Giving back to the birds

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Giving back to the birds

Post by smogie_michele »

My fiance had the cutest idea and I love it, so I had to share it with you! He says he got the idea off of pinterets, so if you are looking for a picture I'm sure you could find it there :flyingwitch:

I knit and crochet very often, very rarely ever keeping any of my crafties for myself. I love to give them as gifts :) anyways, our house is almost always littered in little pieces of yearn that didn't quite make it into my projects. Well, Cody found something that looks like a small cage (maybe not the best word, but its all I got) that hangs from a chain (like a wind chime does). He stuffed it with all my little yearn pieces and hung it outside.

I asked him why he put it outside because I didn't quite get it, to which he responded, "You put a lot of love and energy into making your scarves and blankets. Birds will take pieces of yarn to make their nests, and when they do they will take your love and energy with them."

I thought is was an adorable thought and if I can ever get my camera to work I will post a picture. I was very pleased to thing that a little family of birds could make a home in my positive, loving energies :D smiley_dance
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Re: Giving back to the birds

Post by Firebird »

wow, that's so sweet of him...spread the love!
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Re: Giving back to the birds

Post by smogie_michele »

He's a dude's dude most of the time, but every once and a while he shows his softer side. He loves birds, so it was super cute.

OR he could be sick of me leaving my yarn scraps laying around and found a way to get me to clean up more often :P
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Re: Giving back to the birds

Post by Firebird »

What ever the reason, good for him :D better for you :D best for the birds :D

I wish more "dudes" would lighten up, but society has been telling them for a long time, Don't be a sissy, or cry or show any emotion...huh...other than anger.

I think leaving threads out is a great spring time activity that treats the beings of the Air element to some goodies.
One of our Priestesses left her hair in a bundle for the critters to nest with. (she had it all cut off before she started her cancer treatment)

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Re: Giving back to the birds

Post by smogie_michele »

That is a really sweet idea too!
When I was in school for hair design, we would stuff panty hose with hair and send it off to be used in cleaning up oil spills.

And I wish your priestess the best! Cancer is stressful for everyone involved.
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Re: Giving back to the birds

Post by Vesca »

The yarn idea is super-cute! I'm sure the birds will be thanking you for your gifts. :)
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Re: Giving back to the birds

Post by Firebird »

I'm Sorry to say Smoogie ...the Priestess passed into the arms of the Goddess in Aug of 2001. She was a very intriguing and controversial woman, she had made several bundles for the birds, using yarn and hair.

That's interesting about the oil, hadn't heard about that before. There are all sorts of uses for hair these days aren't there? Some I'm not all together comfortable with.
But I feel I distracted form the original intent of the thread which is the AWESOME fiance you have ::coolglasses:: give him a high five from me blue_flee
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