe to cleanse.

"I call upon the Peaceful Dead.
If there are any among you who wish to speak with us this night
then be with us now in the sacred space.
Indicate your presence and readiness by moving the (key) to (place or Yes in my case)"
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 2:28 am

Re: Aqu's Book of Shadows

Post by aquuna »

Holy Water

Get a bowl of water and something to store it in when you are finished blessing it. Put your hands over the bowl of water and say:
"Holy Bastet, I cleanse this water of all negativity in this world and in the astral. I consecrate and regenerate this water in the name of Bastet."
Then hold you hands over the water and imagine a white (Color of purity) or green (Bastet's color) light flowing from your hands into the water. Then say:
"In the names of Bastet I ask for the blessings of love, harmony, and peace upon this water. Amen."
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