Why can't I feel plants souls?

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Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Maja »

Hi :-).
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to ask.
I believe everything to have a soul. Plants and trees too. Recently i started trying to feel the souls. I just can't feel anything. No vibrations, nothing.
Recently I took up Working with my guides, so I know how vibrations feel, since I feel something talking to my guides.
I'm new in all this, But I feel so drawn towards everything:-)
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by loona wynd »

I have difficulty with feeling the spirits within plants myself. Are you working with living plants or are they dried herbs?
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Maja »

Living ;-).
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Firebird »

When you say feel drawn towards everything, in what context?
My initial thought was if you are drawn to a plant, then it is speaking to you.
Since the energy is on a different level than our own, it is very subtle and reflects out in "plant speak".
I recently saw a news clip on trees notifying other trees that a destructive insect was coming into their grove, the trees were able to produce a chemical to deflect the insect. I look for the article and get back to you here, cuz I gotta go right now.
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Seraphin »

I'm an animist which means I believe non-human entities (animals, plants, stones, woods, inanimate objects, thoughts and phenomena), possess a spiritual force or essence. This essence is the true and real nature of the object, entity or phenomena. The visible or material part is merely used by the object as it's instrument or tool to gain experience with other entities and to evolve itself.

I think you should start in being aware of the energy emanating from everyone, everything or everywhere. Like for example, how does the room feel when no one is around? How does it feel when another person enters the room without you observing the person? Does the energy in the room change? Can you perceive the change? What is the change?

Now take a flower pot or any indoor plants you have. Place it on the room. Can you tell the difference when a room contains a living plant and when the plant is not there? Can you tell the type of energy radiating out of this particular plant? Can you tell the what kind of energy or emotions emitted by the leaves, the stems, the soil and can you distinguish the difference in the energy of each plants? At first you may not feel any difference at all, but by continued practice this will soon be distinct to you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hi Maja! I also believe that plants have an intelligence or consciousness that can be called a "spirit", but it is likely nothing like our own. I feel like the word "soul" implies a very specific kind of spirit, when in reality plants may be conscious in a way that is totally different from how we interact and perceive the world. So if you're working with plants, try to be as open as possible in what you are looking for when you try to sense their spirit.
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Well, I read a really helpful guide on this forum by... I can't remember their user, but it was how they talked to trees?

It's on here:

http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... t9522.html

But I did this outside and it really helped me connect. It felt very similar as to when I speak with other spirits. (: I ensured protection to myself first, of course, but I did find that guide to be really helpful.

You could always just go outside and sit hear a plant that you are drawn to, then try to listen to your feelings and see if you can pick up on anything?

It's all trial and error, to see what works best for you. (: Perhaps you could ask your guides for guidance as well? They might help you too! (:
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Mashiigwe »

Plants could be as varied as people. If you have poplar trees, maybe quaking aspen, go to one in the center of the grove and give it a big hug. They share a common root system, so the tree you are hugging is connected through the ground to it's sister trees. In a way, all of the poplars you see are part of the same tree... That you are joined to... that are joined throughout the ground you are all standing upon, to everything growing around you. Hopefully you can feel peace and safety while you are joined physically to everything around you. That is a way to embrace the plant spirits. Tobacco is used to give thanks and to awaken plant spirits so it could be a good thing to give an offering to them. As simple as placing a bit on the ground and saying... Thank you for sharing your space with me. Oh, it doesn't need to be anything other than pipe or hand rolling tobacco. I grow my own 'cause it's a nice plant for my garden.

Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by CoyoteFeather »

(This is an old post but I feel like pitching in) Like Seraphin said, I am also a animist. So I believe Plants, animals, objects, and phenomenons possess "souls" or soul like energies. Wether it be a tree or your refrigerator. Sometimes you do sometimes you don't. It also depends on your experience level. I'd try by focusing on a single individual plant and try coming back to it eveyday or often until you built something like a "soul bond"
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by Becks »

Maybe it's silly speaking to a very stale thread, but I'm wondering how the process of connecting with plant energy is going?

