Eve_Requiem's Book of Shadows

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Eve_Requiem's Book of Shadows

Post by Eve_Requiem »

A place for me to post links, pictures, and whatever.
I also use this as a place to make quick notes when I don't have access to my physical BOS.
I'd appreciate it if no one commented on this thread, as it is for my personal notes.
If you have any questions/comments feel free to PM me :)

Re: Eve_Requiem's Book of Shadows

Post by Eve_Requiem »

Rune Stone Consecration

I'm making my own rune stones and learning how to read them.
I've collected all of the stones I'm going to use and promptly cleansed them by keeping them in cold water, sending them white light, and leaving the jar of water/stones on my windowsill at night.
The next step is to consecrate them, to make them as charged and accurate as possible.
I don't have access to any New Age stores or supplies, as I am still in my teenage years and prefer to keep my magick workings to myself.
I go on lots of walks with my dog, and tend to collect things that I find and use them in my magick workings.
Most of my spells contain only things I can get my hands on myself.
Here is my recipe for consecrating things used for divination or scrying:

Whole Mexican Buckeye Nuts:
Found on the Mexican Buckeye tree, they are often used in jewelry to summon good luck and fortune
I use these to ensure good luck of the working of my stones.
*These are poisonous. If you decide to use any for any reason, be sure not to ingest and keep out of reach of children or pets.*

Dandelion Petals:
Used to induce good luck, protection, and happiness.
I like to use dandelions to make all readings positive, and to ensure that the futures I read are safe and full of joy.

Crushed Juniper/Cedar Berries:
Have cleansing properties, and often used to consecrate scrying objects to ensure psychic ability.
These are often used in the consecration of psychic and predictive objects, and I like to use them in most of my consecration rituals for good measure.
*In my area, Juniper trees are called Cedar trees, causing much confusion. They are ultimately the same thing (as far as I can tell) and have similar properties and uses. Either one works fine.*

Put all of these in a jar of water, put in the stones, and stir gently (I like to use the tip of my wand for this (It too is from a Mexican Buckeye tree, and I have the tip of it wax-coated for this purpose).

Seal and place in front of a windowsill for however long you feel like. Make sure it has plenty of access to sun and moonlight.
When you are done consecrating, make sure to dump the water out at the base of a tree (preferably one you like, as it will be full of your energy and can be quite a bonding experience) or somewhere else where it can go back to nature.
Run the stones under cold water, and cleanse the jar before using it for another purpose

Now, you can paint/etch the stones and charge them as you please

Re: Eve_Requiem's Book of Shadows

Post by Eve_Requiem »

Hot Compress to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

1 part ginger (powdered preferably, grated if fresh.)
1 part cayenne pepper (prepared similarly)

Pour these spices onto a washcloth and fold.
Bring water to a boil (or desired temperature) and dip the washcloth into it.
Strain the water and place damp rag onto affected area.
When it cools down enough to touch, I like to unfold this and apply the herb paste directly to my skin. Ginger and Cayenne can irritate some skin, so if yours is sensitive leave it folded.

Not exactly "magical", but certainly can be if you've ever experienced menstrual pain!
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