Seraphin Murmur had some great advice on the subject. I kind of just "tune in" through allowing space and feeling the opposite to know what the presence feels like a well, but maybe your way of connecting to the plant will be more cerebral? I agree with Firebirdflys in that plant energy is completely different and come come across as subtle if you are not used to working with the plant allies.

Have you tried taking a systematic or scientific approach to learning the spirit? It sounds crazy, but start with a single plant. Ask its permission to know it better. Look it up online or in books-is where does it live in nature? When does it bloom? How does it bloom? What are its uses? What kind of habitat does it like? Observe it, touch it, smell it etc. (be careful and observe safe practices when touching medicines-not all are safe for contact). Come to know its habits, uses preferences and associations and the spirit will begin to reveal itself to you.

A short and incomplete example would be the Western Red Cedar tree Thuja plicata. The red cedar is wide ranging on the Northwest Coast and likes the rainforest climate. It prefers its roots well moistened. The tree has a long straight grain and is prized for woodworking. Intense oils keep it healthy and long lasting. Cedar has been referenced in this forum many times. The tree has nurtured the coastal people: clothed, housed and helped to feed them since time immemorial. It truly is a miracle here and King in terms of helping the people. It has too many uses here for me to list. When it matures it does an amazing thing, hollowing out its inside and buttressing out. This becomes home to many animals. The cedar protect the salmon here and the salmon in turn fertilize the cedar. There are amazing studies on this. This trees' spirit has so much going for it and it is one of the kindest, most willing allies I have ever met. It's spirit is very conducive to partnership, and yet not at all showy.

I don't know if this helps, or may help anyone else, but perhaps you can come to see plant spirits though education about their roles and biology? I know it has helped me come to a deeper understanding each time I meet a plant, animal, stone etc.
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

Wrap your arms around a tree. Sit at its feet and talk to it. A big huge one. Adopt it as if it's a grandparent and speak to it. .. Sounds crazy but you will begin to feel it respond
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I know this thread is old, but after reading, I wonder if anyone has a feel for group spirit identities? I think I read in one of Bach's slimmer books on flower essence, that he said plants have a group spirit level, (and that may be in addition to individual spirits.) I have trouble connecting to an individual rose, but I can sense the overal rosiness, I have not made the link to discerning individual plants. I keep trying.

I can definitely connect to my individual cats and feel which one is staring at me behind my back, with intense "feed me", and I can see in their eyes if their feelings are hurt or if they are playful, or snuggly, or mad. There is nothing more distinct than a flaming, puce red aura on a cat that will attack another cat in the next second of it's life. Where I'm going with this is, I see plant auras and when I ask a plant if I can cut a portion to use, if I see a response, a brightening of the aura then I take that as permission to cut. No response is a no. That is the only way I can connect to small, individual plants.

I love the sound of the breeze in the trees. It is like laughter. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by cherrypie »

I always touch the mighty, moss-covered roots of a majestic beech in the forest I go to every day for a walk with my beloved dog. Very rarely it gives me somethign like energy, but most of the time I feel it sucking all the negative stuff out of me if I ask it to. Oask feel more "heady" for me, I feel their energy flowing to my head, but I prefer my dear old beech.
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by SpiritTalker »

In Raven Grimassi's Thorn Blooded Witch and Old World Witchcraft he mentioned using a few drops of liquid chlorophyl in water as an offering. It's like synthetic plant blood. Any drug store, or apothecary will stock it, and it's not expensive.
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Re: Why can't I feel plants souls?

Post by blue_moon »

I think - energy and vibration aren't always the same - intensity varies, the feeling it gives..

Few days ago i took a walk in the park where i grew up. There are certain trees i grew up with. I was so happy to see them and gteeted them with "hello tree" putting my palm on its old bark. I felt the energy tingling long before touching.

BUT plants don't always feel like that, trees don't always tingle. (And i don't always greet them)

Blue Moon
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